What's Your Mood? V2.

Mood: Good

Reason: Other than falling out with my mother (I swear she's such a fucking child sometimes) Last night turned out to be really fun xD Oooh and the STUPID bint that decided to tell some barefaced LIES about me and Kelly, confronted her and demanded and appology which we got, I was FUMING xD

But other than that the night was awesome, some dude said something suggestive to me and I was like, Id rather never have sex again thatn go near a twat like you, Kelly almost DIED laughing, then taht daft bint said she was staying (she'd practicaly pulled, but has a GF ), and I was like no youre fucking NOT Grabbed her and took her home....detour to the kebab shop, and she got another Kelly special lecture, I was on a roll last night xD

Was on the dance floor half the night aswel, it was so much fun, and that fucking trannie flashed his balls at me again D:

Im abit delicate this morning but other than that all is good xD
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Mood: angry
Reason: i cant seem to revise and its a 3 day weekend!!! (bank holiday)
Mood: Annoyed, angry, tired and worn out.

My mind isn't functioning at the moment at all. Can't concentrate on my essay and it isn't just FFF's fault :P.
Also I was reminded yet again yesterday just how draining my friends are in telling me their life stories all over again which I have already heard 300 times and tried to help them with, despite there not actually being anything I can do. It really wouldn't be bad if I felt I had at least one reciprocal friendship. All my RL friends are drainers. Talk to me when they want comfort and don't even listen to what I have to say a lot of the time.
So I sometimes overdo it here, and then I look like a pillock. There I've explained myself. Forgive poor Argor.

Just gonna chill out tonight and tomorrow since we're off, scored an absolute peach of a goal in 5 a side earlier and I have the house to myself since the mother has gone to work so I can do what I like when I like. :awesome:
Good, but hacked off.

Trying to dye my hair bright blue. Not going so good. Bleach yesterday made my hair go ginger. But after dyeing twice today it's just like dishwater blond. Bah. Hopefully once the blue's put on, it'll be worth it. On a brighter side, I'm really enjoying playing FFVI and FFVII again, it's making me remember a load of things I'd forgotten. xD
Mood:Not good. I am not good because I drank too much last night and Im feelin like shit. If it were not for that sb conversation I would have not drank at all. Also 4 day weekend is over so now its back to school for another month and then im done. I also feel quite like only some people care for me here. Wheres all the good friends I had here? What happened?
Pressured and afraid. Mainly because my web design assessment was due today and I woke up late. :gasp: I'm so going to fail it. And I haven't even done it yet, and I should, but I want to play FFX. Dangnammit!
Mood: Alright

Today's my last day off and I have done absolutely nothing but sit in front of this computer and drink all weekend. <_<

The only thing I got done was my music video and even that was only half complete when I uploaded it. XD

I should tidy the house or something but... nah. Can't be stuffed to be honest. Might go watch some more Family Guy though.

If the shops are open I might go buy some lunch food for work with whatever money I'm willing to spare. <_<

BUT WOOTAGE for only 4 days of work this week. XD
Mood: Buzzed

Reason: Because I am edging Closer And closer to 100 Posts!!!!!! What better reason to be buzzed You tell me? And Also Am going to Liverpool tomorrow for the Annual Merseyside tournament
Tired ;_;

It's like half 8 on a bank holiday Monday and I'm awake, there's something wrong with me. :gasp: I wouldn't mind had I had something to do, but since I've got no college work and nothing's open on a bank holiday there's nothing to do whatsoever. Plus, I'm not one of those people who can go back to sleep once they've woken up >.>
On the other hand, at least I can have a lazy day >.>
Mood: Bored

I have plenty of things to do and yet I'm bored. <_< I'm too lazy to do anything but sit here to be honest. I've been saying this all weekend and I'm getting annoyed with myself now. <_<

The only thing I've done is tidy the kitchen a bit and make some of my lunch for tomorrow.


I need motivation!

I was reading that 'Hobbies' thread before in 'The Meeting Room' and I realised just how lazy I am. :gasp:

I don't have hardly any hobbies. I just do stuff on the internet all day. That's not good enough! What if my computer crashes or blows up?!

I'll be bored as hell!

I need to start learning my guitar and keyboard and do something interesting with my life. Learn some real skills. XD
Moderately happy.

Managed to win a friend in a game. Among my friends, this one happens to be one of the better players, and to win him was really, by skill, though it's a fact he did made several wrong moves there.

And now, back to serious revision for my upcoming examinations, so, it pulls that mood down, but hey, it still feels great.

I bought shorts the other day that were too big so i took them back and got them exchanged for a medium :) Waiting for the bus home, i got asked for 30p for the bus by some junkie lassie, of course i told her she wasnt gettin 30p then she said she was gonna get her 'man' down to the bustop xD
When my bus arrived she wouldnt let me on, she kept standin in front of me. So i pushed her out the way and the cheeky cow swung for me and hit me on the side of the head :lol: Theres always one :wacky: least i got on the bus though.
That made me laugh xD Those fucking junkies eh? :wacky:

I'm generally bored, which I know I would be since nothing's open on a bank holiday, I have college tomorrow which I cba with, it's like, if you're only revising then what's the point in going really? I could revise at home anyway >.>
So yeah, I could keep rambling on and on I'm that bored >.>
Mood: Hitting my head against the Wall

Reason: I just figured out I had 2 exams instead of just one today. I read yesterday on the the Ole Miss website that we had 2 on TUESDAY! not Monday, but today I figured out I have 2. I haven't studied much for this java 2 class, but hopefully I'll do well.

On top of things another graduation to attend this weekend along with getting all my health insurance forms filled out for work. Fulltime next Monday... So effin stressed.
Mood: Shocked!

Reason: I just found my collectors edition of the Resident Evil 2 graphic novel (comic) stashed away in my wardrobe under all sorts of clutter and still in mint condition (kept in a protective wallet) along with a pile of 2000 AD collectors editions with the strontium dog pull out poster issue still in tact.....

I didnt think id ever see them again, as when stuff goes missing in my house its normally lost forever!

I woke up at like 4pm today as I really needed to catch up on my sleep, but it's really thrown me off balance. I've had no idea what I'm doing all day, and things...just feel odd =/ I don't know. It's weird.
Mood: Fine I guess :|

Well, I only managed to get to sleep at 1.30 am this morning, despite it being college too, I soo cba going in today but I have to, and it's only a two lesson day so it's not that bad unless they ninja me with new classes. <_<
I hate mornings ¬__¬

I have to walk to town to get to college too, only takes about half an hour but again, cba >.>

I'll just get on with it, but it just so happens I have two of the most boring lessons today xD
Spreadsheets and Computer Systems, joyyyyyyyyy >_>

and I have to be off, like now, or i'll be late <_<

*scuttles off*
Mood: :woot:

I got 1 and a half hours sleep last night after working pretty much the whole day on completing my annoying sodding little essay I've worked on for ages which still for some crazy reason took until like now to complete. :gasp:.

I've now got to hand it in, fighting my desire to hug anything that surrounds me and enter Argor-sleep for a few hours.

This means I've got to get out of my house and travel on the train, where the risk of falling asleep is multiplied by 10! :O

Also, I'm ill, so i really needed an early night last night. My temperature is really high. You could cook food on the heat from my stomach. So today is probably going to be a load of epic fail to be honest. :sad2:
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Mood: Bored

Because it's Teusday and it's 10 in the morning And I have No money til friday!!!
So it looks like I'll be stuck of the internet all day And it's Raining so I dont really want to go out :/
