What's Your Mood? V2.

mood: happy
reason: after bank holiday monday, its good to see my friends again. plus, its 2 of my friends b-day today!!!
Mood: Irritated

Reason: STILL not feeling 100% on my period and its RAINING, and I have t go out. Fucking sucks. I need juice nad milk, otherwise I wouldnt bother, I hate not being able to have a cup of tea, I KNEW i shoulda got this shit from the shop yesterday or whenever it was I went....bah
Mood: Happy!

Well yesterday I get this gay letter in the mail saying that we haven't paid our last electricity bill and that it's really overdue and what not. Only because we just moved and changed address and they obviously only just sent the damn notice and the original bill went to the old place.

Anyway so I go to transfer money over to pay for it this morning (before I left for work) and I find that my ***** **** money is in the bank. XD

(A payout we got if we did our tax last year.)

So here I was with an extra grand in my bank account and so freakin' happy. XD

Put it into my savings and paid the damn electricity with no worries at all!
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Mood: Hungry

I keep eating heaps lately. <_< Yesterday I had lunch at 4pm. Then I went over to mums and had pasta bake for dinner at around 5:30pm and then I went home and had more dinner which was pizza at around 9:00pm.

3 Massive meals in the space of 5 hours! I'm not a big girl either from those who have seen my pics! I don't know where the hell that food went. XD I must of had hollow legs that night.

And yeah I'm hungry again but I think I shouldn't eat as much as I did yesterday again though. XD

I stayed up watching Taylor Swift. I don't mind her. but yeah, i did.
Mood : Relaxed.

I love not having to go in until half 11. It's amazing. I'm all rested for once.

My hair's finally back to a normal, nice colour - Black/Blue. "Just bleach it!" she said "It'll turn white!" she said "Then you can put blue hair dye on" she said.


I never got to dyeing it blue, because the fecking bleach turned it orange. And then a second packet turned it bright yellow -__-

So the next time someone says "you can always bleach your hair!" I'm going to punch them.
Mood: Tired

Reason: I've had a fairly long day. I had to wake up early to get to uni where I had four straight hours of shit ahead of me. Then I went to the gym and a few hours after that I went to acrobatics. I got home about an hour ago and I have spent the past hour sorting out when my Uni shit is due.
Mood: Ok

Reason: I was so pissed off and emotional yesterday, periods suck, I sat and had a good cry to armageddon to get it out of my system, not that it did any good mind, I still felt like crap, Im not as bad today thankfully, I fucking hate hormones, just went out and had a wander and now Im feeling abit sleepy
Mood: Good
I've just finished doing a mock history question was pretty easy, although I a)don't agree we should be having mocks this close to exams since it's not helpful whatsoever and b)I'd much rather be looking over notes and revising than doing pointless mocks. But the fact it was easy made me happy.

I have a Psychology one to do for tomorrow which shouldn't take all that long, I love the way our Psychology got some British Psychology award making her one, if not the best college Psychology teacher in the country and is Vice President of the European Psychology....something or other. It makes you feel that little bit better. :awesome:
Angry again.

I cant believe how much revision i've missed because of this. its too addictive!
Mood: Tired

I didn't get much sleep last night and then I had the worst nightmare this morning before I woke up.

Been thinking about it all day and haven't been able to concentrate much at work. It's so busy at the moment and customers are so damn stupid.

One rang me back today and asked me to take a buckle off one of the other shoes so that she could put it on the pair she bought that had one missing. o_0

'Um no.' Come back and exchange them or something. I'm not effing around with a pair of shoes trying to get a stupid little buckle off them!

So yeah I'm rather irritated as well I suppose.

Oh well, only one day left and I'm back on my weekend.

Going to see if I can get my tattoo booked in this weekend as well! =D
Mood: Lazy

Reason: I'm in that mood where I have to do something, I want to do something, there is nothing holding me back from doing it, but for some reason I can't be stuffed doing it at the moment.

...and the "thing" I am talking about at this point in time is my homework. I want to get it out of the way while I have the time, yet I cannot find the motivation to start it.

It's Friday tomorrow which is our last Friday until the exams which is good since bar the 3 hours free I have in the morning Fridays are dire since it's far too easy to lose concentration. And I have nothing to do tonight so I'll have a relaxing evening just watching TV, although I may do something GFX-ey depending if I can be arsed >.>
Mood: Motivated

Reason: Well I finished exams on Tuesday, I go full time next week and starting yesterday I quit smoking for my 2 billionth time. Also starting yesterday I worked out for the first time in 3 months.

My plan is to put myself as through as much pain and agony as my body can take until I get back into shape. It will be relatively hard with having a bum knee from soccer, but I'm going to try without getting reinjured. So I started my diet:

208.8 (was 218 last january)
3-4 miles on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays..
Tuesdays and Thursdays arms days
Friday = break day.

Yesterday was a success so I'm pumped to do arms today.. I just hope this time I don't bulk up to much, I want speed over power.
Mood: Slightly irritated

Reason: Was up and out early, went to the docs etc, hjad to wait an HOUR to get seen just to get poked at and told if im still feeling poo in a few weeks to make another appt, oh yay, how I enjoy sitting in the doctors

was also gunna meet Linz and so summat with the kids, but it decided to RAIN, so now Im at home putting off the housework coz I CANT BE FUCKING ARSED, wishing it was a reasonable hour to start drinking ¬.¬
Mood: Tired

I just got home from my best mates house and now I'm really tired.

I had only just gotten home when she messaged me and asked me to come over. So I've been on the ball non-stop all day long since 9am.

But now I'm back in my PJ's and ready to snuggle up on the lounge to watch some DVD's.

I have loads to do this weekend as well. I can't wait in a really weird way. :wacky:
Fucking awesome:awesome:

Its the weekend finally and im off on holiday on monday, 7 nights in the sun. Cant wait im headin out 2mor to get new shoes and stuff maybe a few other things, then any money leftover is gettin spent on a pub lunch and some drinks. Iv already got my spending money exchanges so im sorted and ready to go :)