What's Your Mood? V2.

Mood: Tiiiired

Reason: I coukld sleep on a clothes line, Ive been out of it alllll fucking day, bet I cant get to sleep come bed time though , story of my life. Jsut feeling generally sluggish today. In a decent mood just, tired :gasp: Also, ive decided i need to tone up, I hate the flabby bits so im trying to do sit ups everyday, got to 20 and started struggling, thought i was DYING time i hit 40, so i gave up, did 52 a couple hours later and Ive been aching all fucking day today, im so out of shape xD Did anothe r50 earlier, again, thought I was dying, too much iek hard work, but alas, i want that firm tum

I literally have nothing to do >.>, I hate Wednesday's they're so boring, it's like the middle of the week and no one does anything in the middle of the week like...ever. I should be going out tomorrow night for a sesh but I have exams on Friday which basically stops that -__-
Lazy and Tired

I just got back from a friend's house a few minutes ago, so I reaaalllly don't feel like doing any chores or homework right now, even though I know I need to =/ I didn't get that much sleep last night either, thanks to my dog, so all I feel like doing atm is catching up on my beauty sleep.
Pretty good.

Despite Thursdays normally sucking, I thought today was great. I got 38/40 on two History mock exam questions, and you need 33/40 to get an A, so I'm well impressed with myself. xD

Pretty lazy day really. History, Law and English Lit were just revision lessons, and they sucked less than previously anticipated.

We're on study leave so it's all good and means I can do revision in my own time rather than sit at college and do it, plus, revision at college is pointless, you might as well do it at home anyway and if you need to see your teacher just email them saying you're coming in >.>

I had my English Lit exam today which was a piece off piss if I'm quite honest, and Psychology exam wasn't as easy but it was still pretty easy on the whole :)
Mood: Meh

Reason: Well it's the weekend, but this also means my parents are coming into town to discuss finances. I recently got a full time job with the current company I've been working with, and since my father is a CPA (personal accountant) he wants to go over my budget and spending. Car insurance/Health insurance/establishing residency.. and all the lovely rest. So I'm not looking forward to it, but I will deal with it so I can get over it.
Mood: Annoyed

Tonight has been planned since the beginning of the year and it would have to be this week that I pick up a freakin' cold.

I won't be able to drink as much, and I'll probably want to leave early when it starts to get cold out.

Haven't been on here much this week I noticed due to being sick. I couldn't look at the computer screen after doing it all day at work. And I didn't have the energy to look through any of the topics.

Just felt like crap really.

Hopefully all goes well tonight. I really want to enjoy myself!

Today's been a long long long day. Firstly, two hour mock Law exam in the morning, and although it's made me slightly more confident about the real thing, it was still really draining. Followed by double English Lit is just exhausting. Hung out at my girlfriends for a few hours before her driving lesson, and went round my Grandmas with my mother and brother too.

I don't know, I've just had very little...me time today. I just want to like, shut off and not have to give a crap about anyone else for a little while x_x

Bah. Hopefully I'll feel better after my long lie in.

And, on the plus side, Eurovision's on tomorrow, and the girlfriends coming round my house. Should be a great night ;D
Mood: not too bad

Reason: I was arseholed at Kellys last night, threw up in the sink, agaaaain, its becoming a bad habit that, woke up at about 8ish feeling half dead Kelly was fresh as a daisy, fucking cow AND shes booked a holiday today, how gutted am I , ive been stuck in this bastard country FAR too long

Had a good night though, linzi came round too and we lol'd at how drunk our other mate gets (hypcrite inoerite) Eventually dragged my arse to my mums, met kelly again, went for dinner at asda and bught new fishes

waiting for asda man to bring me my shopping now, he's bringing wine, hair of the dog is on th eagenda tonight
Mood:bored I am bored because Most of all my Xbox 360 games are unreadable and are pissing me the hell off. Lost Odyssey and Star Ocean TLH seem to be the only ones in my rpg collection that do not freeze up. Infinite Undiscovery and Last Remnant are some games I want to play but the stupid unreadable disc shit comes up!!! I tried playing Halo again and I truly do suck at it. I used to be so good but Now I dropped 2 ranks down so I fucking suck and cba to get My 47 back. Fuck getting 50 its impossible.
Mood: Lazy

This weekend has yet again gone too fast. I really should use what's left of it wisely but as always I can not be bothered moving. <_<

I'm too lazy for my own good. Why do I even look forward to the weekends anymore. <_< I don't do anything with them.

I may go down to the shops and get some lunch food for the week and then go to the fish and chip shop near our house for lunch today. They have the best fish and chips ever. XD The gravy is kickass too!!!
Mood: Amused

Reason: Just lolling at my drunken behaviour xD im hungover to fuck, was up til dawn AGAIN last night, im well due an early night :gasp: Ive got yet another bruise i have no idea where it c ame from, but i DO remember falling off my chair....
Mood - Relaxed

Stuuuudy leave. I love it. Only got two exams this week, and then I don't have to worry about a thing, since after the English Literature Exam and the Law exams, I don't have History until June, and I'm fairly confident I can do really well in History. It's just nice that for once, I don't have to worry about getting up and out on a Monday morning. Lie-ins ftw!
Mood: Satisfied :suki:

XD. Haven't been that satisfied in a while. XD

Besides that just found out that some guy from my highschool is now a pre-reg where I work. <_< (Pharmacist in training)

DAMMIT!!! He wasn't very nice to me in higschool and now I guess I have the upperhand...but when he starts there full time he'll be earning more than me. <_<

BASTARD!!! Find your own damn pharmacy to work at. XD
Mood: Fuck My Life

Reason: I somehow lost £10 in between withdrawing it from the cash point outside and reaching the counter. Looked for it but ofcourse it was nowhere to be found. Was my last tenner so had to use my card and rape my overdraft even more than it already has been. Gah I'm so skint this week it's ridicules, fuck knows how im actually going to eat properly

And the weather is shit. Sucks 'cos I was well up for a game of Frisbee after a weekend of losing money, decapitations, bizarre brummies, sheep and even more rain.

AND, to add insult to injure, I wake up today to find a sea of washing up and condom wrappers. Fucking housemate and his cunting Jay'lss weekend binges.
Mood: Frustrated

Reason: Well after having a crappy day where everything was all gloomy and just down right annoying things started to look up when I began working on my newest video. Sadly however, things got sour. My WMM started freezing on me for no reason so now it is making it near impossible for me to finish the video. Which has in turn made my head come in contact with my desk multiple times, which equals a very frustated me.

Happy :-)

We're on study leave so all I have to do really is revise since we've got this week off, then next week (half term) and then the week after that off in which I only have to go to college 3 times within those weeks for my exams. Plus, I bought Killzone 2 for £22 which is a bargain imo...and I just had a lovely dinner :awesome:
Mood: Average

Reason: so very tired today, Ellies been paddying and got sent to bed early, my head feels all muggy, had a fun afternoon, just been feeling abit glum, I blame the slow recovery and lack of sleep from drinking too much over teh weekend, fuckign weathers been shite aswel

It's 5am and I'm still awake x_x It's not dark outside anymore and the fucking birds have been singing for about an hour now. I want to shoot them. I have to get up again in a few hours to go down town, and I really can't be bothered to spend the rest of the day revising. Plus my English Lit exam is on Wednesday morning so if I'm tired for it that would totally suck ><
Tired and a bit gutted

Back from holiday, ive no sleep at all in over 24 hours. Ive just been on planes, busses and cars. Coming back here was a nightmare, i just wanted to stay there forever, the thought of coming back was just horrible so im a bit gutted that home. On a plus side though, i can have some proper bacon now that im home.