What's Your Mood? V2.

Mood: Alright

Had an alright day at work today. No one was in my area. They were either sick or just had their day off, so that meant I actually got some work done for once. <_<

Just got home with some movies from the DVD store and just finished off the KFC burger I had left over from lunch.

Now to wait for my sexy man to come home so he can make me a Jack and Coke so we can watch movies together. XD

Reason: Insomnia is fucking me RIGHT off, this not being able to sleep lark when im TIRED is really beginning to do my head in, if I can be arse, and stop feeling sluggish anytime soon, Il have a wander out and try to find something that can help me sleep, a sledge hammer springs to mind -_-

I need a holiday
Mood: Tired and Annoyed

I had a little nap before with Steve. I just got out of the shower and saw that the time is 11pm. v_v

I haven't even had dinner yet, which Steve is currently cooking. I really wanted to watch a movie tonight too, but it's too late now. =(

Screw this working every day Monday to Friday shit. I want a freakin' life! I'm sick of wasting my life slaving away at a computer when I could be out fishing or holidaying in the Caribbean. <_<

Whoever the hell said that we should work 5 days a week is a dipshit. v_v
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Mood - Great!

My English Literature exam went excellently I thought. I managed to write nine pages in two hours ^^ and the 42 mark question she gave us in the mock exam was the one they picked for the real exam! Excellent!
Mood: tired

Reason: went into Ashton, things to do, but I like power walked all the way there and back so Im knackered, had McD's aswel, I was feeling lazy, so at leaST I can just mong out for the evening now. Managed to FINALY get a decent nights sleep, even though it w3as a late one I wasnt half fucking exhausted though, yesterday was a bitch -_-
Mood: Freaked out!

I've already posted this in La Primavera, but some of you obviously can't read it there.

One day I get a message out of the blue from my boyfriends mate. We'll call him freaky guy for now. <_<

He asked me my last name.

Considering I have only ever messaged him once just to invite him to me and Steve's party I was confused and thought he didn't mean to message me.

So I text him back and said, "It's Smith, assuming you meant to message me."

He then said, "Yeah I did. Oh and I broke up with my girlfriend etc."

I was like: o_0. I thought okay this is weird. He isn't really my friend. He's Steve's friend and he hadn't even told Steve yet.

He then continued to text me about this girl and how the broke up and such.

I told Steve about it and he was weirded out.

Anyway just today I get another message from him asking if I have a facebook. <_< I may have overreacted and assumed he was trying to get 'that' kind of attention from me, but I still told Steve.

Steve is like, "WTF is he hitting on you? I've already beat him up once before. I don't want to have to do it again."

I feel bad for overreacting possibly, but if this guy is intentionally trying to get 'that' kind of attention from me, then I really wanted to make sure Steve knew from the start about it, instead of hiding it from him and making it look all suss. <_<

I didn't reply to the text. I just pretended to never get it. It's just weird that he is texting me like this after never speaking to him unless Steve decided he wanted to catch up with him.

So yeah there's my eventful day. XD
Mood: Pissed

Reason: I don't know what the heck's wrong with me. I'm very uncomfortable physically and emotionally. Also, I have two flash drives that have the same Trojan virus in it (so obvious since it duplicated all my folders and have the extension name of .exe) but IT CAN'T IDENTIFY IT. It just scans right past it. -__- Fabulous.
Also, I have two flash drives that have the same Trojan virus in it (so obvious since it duplicated all my folders and have the extension name of .exe) but IT CAN'T IDENTIFY IT. It just scans right past it. -__- Fabulous.

Save your PSD files as if worse comes to worse you may have to format your computer before you can save them ;_;

Anyways...tired, and I really can't be arsed with the Law Exam tomorrow, it's not even going to be difficult, I just generally can't be arsed with it. But at least it's only for an hour an a half...I mean, delegated legislation, precedent and legal profession are like the easiest things to learn like...ever >.>

At least after that exam tomorrow I don't have another one until June 2nd. :awesome:
Feelin good

Todays been a good day, ive lounged about my bedroom played about on photoshop. Had some good news today aswell which put a smile on my face. I was out last night for my friends birthday, it was a good laugh but there were a lot of people fighting which is unusual for a wednesday night. Got a little drunk, was a litttle hungover today, but it was nowt major, so im happy :D
Mood: Alright

Reason: Insomnias still a bitch, but I'm in a decent mood, I don't feel as low as I have been so Im sure summats around the corner to kick me in the teeth xD Also, letter recieved this morning, got an induction for a job, if that goes well, interview to follow, only probem i s its at 9am on a Saturday morning -_-

I burnt my bastard finger on my straightners aswel which sucked, Ive got a lovely bastard blister
Mood - Stressed

I've got two Law exams tomorrow, so I'm at college until 4:30, and I'm totally freaking out. It's pissing me off because, in theory, Law is an easy subject and I should be getting an A - at least that's what my Law teacher has predicted. However, the aforementioned Law teacher sucks, and only 3 people passed the January exam with a C or higher. They say lightning never strikes twice, but I don't know...

Hopefully after tomorrow I'll be fine. Since after my two Law exams I've only got two History exams left. And History is the easiest subject of all time. Ever. Love History.
Mood: Pretty freakin damn awesome. Well my copy of Bleach Heat The Soul 6 FINALY arrived for Playasia.com. Yes it is a great game with 56 freakin characters plus there zanpakuto releases makes a total of 74. Also School is almost out just 1 more week but then I got exams so I better get studying. Well now I am ADDICTED to Bleach Heat The Soul 6!!
Mood: Happy as a pig in shit

REason: day started off SHIT, STILL ned to go in the bank in the morni gn to cance my bank card (again) and order a new one (again) but alas, Ive had my wine, scoured the house for £3.15 and managed to get a bottle, it was a drama and a half let me tell you, automated fuckers, ima play merry hell when i go to the bank tomowwor, but never fear, im in an EPIC mood
Mood: Tired

I went to bed at 2am this morning and woke up at 11pm and then went back to sleep for another hour, but I still feel buggered.

I had to go out and do some shopping for my party tonight and it freakin' rained again.

Bastard weather it is. <_<

It had better stay fine like it is at the moment and not rain anymore or I'll be really angry and sad. >_<
Mood: Bleh

Reason: Leave for work in about an hour. It's bank holiday weekend so I'm going to be rushed off my feet today ... and tomorrow ... and Monday. Not something I'm particularly looking forward too. I just want to give me feet some time to recover. D= But nope... no recovery time for the new girl just yet. x_x
Mood: Not really sure. Anger, hatred, sorrow, and pain all in one I suppose.

Just got one of the worst calls in my entire life. My little brother, 17 years old, was just hit by some fuck head drunk driver and as of right now from my mother, "I don't know what is going on right now. They don't know if he will make it." So i am pissed some drunk fuck would do that, and if I get my hands on him he is a dead drunk fuck, on top of that my boss just wants to be a dick on the phone right now cause I am calling him and telling him I am not working my shift this weekend cause I have a 3 hour drive to get to where my mom and bro are at right now. Also in a frantic rush to find my keys and get the wife up at the same time.
ILL X____X

Full of the cold, blocked nose, sore ears and a dry throat. Haha its quite typical though innit, you come back from holiday where its hot. Step into Britain and a few days later yer bogged down with the friggin cold :lol: im not complainin though as at least its came now and not a week ago, im back at work on monday, so, yayy theres something to look forward to ¬.¬ aye right. I was wantin to go out today aswell but im not really feelin up to it ><
Mood: Knackered

Reason: Running on no sleep, but coulndt sleep for shit, decided to go out fopr abit, was out til like, dinner time and didnt do a single productive thing :gasp:
Gav was up early too, so he camer and picked me up at half 8 xD

we just sat monging out watching the qualifiers, well done Jensen, bad luck lewis

Gunna be a mong day today I think, might go for a nap actually
Depressed. :'(

I saw my ex today at the grocery store, and I went up to him to say hi... And he completely ignored me...as if I wasn't even there... I gave him everything I had for the two years we were together...