What's Your Mood? V2.

Impatient, hungry and pained.

Downloading Perfect World, and despite my fast internet it refuses to hurry up :vikki: I had to walk in the rain back home, and my back hurts. The only good thing is that I have an assignment for LOTR, a movie poster. But I need to download Photoshop for that, which will take time. And I'm so sick of downloading shit that takes a million years :vikki:
Mood: Feh

Reason: Came on my period again, like TWO WEEKS BREAK, Grrr, got my bank card now though, won't lose this one -_- The weathers fucking shit aswel, AND im tired. Bah. Need to go to the shop but its pissing it down, so i think its gunna be one of those slobbing around in my pj's days....got some hoovering to do aswel.......ughhhhh, need to stop putting that off there was a GINORMOUS spider the other day and I think Its cioz Ive been lazy and not hoovered D:
Mood: Jived
Reason: Stoned off my nipples and just listened to a God Machine album for the first time. Trippy times. Housemates uncle is putting in some new doors and lockes on our bathroom so no annoying ginger kids can walk in and insist on having a piss. Plus later I shall be seeing the new Star Trek film everyones o'so bumming about. Not entirly sure if I'm happy with having to walk to Tesco's and back in this weather for shopping though but meh.
Mood: Nervous

Reason: Tomorrow's my surgery.. For my four wisdom teeth. :gasp: It won't come out properly since it's growth is horizontal so they have to slice it open and then take it out by force. ... I think I just scared myself. >_____>

I feel really ill. It's not flu, and it's not the cold. I just feel bad. My stomach hurts, my head hurts, and I'm tired all the time. It's awful. I think I just need one good night of sleep tbh. x_x
Awessome :awesome:

Quick day at work, which feels great seeing as the previous days have all been slow. Its almost the weekend, cant wait :awesome: Also going to be booking another holiday to turkey again in september :D i cant wait. Turkey better be prepared once more. Woo
Mood: Calm.

I've been sleeping a lot better lately than normal. Usually I'd get about 5 hours sleep a day, or sometimes it's worse and I get none and end up conking out on a coma all day, and getting up at dinner. >_> But I got 13 hours last night, up early, feeling good. Good day so far. :)
Mood - Weird.

I said I was feeling ill yesterday, and I was. But I think I was just dehydrated. I've decided, in order to sort out my completely fucked up sleep cycle, I'm going to have to stay awake all day today and then sleep until the wee hours of tomorrow morning. I figure if I fall asleep at about 3-4pm, I can grab 12-14 hours out of that, and force my body clock back to normal. I'm bloody sick of waking up at 5pm every sodding day and going to bed at 6am every morning. It's just not right.
Mood: Nervous

Reason: Tomorrow's my surgery.. For my four wisdom teeth. :gasp: It won't come out properly since it's growth is horizontal so they have to slice it open and then take it out by force. ... I think I just scared myself. >_____>

I may have to have that soon. =(

I got braces in highschool and then just last year the orthodontist told me that in order for my teeth to stay straight, I will have to have an operation to take out my four wisdom teeth by slicing my gums open and digging them out. >_<

They haven't even shown any sign of coming through yet but they said it's better to do it before they start moving my nice straight teeth around. <_<

Good Luck!


Mood: Tired

I had a long day today. Some old bag came in and declared to everyone that she may have swine flu. <_<

I'm like, "Why the fuck are you out and about infecting everyone then you inconsiderate bitch!"


I reckon she was just trying to get attention, but if she's serious I hope to God I don't get it.

I wasn't actually near her at the time considering I work out the back of the store in the office, but the lady who did talk to her came out to me and told me.

So she better not have it. <_<

Anyway I'm off to bed.
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Mood: Good

Reason: Bank card number 5 ( :wacky: ) arrived today, and it actually WORKS, finally got access to money, woo, had ANOTHER wander into Ashton, needed toiletries, bought a fancy new razor with a bikini thingy on the end, seen it on the ads and been eyeing it up, and it was half price so I was well avin it

Also had a wander up the road to locate the reception of the place I'm having my assessment thing, and I kinda know where I'm going,I couldn't quite see the sign to read where the reception act ually was but at least its sign posted thats enough for me xD

I'm not going to lose/break this bank card either -__-
Mood: Worried + Bored

My exams have ended and I begin to celebrate 3 months of holidays, but I'm worried. And not about the results but my actions during the summer. I know I might be going to America but that's uncertain. I don't want to spend my holidays posting in random forums like a perosn who doesn't have a social life outside the internet.
Mood - Weird.

I finally woke up before noon. I'm determined to break this shitty sleep cycle, and this is the way forward. Although, I've got nothing to do until 4pm, when I'm meeting my girlfriend and going for Japanese food =D

Etsukos is a lovely little restaurant ^^
Mood: Chilled

Literally. XD It's nearing the start of Winter now and I'm annoyed. I hate Winter!

Cracked knuckles, frozen face, sniffly nose etc. Not my idea of fun.

I would migrate every Winter if I could. <_<

Anyway, aside from that I'm pretty chilled out emotionally as well. Just got home from work a while ago and I'm so happy it's the weekend.

I've got two parties to go to and I can't wait!!! Although I'm not drinking so that Steve can drink without having to stop early in order to drive home.

It's his friends parties after all and would be rather selfish of me to deprive him of drinking with his mates.
Kandy_Sugar said:
Literally. XD It's nearing the start of Winter now and I'm annoyed. I hate Winter!

I second that. xD

Mood: Cold and bored.

I'm up early again, and managing to keep that cycle going so far. Which is great cos my sleeping cycle is usually.. well, a pretty fucked up 'cycle'. >_> But it so FREEEEZING! That it's hard to enjoy it, and I'm quite bored as I'm the only one up in the house, and I probably wont see my boyfriend till after dinner. It's only 10am, so I have a long wait till then..
Mood: Pretty good

I got up fairly early this morning. Put the washing on and was happy to see the awesome competitions the staff on here have put in place!

It gives me something fun to do!

Had a shower real early. Like before noon for once on a weekend. XD

Gonna go to the shop soon, so Mark better hurry up and post AOTW and SOTW real fast! :gasp:

I kid. XD
Mood: Disturbed.

Reason: I just watched the pain Olympics and that is without a doubt the worst thing on the internet. I've seen a lot of messed up shit in my time, but the pain Olympics tops everything. Aside from that though, I guess I'm alright. I'm going out in a few hours, so I'm looking forward to that.
Mood: Alright

I didn't end up going to that party tonight. Which suited me fine, as it is freezing tonight. Now I'm sitting here on the computer with the heater sitting right next to me. ^_^

I have about 5 competitions to work on before the 20th too! :gasp:

May have to take some time off work. :wacky:

I wonder if that would be a plausible excuse for a day or two off. XD

FUll of the fucking cold, my throats burning and ive been getting really bad head aches aswell. Of all the days to be ill aswell it had to be today. Its really hot weather today and im stuck indoors cuz im not well. Why couldnt it just rain?? -__-
Ah well at least il save a bit of money by staying in i guess :/
Mood; Confused/Bored.

Beware long post contains girl problems and bitching >_>
Well I'm confused because I found out this new girl likes me or sumshit and now everyone wants me and her to go out and do the whole dating thing and I'm like cut the grass more like cut my ass, then for you people know about hawt asian I've sorta givin up on her since I told think she likes me as a boyfriend, she see's me more as a brother. I sorta like this girl but then shes sorta crazy.

Then I'm bored coz my laptop charger broke and I gotta use this shitty family computer that fails at life and can't handle WoW so I I'm forced to play IJJI games and other ghey games, or 'go out side' anyways what is outside? o_O
I orded a new one from eBay since I couldnt find any shops that sells chargers. I ordered it like a week ago and it still hasn't come! I messaged the person and he said it'll probs be sent on Monday! Rabble rabble rabble.

Just needed to vent a little, and I felt like going on FFF and talking to some of my fangirls/boys. I got a hair cut awhile ago and it fails at life. >_>
Roger the Alien: it's okay. the compy will come sooner or later and you'll be able to play WoW (it's pretty fun- is it not?)

my mood is lonely and bored. I've been taking a break from WoW because I simply cannot handle raiding with lag and dailies every single day. my boyfriend is at work again and he is promising to bring me Fallout 3 to play.

my loneliness, of course, is because my boyfriend is not here.. again.