What's Your Mood? V2.

Mood: Hangover of doom

Reason: went out yesterday, started quite early, lots of bathing of the sun, my feet are killing though, after having a tipple at Craigs and getting mauled by the dog, wandered up to sarahs, got fucking lost, so id been l ike walking MILES on stupid heels, and i have blisters on blisters my poor FEET, I wont even START with the s unburn :wacky:

Ended up crashing at Sara hs, just got shitfaced tbqh, wine, champers, pear cider and souther comfort is not a great m ix.......least i stayed away from the baileys ¬.¬

I also had a helium balloon, that was roffles all round, it was generally just a pissed as a fart a ntics for all i nvolved really...

i passed out at some unknow hour, ended up passing out pissed, and had to get carried to the spare room, when i woke u pat 7am, the PARTY WAS STILL IN FULL SWING, AND I WAS HUNGOVER TO DEATH

Feet are still in agony, i walked to New Look barefoot and bought some bright new trainers :gasp: im COVERED in plasters

Ooh also had that assesment yesterday, peice of fucking piss til it took me 10 minutes to work out what 36 x 25 was...:wacky: i blame neighbours keeping me up til gone 2:30am -_-

Good weekend was had, next weekend = QUIET ONE. KELLY NO DRINKY
Mood: Pretty good

I started the day off horribly though. I woke up at 6:30am to my alarm because I had to start work at 7:30 this morning.

But I thought, 'five more minutes'.

I ended up waking up at 7:15am with only 5 minutes to get ready, as I would only have 10 minutes to get to work.

I got there at 7:40am anyway. <_<

I was meant to leave at 3:30pm but didn't finish all of my stocktake so I left at 4:30pm. But that means I get two hours off on Wednesday because I'm doing another hour of overtime tomorrow.

Anyway I'm home now and happy.

I should be in bed to catch up on some sleep but I don't want to. XD
Mood - Awesome.

Today's been a good day. The weather's really really lovely ^^ It's all nice and warm, although perhaps a little too warm. I went to Starbucks with the mother, and it was a right laugh. We got Frappucinos, which, considering the heat, were realllly nice. And then ABBA was on the radio so we put it on really loud and sang along. xD Fun times :wacky:
mood - -_-

My friend was in the travel agents today checking how much it would be to go back to turkey in sepember.....-_- its too eaxpensive =( tbh id be willing to pay said price but my pals arent so i guess im not goin back to turkey this year. Looked at a holiday in palma spain which is sooooo much cheaper but tbqph i have no interest in going to spain at all. Ive been so many times before and i dont wanna go back.
So now im kinda sulking a bit, well, a lot actually but theres nowt i can do about it unless i go on my own...but thats not gunna happen :gasp:
Im gunna give palma a miss, im not intersted and maybe go away to either amsterdam or prague at the end of the year with some other mates.
Mood: Pissed off

Reason: My stupid internets are supposed to be running fast again but they are slower than ever, I'm waiting for something to download so I can go to sleep already but my net is not cooperating. -__-
Mood: Meh

Reason: I just cant be bothered to do anything, warm weather makes me very lazy and I just tend to want to do nothing all day if I can help it :P
Mood: Pretty good

Reason: Had epic sleep of win last night, I was out like a light, FINALLY got rid of the armchair in my garden, so now I should be able to start harassing for a fence -_- Ugh, I missed my dentist appointment this morning aswel, completely forgot...well, I didn't, I just had it in my head that it was tomorrow...so I rang up and got an appointment for Weds instead, Im such a fucking tit..... :gasp:

Had another stroll into Ashton aswel, its so GLORIOUS lately, bet you anything it chcks it down Weds to piss me off -__-

Also, Desperate Housewives was EPIC last night
Mood: Alright

Another day of work again. I had the most tedious task to do today and it will probably carry on until Thursday until I finish it. <_<

I brought lunch to work today like I usually do, but it didn't fill me up!

So I just got home with Macca's and later on I'm gonna go get cheap Tuesday pizza. XD

I'm such a pig.

I feel terrible today. Ive foned on sick to work. Just can seem to shake the flu at all. My immune system is all to fuck :/
Im just gunna lye in bed all day as i have to go back to work 2moro. Time off just isnt an option for me at the moment, im scared i lose my job.
Mood: Irritated

Reason: My pc is annoying the socks off me, I'm about ready to smash it to pieces, Ive had to stick my headphones in to drown out the damn noise, Il have to get my brother to fix it...no doubt it's gunna cost me an arm and a leg...my own damn fault for sticking the hoover in there while it was switched on I suppose
Mood: Epic

It's nice not to have anything to do for a change, especially revising for exams since my last one is on Monday and if I start revising Saturday I'll cover all I need to know. So basically I can just relax. :awesome:
Mood: Fantastic!

I just got home not long ago from the shops and with a brand new computer chair and a portable fan heater!

Steve bought me the computer chair, after only have a cheap $20 crappy hard on your arse computer chair since...around 5 years ago I reckon.

So I'm currently seated in the most comfy, reasonably expensive chair I've ever owned with the fan heater seated on my old chair right next to me. XD

Oh and I have been having issues with Sony Vegas trying to save my video, that I'm making for the 'Birthweek FFF Video Competition'. And only today did I think of the reason as to why some of the clips may not be saving properly.

I fixed it and now I'm happy, as that means I don't have to start a completely new project to hand in. XD

Im tired, reaaaaly tired for some reason. Its not even like i was up late or anything last night either so i dunno why im so shattered. I planned on goin back to sleep but it would just be a waste of a day yet i cant be bothered goin out and doing anything sooooo i dunno. Il see what my mates have planned then work from there i think.
Mood: Happy :awesome: Somewhat annoyed.

My charger works, I have Photoshop, and though I'm tired as fuck I don't mind :awesome: I'm always tired. Except I wanted to rent Troy tonight, but Mum left for the vid store without telling me, and now we're watching Journey To The Center Of The Earth. It's lame. :vikki:
Mood: Accomplished

Reason: Having no PC has it's plus sides, I sprung cleaned like NEVER before I had everything in my living room out and dusted, even my dvd's, cd's and games, I threw away my cd racks and put my cd's in a cupboard, moving the stuff in THERE into a kitchen drawer, then for the past 3 days Ive been repainting all the woodwork in my house, skirting boards, banisters, doors and door frames, although I ran out of gloss so i have like 1 and a half doors left to paint and the skirting board in my room, so if I didnt get my pc back today Id have NOTHING elase to do, Ive just been busy as a bee for 3 days :gasp:

It'l teach me to stuick my hoover in my pc and break i t -_-
Mood: Pretty good

Considering I got up as early as I did.

When I did wake up around 7:30am it was so sunny and nice outside. Anyway a while later I hear a rumble and thought it was just a truck or something.

But now it's raining and though it's just stopped, it's still all dark and gloomy outside. <_< Was planning to do the washing too. >_<

Dammit. Oh well. Nothing like a good old day indoors watching movies, snuggled up on the couch while it's raining outside. =)
Mood: Agitated

Reason: I well woke up on the wrong side of the bed today, Ive been about cranky, I think im getting a cold aswel, my nose is freezing and Im just snappy and well cold in general today. The shitty weather isn't doing much to lift the old mood either -__-

Hopefully I'l pick up later..it WELL doesn't feel liek a Sunday today either, so my days are gunna get WELL fucke du

Roll on next Saturday
Mood - Good.

Had a full twelve hours sleep last night. And had a pretty fun afternoon so far. I'm really looking forward to tonight. The European election results are on the BBC, and I really want to see if Labour gets beaten into 4th place behind the Lib Dems and UKIP. I'd be ecstatically happy if they do. :wacky:

Just cleaned out my room. In particular my cupboard which was harbouring a load of shite in it. So everything clean i feel i can just relax now and take it easy. Back to work 2moro but im not bothered as im back at the pipe shop and doing proper work again, need to do some overtime aswell, make some money.
Mood: Tired

Just got up a while ago. It's lunch time now and I have the whole day to myself. Steve is going fishing with mates and I dunno whether I should go out to see my mate or not.

I'd rather sit here and do shit all but then at the end of the day I hate myself for being so lazy and not catching up with mates. <_<

I dunno what I should do. >_<
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