What's Your Mood? V2.

Mood: Tired

Just got up and although I was tired, I had a headache from sleeping. 0_o

I went to take my medication today only to realise that I was out, so I have to make a trip to the shop sometime today as I am desperate!

Might do some food shopping while I'm down there as well with Steve.

I should be getting my new furniture on Wednesday too!

We received it a month ago actually, but they sent us faulty stock, so we need to exchange it. They took their time getting back to us.

Actually they didn't even get back to us after we called. We were constantly following them up after they continued not to call back when they said they were going to. <_<
Mood: Frustrated.

Just kinda frustrated with some people and certain jokes. Maybe it's topics I'm just touchy about, or maybe it's just me making a big deal outta something. But blegh... Can't be arsed to care for why I feel frustrated about it.
Mood: Tired but anxious

-Tired due to massive lack of sleep and illness and all sorts of icky crap going on, but I'm uber anxious because a good friend of mine is moving back from Iowa tonight, and I get to hang out with him all day tomorrow to welcome him back to my town. ^.^
Mood: Pretty good

I just got back from getting my medicine and getting food as well.

The food shopping was rather expensive this week but we couldn't say 'no' to the lollies and such. XD

Oh and the first thing I ate today happened to be a custard puff filled choclate muffin type thing.

I had two!

It was soooooo gooood.

Mood: Excited!

Reason: I'm such a big kid, I woke up like an hour and a half early because I was too excited to sleep :wacky: Getting picked up between half 10 and 11, train due at 5 to one, then it's BLACKPOOL BOUND. Ive been looking forward to this for like 6 weeks, I well can't wait, ancy dress here IO come!

AND I mananged to shift 2 pounds in like 3 days, although ideally Id like to be abit lighter, Im more than happy with that consideringm the binge eating mission I went on, it'l serve me right to go eating all the pies!

Anyway, TOTALLY can't wait it should be EPIC



I should be at work today but i fukin slept in and missed my lift in. It was only a 7-12 shift but it was double time so iv missed out on a shit load of money.
I even went to bed early last night so that i couldget up in time... How i never woke up i dont know, i mean i had my alarm set for 6,15am but i woke up at 6.51 am -__-
If ur late on a saturday u just get sent home so thats why i never went in, what a pain -__-
Mood: Very Tired

I've been up since 10:30am yesterday and it's 2am now.

I haven't been getting any real decent sleep of late either. I just have too many things on my mind and so much that I want to do. But work is really getting in the way.

I work all week and by the time the weekend comes I'm too stuffed to do anything.

Not to mention I've not had a holiday since last August.

That's nearly a whole year. I was meant to have them in February but that was the week I started my new job and so they were cancelled out. Though I did get paid out for them instead.

Sometimes I think time out is more important then money though. Especially when you feel as run down as I do at the moment. XD

I really should go to bed.

But I don't want to waste any of my weekend this weekend! I want it to last for once!

Though I'll probably sleep the day away today if I don't get off the computer now.


Resigns to her bed.
Mood : Urgh.

I really wish I didn't have to go driving today. I want to do nothing more than to go to bed and stay there all afternoon, while taking paracetamol tablets.

I've got the flu, and it's awful. I'd forgotten just how painful having a sore throat is ;__;
Mood: Eh okay

I just can't believe how fast the weekends are going!

It totally sucks!

I made fairy bread today. It didn't taste as good as it did when I was little though. =(

I have to get my tyres on my car replaced tomorrow too or sometime this week anyway. Only the front two though.

And I need a wheel alignment. Oh and then a 100,000 k service which will all be done this week hopefully. :gasp:
Awesome! :awesome:

5 a side today which is always epic, plus we're starting A2 tomorrow for next year so we have no homework at the moment, plus I literally can't get a worse timetable than what I had this year so when we get our new ones tomorrow it'll be epic. So I'll just chill on the PS3 for most of the day. :ryan:
Mood: Excited

Reason: Meh, I've got 'The Airman' to read for shadowing the carniegie awards, and there is plenty more books to read, so far it's tied between thant and 'The Knife of Never Letting Go'. Hope tomoro wouldn't as much as a pain as Friday. >_>

easiest monday ever. Went to college which i only go to 2 days a month through work, sat on the computers for 2 hours. Got handed back an exam i did made some corrections and came home. Epic day, it would only be lunchtime in work right now if i was there, but im at home :awesome:
Mood: Good

Reason: Had such a good weekend, it was hilarious. Everything from waking up in the morning, to waking up yesterday morning was just hilarity, it was soooo much fun, we were rowdy from the moment we met up, shouting at randomers in the train station, harrassing police men and screaming our heads off in the passage of terror. I well ran into a wall trying to get away from teh chainsaw man, got a lovely big scratch to show from it. I ran screaming towards a door, fell through it still screaming and into a packed pub full of people hahaha

Totally did Like a Virgin on kareoke, it was so much fun, many beers were consumed in the room befor ewe even made it out, got wrist bands too so we got in everywhere free and we didnt have to queue! I totally got shit faced. I got loooooads of drinks bought for me (and a packet of crisps) the story was my divorce had just come through after a 2 year marriage because I found my hubby in bed with my brother and now I am a lady of leisure living off the settlement ololol

Fun times. Clares coming round later too, so its gunna be another night on the sauce and Ive only just gotten over my hangover :ness: Ah well, we are due a good goss and a catch up
Gewd. :ryan:

I've finalllllllllllllllllllllly, fixed up my laptop now all this random shit isn't popping up and stuff. Only 2 weeks of school left, skipping school on Wednesday to go to the movies. All is good, didn't end up having woodworks today so my teacher didn't get to ask for my assignment. :awesome:

I've had a pretty good day. College was piss easy. A2 History looks set to be really interesting, Germany and Russia and all that. I got to go to Starbucks, and I found Rumours at HMV! Woohoo! I'm so happy about that. I picked it up, along with ABBA Gold, for a tenner. Brilliant.

I wish I wasn't so full of cold though D= if I sneeze, I can't stop for about ten minutes. :ness:
Mood: LAzy

Reason: Had a marathon sleep last night but Im STILL tired, Im getting to old for all this drunken gallivanting hahaha. Ive got some painting to do in m y room, but motivation levels are at an all time low, I well cba, but Im guinna have to do it now because Ive took my curtains down....bahhhh
Mood - Refreshed!

I was totally knackered after having about 2 hours sleep on Tuesday, so last night I went to bed at about 6pm. Ended up having about 14 hours sleep. It feels so good, and it's good that I've had so much sleep since I've got Law and English Lit today, two lessons I can never be bothered with. :wacky:
Mood: Dead

I played Kindgdom Hearts all night last night and today I have to go to the doctor to check my toe, with which I had an operation last week. Don't ask why.
Mood: Tired

Just finished a rather stressful game... When in the first place, it should have just been a casual one. Thankfully, I won most of the matches, so it did pay off ultimately.