What's Your Mood? V2.

@ Laro: I've had an operation on my toe years ago too. Had an ingrown toe nail. >_<


Mood: Happy =D

I had my exam today for my S2 S3 booklet for the pharmacy and I passed with flying colours. =D

And I don't even work in that part of the pharmacy either, so I did pretty well.

I also got a decent nights sleep last night. Went to bed early and my eyes feel really good. Not dry or tired. They don't even look as red as they have been lately.

Then yesterday we got our furniture that we had to order a second time due to the first delivery being faulty furniture. So that was excellent too.

Then this weekend is just going to be full on with awesome things to do.

Friday night I'm going out with my old workmates for drinks.

Saturday night I'm going out to Steve's mate and girlfriends house for dinner.

Then Sunday night we have Steve's Grandfather's and Grandmother's anniversary at some fancy restaurant.

So happy happy happy I am. XD
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Mood: SHATTERED but accomplished

Reason: Redecorated the bedroom last night, managed to do the whole thing inc the 2nd coat of paint, only problem is I was up til the early hours and I well had to sleep on the settee because my room stank of paint/was a mess/needs hoovering/had to get u at SIX for a room sale that was a rather pathetic sale. So Im knackered Ive hardly had any sleep, had a kip on the settee before but I didnt sleep well with Cbeebies blaring in the background OH YAY. And Ive got putting my room back together and hoovering to look forward to I HATE hoovering...AND putting everything back in my wardrobe...bahhhhh
@ Kandy-Sugar: Same here. I'm just going for a check up though. I never knew you was supposed to cut the nail accross and not cut the corners. That certainly taught me a lesson.

Mood: Excited

I'll be going for a check up in 2 hours time. After that I'll go to my friend's house and force her to play Kingdom Hearts. I can't wait!
Mood: Good

Reason: Got my room back in one peice, fixed the bed hoovered, hulked the wardrobe about, and tidied my whole house top to bottom, Im WELL proud of myself. Im never EVER redecorating again. Ive come to the conclusion I HATE painting. All I need to do now is wallpaper the living room, but I might have to draft in help for that one, I cant wall paper for shit....also need to BUY said wall paper, but once that is done MY WHOLE HOUSE IS FINALLY FINISHED. Ive only lived here 4 years ¬.¬

I sooooo enjoyed sleeping in my own bed last night, had a right good kip. Jsut gunna have a relaxing mong day today, i WAS going to go into Ashton but I dont think Il bother, it'l keep til tomorrow/sunday/next week...... :wacky:

Ive not half eaten liek a pig though I decided I deserved a treat yesterday and bou ght LOADS of munch from the shop, all of which has been eaten ¬.¬
Mood - Happy but tired.

My girlfriend came back from holiday tonight, so I'll be able to see her sometime this week ^^ which is totally great, cause I missed her loads D=

Friday, which is normally a total piss-take, was actually quite fun. I'm most likely dropping English Lit next year, so I skived off this afternoon, so I finished college at half 11, since our English Language teacher wasn't gonna be in last lesson and had disabled the register.

I wish I had more sleep last night though, I'm knackered, and although I tried napping, I just couldn't sleep D=
Mood: Tired, Achey, Sick, Annoyed, A Double Friggin Frustrated. *Prepares rant*

Tired - I slept like shit the past couple of days. Luckily I was off thursday and friday from work, but gotta start tomorrow again until next week wednesday. Thurs/Fridays are my weekend days. -_- I'm really annoyed with working 5 days straight. Like seriously.

Achey - Sickness drained me. I feel like shit, every muscle in my friggin body hurts... -__-

Annoyed - With people who can't respect other opinions.

And Double Friggin Frustrated - Cause I should be in bed but have way too much shit on my mind.

Troubled minds can GTFO.

rather disabled

I had a 21st last night and it was aaaaace. Honestly i cant remember that much of it to be honest but i have a horrible hangover. Wont be going anywhere today at all. Gunna stay in bed and maybe play some computer later on although the lack of focus in my eyes could be a problem :wacky:
Im well thirsty, i should go get a drink or something.
Mood - Bleh.

I'm fairly pissed off, cause I feel as though I've wasted my entire day, cause I caught up on a lot of sleep and didn't end up waking until 3pm. And, I'm really pissed off at my brother, because I spent hours yesterday cleaning my room to within an inch of it's life, and he's just came in today and dumped a whole load of stuff on the floor. -__-
Mood:pissed off. Well I am pissed off because yesterday I killed myself playing Street fighter Iv just to get some acheivements for the Xbox acheivements contest. Ya thats right infact I played the whole dAY UNTIL 4:00 In the morning! Thinking that I already won but now today I just found out I lost! But you know what no big deal because Shu did a great job. But Im mad at the fact that I killed myself playing street fighter iv yesterday.
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Mood: Bored atm

There is nothing for me to do. The TV is taken over by my Mom, the forums are dead and I'm too energetic you go to sleep. However I am looking forward to this week. I will meet up with my good friend, I might get tickets to Lithuania for my summer holidays. But now, I'm just bored -__-
Mood - Bored.

I hate being awake this late. There's nothing on TV, it's pretty dead online, and I've got nothing to do in general D= Trouble is, I'm not tired at all and won't go to sleep. So I can either sit around on the internet being bored until I get tired, or lay down in bed getting frustrated that I can't sleep. So I choose the internet, everytime.
Mood: LAZY

Reason: Ended up having a later than planned night last night (Looks at Vikki :wacky: ) I WAS going to go into Ashton today for a stroll and to buy some random bits, but it never happened becuase I got up WELL late

Ive still got to venture to the shop but i wellllll cba. I think Im coming down ith something too which SUCKS, got a bit of a sore throat and I woke up all hot and bothered this morning -__-
Mood: Happy

I finally have my tickets to Lithuania, I'll stay there for a week and then come back to Ireland. The other thing is that my friend's family that moved to America last year are doing really well. My friend will buy himself a new car, his parents lost lots of weight and quit smoking, so I'm very happy for them all.
And the third reason is: I have spagetti bolognese and I know how to use it ^_^
Mood: Sick =(

I took the day off work today. I've had food poisoning since Saturday night.

Me and Steve were a wreck on Sunday morning and had really bad hangovers too. <_< We drove home early with both of us having to stop on the side of the road to be sick. We were so lucky no cops were around to see it.

Then all day yesterday we lay in bed like two old sick people with a bucket on either side.

We slept all day and then by the time night came we were fine and had bacon and eggs.

However, I was still sick throughout the night last night again and then still going this morning.

So therefore I am at home.

I shouldn't really be on the internet, but it's helping take my mind off my stomach and I have a lot of catching up to do on the forums, hence the mass postage of welcomeage in Guadosalam just before. XD
Mood - Blah.

Well that's college over with for the day. Double History. Easy stuff. I'm going out this afternoon cause I want new folders and stuff for next year, might as well buy them now since we're starting A2 stuff already.

Kinda hoping to go to Starbucks too >_> I'm totally knackered, and could use some coffee as a pick-me-up.

Reason: Trying to pay my credit card online, liek I usually do and payment was declined by my bank. Im SICK of this happening, there is fucking money in my account, so WHY my card keeps getting refused and declined is beyond me, Im going to go down there and have a fucking fit at them Im sick of this bollockery

On top of that, Ellie has been a little SHIT these past couple of days, Im so beyond annoyed with her now that Ive just told her if she carries on misbehaving, I will stat binning toys, she clearly wont listen to me

ANd on top of THAT, Im not well, I feel liek Ive smoked about 40 cigarettes -__-
Mood - Weird.

I woke up about 40 minutes ago, after falling asleep sometime before half 8, and my head's like all over the place. I don't know whether I should go back to sleep for a couple of hours, or just stay awake now.

I can't really be bothered with today anyway. It's "progression day" so instead of going to college, we have to go to the local University for a series of talks, so today instead of only two lessons, I've got 6 hour long (or longer) talks. Joys. -__-
Mood: Alright I suppose

I only have four days of work this week, but it is going to feel like forever.

I haven't had a holiday since last August and I am really feeling it now. <_< I need a break and I can't even get holidays on me and Steve's birthday slash anniversary in August. =( The one month that everything happens for us and we won't really be able to celebrate.

I've got my 21st off which is a Monday, extending my weekend to 3 days long, but I don't know if Steve can get the day off and by the time he finds out if he can, it'll probably be too late to book any holiday. =(

But I'm determined to try my best that's for damn sure. You only have one 21st and I want to remember it! :gasp:
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