What's Your Mood? V2.

Mood: Grr.

Reason: I woke up this morning and it was one of those Monday mornings you should not have woken up too. First off I couldn't find my cell phone or my wallet. So of course I bother the lady if she has seen them, and of course she flies off the handle. So I trudge all around the house, and nothing. So after looking for a good 20 minutes I give up and left her of course pissed, and got to work. I read up on my emails and apparently one of our clients is disgruntled on the same shiznit that I tested last week. This time though it has to do with a logic bug. I sit there saying... great.. So right now I just drew up a cup of coffee and some water. Waletless and Cell Phoneless... Here I go. Thank you Mr. Monday.
Mood: Good

Reason: Tidy house is still tidy, finally put all the shit washing away...if opening the wardrobe and cobbin it in there counts. Just ate the most EPIC sammich EVER. Bought summore gloss aswel, so I might finish the painting off later

Im so on an anti-lazy roll lately :ryan:
Mood - Tired, but triumphant!

I was really pleased with the History paper today. I was glad that it was the Attlee government that came up in question 2, since when we did a mock test, we had that same question, and I got 38/40. Sweeet. Very pleased about that then ^^

Totally knackered though. Didn't have much sleep because I was watching the European election results until about, 3am, and then woke up at 7am. Lame. x___x
Mood: Tired

Well I'm awake at 3:30am so that kinda says it all. >_>
Really, it's just that I can't turn my mind off.. a lot going on in my family and extended family that is not at all pleasant. Which would be easier to deal with, was I not still living at home at the moment..

I also have an appointment tomorrow with Centrelink (government welfare system) fairly early, that I'm not looking forward to. >_> But if it all goes smoothly, my money should go up, and that will be just :awesome:
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Mood: Fehhhh

Reason: It's been a long and boring day, nothing to do other than fill my fat head with j u nk food, which then pecks my head because Ive been dieting, but Ive had some monster periods recently and Ive not 'alf been craving teh sugary shit, so Ive just sat on my fat arse all day bored out of my tits stuffing my face

Only housework that needs doing is a spot of dusting and another run over with the hoover, everythings just....done, I well need a job -_-

Plans for tomorrow are just same old same old...ugh -_-
Mood: Eh alright

I came home at 1pm today from work. Felt like shit again. <_<

I had my flu vaccination but I was already feeling pretty icky due to that time of the month and because of the weather in general.

I can not function in cold weather. I loathe it.

And to top off my mood my stupid movie isn't loading fast enough into Sony Vegas. <_<

I want to make a hot man video with that hot dude off of Blue Lagoon already!!!
Mood: Tested

Reason: Well this week has been a long one , well I guess the last two weeks have been mighty long. Work has been nailing my coffin. Although yesterday I did something I thought I wouldn't do till we had more people. I went out for soccer yesterday and played 14 on 14 in a scrim. I realized how winded everyone got after a bit, and how I was still running up and down.. I assume I have gained a bit of endurance with all of this training I've been doing. My footwork is off, but I still have good speed. I lack cleats, so I think I might pick up soccer again and start a city team here in the next year again. Hopefully all goes well, and nothing gets twisted or reinjured.. but hey.. back to work.
wiped out

13 hour days are killing me, work days that is. When i get home my energy is just gone and i just wanna sleep..which i dont wanna do because when u wake up ready for work, it feels as if uv had no time to yourself.
Im also in a bit of a bad mood aswell, people irritating me and stuff although im only finding them annoying because im in a bad mood ¬¬

I should really sleep.
Mood: Tired

I didn't get much sleep last night. I should have taken today off, but I would feel bad if I did.

I just don't want to give the wrong impression to my managers.

Though I've technically only had half a day off so far in my 5 months of working there and that was yesterday.

Eh it's freezing here and I have no motivation to do anything.

I don't feel like doing anything on the internet. I don't feel like watching T.V.

I think it's since I watched this movie about two people stranded on an island all of their lives and how they could just live without anything to disrupt them in any way.

It made me feel like the shit I do on the internet and the crap I watch on T.V a waste of a life. <_<

I don't feel as though I'm really living and all I want to do now is go live on a random island somewhere. :gasp:

Where there's no work and there's all the time in the world to do anything you want. That's dying peacefully in my eyes. <_<
Mood: Good

Reason: I slept well woo woo, that's always a good stat, but I think I woke myself up because they first thing I remember thinking is planning my exenses for the whole year..Im so far beyond organised with some things it just doesn't even make sense that it's ME xD

2 days to go til weekend, got my list written for everything I need to pack, might go out today and buy some new makeup and water pistols, gotta iron my stuff tomorrow too, most of my stuff is packed already aside from teh stuff I use on a daily basis, god help me if I go on holiday for a week or 2, by case will be packed like, 3 months in advance, Im only going over night xD

Igot another assessment to look forward to for that apprenticeship I'm going for, and if that goes well, I'l be starting in September, so fingers crossed for that

So yeah, I woke up in rather a jolly mood today, my skin appears to have cleared up alot from yesterdays drama too, just a small scab that Il have to cover up :wacky: I'm sur ethis means something will happen later to put me in a GROWLER of a mood, it's usually the case xD
Mood: Lethargic

Reason: I have to go to my dads house, pick up a phone charger. Come back to Mams house, charge phone. As soon as it's done, I have to go do a Maths Exam. Then go to town after. V___V Busy day Yunmii cba to do.
Mood: Tipsy and warm =D

I don't get drunk off of Jack Daniels anymore.

I'd have to drink it straight if I wanted that and I don't particularly want to get drunk 'that' much.

So yeah it at least keeps me warm so that's okay, considering it's freakin' freezing. Like -6 here tonight. <_<

I want HEAT!

I'm an Aussie girl who needs to be in the desert somewhere lying on a rock like a lizard, soaking up the sun.

Stupid State being all tropical and having stupid PMS weather swings. <_<

I always want it to be at least +30 and never underneath +27. <_<
Mood - Blah.

I really can't be bothered with tomorrow. Double Law, followed by Double English Lit, and then English Language.

Totally considering dropping Lit now. It looks like total shite come second year. We have to study Gothic texts. He said he picked that over farming texts. Weird x___x

I decided not to go to college today, a) there's no registers as classes are being swapped around for the beginning of A2 subjects on Monday b) teachers aren't allowed to start A2 until Monday as they don't know who will be taking it and who won't be and c) I refuse to sit in college watching fucking videos because they're not allowed to teach A2 yet when I could be at home doing other stuff.

At least 80% of the people I know aren't going to college today. I'd rather be doing something more productive, hence, I'm not going in today...plus I start at 12 >.>
Mood: Happy

The weekend is finally here and I can just chill out again.

Man I am so hungry. I could go for a Ultimate Burger Meal from KFC right about now. Or some fish and chips I reckon.

I'm so glad I didn't end up going out tonight. <_<

Friend never got back to me and I'm glad because it's too cold to be out and I really need to finish off my entry for the tagwall challenge due tomorrow.
Mood: Bored

REason: Today is dragging so much, I j ust wish it was tomorrow already, Il probably end up going bed soon becuase im just that bored, might stick FFX on actually, but I have a bit of a headache :gonk:

Im all organised for tomorow, the ony things left to pack aer my hair straightners and roll on oh and an extension lead so we can all do our hair and have enough sockets of the plug

Been looking forward to tomorrow for SO long it better not be a bastarding let down xD
Mood: Aggressive

Something that was completely small and irrelevant got turned into something bigger than it originally was. I'm not usually an angry person, but someone I've recently had a major argument has very much annoyed me and I seriously want to punch a wall right now, but not with the cut knuckles I have right now ...
i am very very very very very very very very very very very bored lol

We'll continue this thread much like the last one. However, instead of having a separate discussion thread for discussions on your mood, and having members be very vague about their mood, we've decided to merge the two ideas into one.

In this thread, tell us how you are currently feeling, why you are feeling as such and feel free to discuss previous posts with members. As always, only posts of a substantial length should be made. Short, pointless posts may be deleted on sight, along with an immediate warning via Personal Message.
dark blade cloud, please don't post a short message like that. It's considered as spamming. Next time, why not include the reason why you're bored?
Mood:awesome. Well school finished a week ago and I have been finally getting some sleep in the morning. Yes I am feeling awesome! Staying up really late on Final Fantasy Forums is so much fun! This site is just so :awesome: