What's Your Mood? V2.


I had like. 12 hours sleep. For the first time in like, a month. I feel glorious :wacky: Today's just been a very slow, very boring, but very relaxing day. Got a full day planned for tomorrow too, so it's all glorious.
Mood: Flickering between slightly angry and slighty down (guilty type down)

Had a blazing argument with someone and I think they would probably wish me dead at this moment in time, so I'm currently working on something as kinda an appology for flipping out like I did.
Killing loneliness.

Mod Edit - Please put more effort into your posts, as one or two words posts are generally not acceptable. Thanks ^^
Mood: Pretty Good

Had an awesome night last night with mates. I didn't get to bed until late again though. XD

I must be the luckiest girl alive when it comes to hangovers! I have never once had a hangover. XD

I really don't feel like doing anything today besides sitting on my arse at the computer. But alas the washing is not yet done and I must go and feed soon. v_v

Didn't even have dinner last night. All I had was alcohol and junk food. XD
Normally I like this feeling, but not right now. It's weird, actually.. I guess it's a good thing I have the internet to keep me company. Still.. it's nice to actually talk to someone every once in a while.
Mood: Okay.

I just had fish fingers with tomato sauce, hence I'm happy. Plus I'm drinking tea <3 But at the same time, my friend refuses to watch a movie with me even though she has nothing else on today. ._.
Mood: sleepy

Been up for 32 hours now, plus im kinda sick and im fighting the sleep back but i think that if i hold it back any longer im guna fall asleep typing.
feeeeelin goood

No hangover at all, its ace. Feeling really bright today. Still bogged down with the cold though, my nose wont seem to unblock at all, il have to look for some nasal spray or something. But aye other than an annoying cold im all good.
Mood: Sick

I ate too much crap today. =( Just had dinner and it made me feel woozy.

I just wanna go and fall asleep but I really wanna watch this movie I've been trying to watch for an age now.

I needa go have a shower too. It's cold as and I feel icky.

Screw being sick. I am over Winter and it's only just started. <_<
Mood: Good

Reason: Fucking lack of sleep was KILLING me yesterday, finally got a good nights sleep last night , albeit, i probably passed out drunk rather than falling asleep naturally, but meh whatever xD

Not really done anything today, watched some tv, BT is brillaint, and omg, desperate housewiiiiives, the SUSPENSE! :gasp:

Pretty much finalised some plans too which is gewwwd, just need my new bank card to hurry UP
Mood: Alright

Reason: I got a pretty good sleep last night and I feel pretty good but I have a fair bit of homework to do which is going to be a pain. I should be alright so long as a finish one of my assignments today, though finding the motivation to start is another story.

First day back at work today and sadly there wasnt much to do. I was really hoping there would be loads of work so i could keep busy and maybe get some overtime. I need the money atm >_< But alas no, its still really quiet. I get to build handrails 2moro though...oh yay -_-
Having such a non active and long day seems to be whats taken its toll on me. Im knackered. Not sleeping well recently either, which is odd for me as usually i can go to sleep at anytime and not get up til morning. Ah well.
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Mood: Stressed out. Well I got a fucking 3 hour long Math situation exam and im not even studying at all. I love this site a little too much I thinks. I really cba to study at all because it stresses me out.
I'm greeeeat. If a little warm.

I've had a fun night. Lots of epic laughs and bitches with Mandi. Although, for some odd reason, I'm really really warm, even though both my windows are open, and it's like, icy outside. Odd.

Also, took my PS3 back from my brother and started replaying Valkyria Chronicles. :awesome: Awesome game is awesome. Dreading Mission 7 though. D=
Mood: Crap

I feel so ill with this headache. Going to call in sick. A waitress who could spontaneously vomit on a customer is reason enough not to let her work, surely? >_> Plus I can hardly walk. My feet are so tender and swollen. And I have several bruises on my shins from where I kept tripping up the stairs yesterday. Those stairs are a deathtrap tbh -_-

If they let me off sick, which they better do, I think I'm going to spend my day making the Cloti page look pretty and catching up on sleep. o_O Maybe even start on my fic. I'll just see how it goes. x.x
Terrified. If that counts.


Why did I just do that.
Ehh. I'm going to do Hotel 626 in apparently eight minutes, and I really don't want to. And I can't turn off my sound either. :gasp:
Mood: Happy

I had been putting away money for the last two weeks and went to bank it today and found that I had $500 saved up! I didn't even miss it during those weeks. I wasn't short of cash at all!!!

So I banked it today and was so happy. XD

And I get my workpay today as well so that means I was able to transfer what I banked into my actual savings account. XD
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Mood: Average

Reason: Sunglasses arrived, they are gunna look awesome with my outfit, shame Il lose/break them but oh well. Not had much of a productive day tbh, did a bit of dusting and put a wash on, then I got bored. Yesterday was a fucker though, no gas, no bank cad n o bread, so I was snookered til the gas man came to fix my gas meter- luckily he came quickly hahaha
Mood: Hella pissed off ><

Reason: Dont wanna talk about the first part of it, but the second part of it was looking at my FB requests to find my ex had spammed friendlist requests, what part of drop and dead does she not understand?