What's Your Mood? V2.

Oddly relaxed.

It's weird. Tonight hasn't been the best of nights, and I have to be up stupidly early tomorrow - like, at 6am, but for some reason I'm totally calm for once. Maybe because I've got a really easy day tomorrow, or because I just don't care what other people think of me anymore. I don't know. But it's good.
Mood: Tired/Irritated

Reason: late nights and early mornings are no fun.... I well couldnt get out of bed this morning Ijsut lay there til Like 10 and I was like, I HAVE to get up or the stupid tile man will catch me in an embarrassing state. Although he's STILL not here, I want a fucking BATH!

Danny rang up aswel, which ended up exploding into a row...it never rains but it pooours. Cba with this shit -_-
Mood - Irritated

My sleeping pattern is so fucked up. I fell asleep at 5pm, and I've regretted it ever since =/ I missed a lot of family-stuff last night, and now it's nearly 4am and I'm still awake. And I have double Law in the morning, so if I stay up all night, I'm fucked, and if I grab 2-3 hours sleep, I'm fucked.

Sorta Stressed

Just trying to pack up stuff from my room to determine what I'll be having shipped out to me after Boot Camp and what stuff I'll come back for later. Then there's also the stuff I'll be giving to some friends and saving for my little brother. Just a hectic kinda time for me.
^^^ Packing is definitely stressful. You're lucky in the way that you only have your room and not an entire house worth of stuff to pack. >_< ^^^

I wish I only had my clothes to pack when we move all the time. It was so easy moving out of home with just my DVD's and clothes. Now I have to cart around furniture and what-not >_<

Good luck though! My only piece of advice is not to leave it too long. You'll end up rushing around like a cat on fire at the last minute and hate yourself for it. >_<



Well today is Friday and I got the day off from work because they want me to work on Sunday from 8am to 6pm. It's gonna be a long day. XD

Anyway I decided that I was going to clean as much of the house as humanly possible and then go shopping for food today so that me and my partner can spend a relaxing night together tonight and relaxing day tomorrow. So I'm washing all the clothes and such so he won't have to do it Sunday either.

He's so lucky to have me. I'm so good to him. XD

Anyway so far I have vacuumed and mopped the floor. Gotten rid of all the rubbish from the house because the rubbish man came yesterday and emptied the bin for us. XD We actually forgot to put out the bin last week so we've had 2 weeks waiting for the garbage truck to come again. =0

I've put a load of washing on and tidied the lounge room. It's 2pm now so I might head off to the shops and get some sushi and then start food shopping.

I love having days off in the week. =D It feels good knowing you're at home while others are working, for some reason. XD
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Mood: alright

Reason: I was abit pissed off yesterday, had a stealth bill come out of my account which fucked my money up again, put me in a right bad mood - but being grumpy about it isn't gunna make money magically appear so my mate said he'd do me a borrow and get a couple of drinks in tomorrow.....which I complained about but alas, I should have dosh a week on tuesday so Il be able to pay him back..i also owe him for that U2 ticket aswel....bah...

Anyhoo, the tile man finally came yesterday so i was able to have a bath, no ones here today though, i need sealant around the damn thing, i get water everywhere in the bath and il end up flooding the place!

Not planning on doing much today seeing as Im out tomorrow, getting dressed can fucjk off, well cba today. All I PLAN ON DOING IS FINDING A RESPECTABLE OUTFIT FOR TOMORROW SEEING AS THE PISS UP GOT UPGRADED TO WEDDING RECEPTION.....

Also caps lock can die

It's the holidays now so no college for another 2 weeks woop! My R4DS should arrive tomorrow so I'm gonna sort that out and play lotsa games on the DS 8D
Jane also told me she likes a Bei Bei :cassy:
Mood: The hills are alive and all that jazz

Reason: Elle got picked up about half 11, so Ive settle into pamper mode, had a soak in the bath, going out on the piss have pleeeenty of time to get ready, although i need to do my nails again, stupid crappy nail varnish of doom

And for once the post man brought me GOOD POST! I got some tax back in the shame of "86, that cheered me up no end

I shall drink be merry and fall over!

Wactch me come back tomorrow and say how the night was a disaster..Il probably lose my bag or some shit, cancelling out the cheque of win :wacky;

Anyway, fuck tomorrows impending bad mood, Im in a GLORIOUS one right now! ;D

Once again, I had too little sleep and now I'm still awake >< I want to go to bed, but for some reason, I can't bring myself to. I had a great night out with my friends and girlfriend though, and I'm ecstatic that after tomorrow I have two whole weeks off college. I really need a break from all the work x_x
Tired ;_;

I don't know why I'm up, I went to bed at around at half 12 and got up at half 7. It's a rather stupid thing do since I'm on my holidays, but I've got 5 a side today and sleeping at my GF's so it's all cool :)
Mood: Exhausted/Relieved

Well today is Sunday and I had to work from 8am-6pm. Therefore I am exhausted. XD
I got Friday and Saturday off but it still felt weird working on a Sunday. And now I will have a 6 day long week at work. <_<

However, I am home now and only have 5 days left to go until the weekend so I'm relieved about that.

Oh and it didn't help that I stayed out until 12am last night with my old work mates. XD I had a blast last night and wish the next round of partying would come my way again sometime soon! =D
Mood: Hungover

Reason: Was out last night and got WANKERED. Fucking sambuca I tell you, had a laugh though, from what I remember. I think I left at like midnight cuz i was too drunk xD
Woke up this morning on the living room floor, fully clothed and still wearing my make up
I crawled to bed feeling extremely sorry for my self xD

No more shots for meeeeee

Lazy day is lazy. Just playing some Pokémon and listening to music. Not going anywhere or doing anything, just relaxing. It's so good. xD
Bored >.>

And it's only half 8 >.>; Plus I have to babysit my brother and sister because the mothership got called out to do an operation or summat last night so she'll be knackered when she gets in this morning, but at least I get paid for it. :awesome:
Mood: Good

Reason: Aside from the decorators waking me up, all is fine...and at least my bathrooms getting done...slowly but surely, Im sure my kitchen didnt even take this long.....:gasp:

Anywaaaay, once they've been Im going out to pay my cheque in the bank woo. So I now have money for the weekend yaaaaaay. I shall not be getting wankered though, I was in a right state saturday night :wacky:

Anyway. Good moood is good. Weather looks pretty nice aswel

Im starting to need a shit though...I hope they arent up there for TOO long
Mood: Tired

I am so damn tired. <_< I've been staring at a computer screen for the last two days at work constantly because I've been making tickets for every section in our new store.

My eyes are bloodshot and sore and at the moment the last place I should be is on the computer complaining about it. XD It's only making my eyes worse. =0

Can't wait for this freakin' refit to hurry up and end so that I can do my normal job that I'm still being trained to do.

I should really start working on my Pharmacy course before the month is over. =/
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Mood: Whooo!

It's a mood, gtfo.

I'm estatic to be back here with my friends after two weeks away. Found out I won survivor. BOOYAH. I'm over the moon about that =D Team :awesome: ending + Kei for the win. :D

Also, back with ma boy. Missed him so damn much. Surrounded once more by the wacky peoples whom I adore and I? can FINALLY get back to making GFX. Been twitching for the past fortnight. Can also get back in to writing and start on my fic. All is good. Gonna be busy for a while, but hey! Least I won't be bored :awesome:
Mood: Excited

Reason: I'm back to working on graphics, finished one today and working on 2 more hopefully going to finish them by tonight, so I can work on more tomorrow!
Mood - Blah

I haven't stayed awake since half 4 for awhile now. Sure, I've had a load of sleep and then been awake at half 4, but not stayed up till half 4. I hope it's not a sign of my insomnia coming back >< Pretty pissed off cause I'm so busy this week I can't see my girlfriend till Friday D= and I can hear the sodding birds outside. They make so much fucking noise -__-

I get paid my £40 today for a 6 hour babysit yesterday, in which I made my brother and sister play like 2 hours of football anyway :awesome:, which basically sets me up for Dover next week quite nicely now 8D