What's Your Mood? V2.

mood: Good

REason: Last night didnt turn out boring and depresing in the end, couple of mates cmae round and we abused the ps3 which was snazzy, i stole loads of riks updates - i just need to buy the actual games now. Should be going to my mates later, although motivation......ugh.....once ive had my bath im sure il move
Mood:Happy. I am really happy because net week Star Ocean Iv is oming out. It looks like a great game and the graphics are amazing. Well I am not gonna get it when it comes out but on friday I am getting it.
Mood - Relaxed

I had a lot of sleep for once, and I've just been able to have a lazy day - not going anywhere, or doing anything, so I've had a nice little shower and I'm just sitting here listening to my favourite music. Might stick the PS3 on and tackle some more of Eternal Sonata <3
Mood: Excited

Reason: Orientation week for Uni starts tomorrow! Basically it is all about rocking up for a few presentations and preliminary classes and then the rest of the week is spent partying an shit. Should be good fun, the only downside is I have to wake up early tomorrow D:
Mood: Tired
Reason: I think I had too much sleep >.>, but I have 5 a side at 3 which will be a great as always, then going round to see Kaylz, then have to come back at around 11 and finish my drug presentation for form in college tomorrow. Bar the latter thing I have to do it'll be a nice day today :)
mood: average

reason: had a good night last night, even got up on kareoke -cringe- and had a (very bad) sing. i didnt even spend much which is even better, it was just ruined abit by an argument i had when i was picked up -__-

Oh well

Just monging out today, trying to decide what to do with meself, which tbh, wont bew alot becasue i cba doing anything anyway
Mood:Bored. Well I am bored because everytime my team loses in Halo 3 I do not have the urge to play. Well it just gets boring if you have no good team mates.
I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. Three out of my four subjects right now are based around investigations and it's non-stop research, research, research. It was so much easier when it was simply a matter of "do this question, then read these notes, then get this tick here." <_<

University seems so close yet so far. :gasp:
Mood - Tired and Irritated.

I had about 4 hours sleep, so I've been like the walking dead all day. Add on a shitty English Literature essay for That Woman for tomorrow and my irritation grows. I don't really give a shit how Browning and Keats end their poems, and she's just going to nitpick everyone's essay again, so I'm just thinking "What's the point?"
Pumped up.

Started up FFX last night with Aztec and have been flying through it. Spent a junk-load of time working on Tidus' Overdrives and getting new Overdrive modes for each of the main characters so far. Love this game.
Mood: Mellowww

Reason: Not really done anything all day, nothing really new there I suppose, just felt generally relaxed, been out into ashton, although gotta go again tomorrow, daft bint over charged me by 6 quid >=[ Other than that, im pretty relaxed, gunna watch summore buffy later, after the wife has finished his broken swording
Mood:Feeling bad. Well first of all my parents keep on fighting and I am just feeling bad. Man what a crazy fight that just happened between them. My dad just loses it when my mom talks about money. I guess My parents just never stop fighting. What about you guys?
Mood - Accomplished.

I finished that woman's essay, and I have no other work to do. Yet. It feels great to finally have that essay dealt with xD I hated it so much, yet went way over the word count, oops.
Mood: Tired
Reason: I'm not too sure actually, I went to bed at 11 and woke up at 7ish, so it's not a lack of sleep. It may just be that I'm generally bored and have no desire to anything that requires energy. :sad:
Mood: tiiiired

reason: Couldnt sleep again last night, and I was up and out early, got the refund - well, the difference for wehat id been over charged put back on my card, bought a book from amazon and not really done much else.....been another lazy day, although Ive been abit cranky, as I tend to get when Im tired :wacky:
Mood: Fucking stoked

Reason: Mo and me have been ripping FFX up, sons. I'm so pumped. I'm loving that shit. Oh shit, I forgot to do something. That game is awesome! I'm loving it baby. Spherimorph was all like rawr and we were like bitch, sit down here's two Valefor overdrives bitch.
Mood pissed off. Well I am pissed off because I keep losing in Team slayer in Halo 3. My teams always fucking suck and its getting me pissed. Maybe Ill try a strategy.
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We went out to dinner, and I got shrimp and crab alfredo, even though I wanted steak or at least something beefy. I don't even like pasta, or seafood for that matter, that much. It was just an impulse thing. It was too filling.

I just drank a cafe con leche in front of the fire and read some Spanish HP, and I feel pretty good despite being hella thirsty.