What's Your Mood? V2.

Mood: pretty good

Reason: I didn't have to go to school today on account of the bad weather we had last night. Or the good weather in my opinion XD We got about 2 inches of snow. I got to sleep late though, so I'm feeling pretty good.
Mood - Pissed off.

Reason - My English Literature teacher is the devil incarnate. She really really is. This 1000 word essay of hers makes no sense at all, and as for that ten page poem she wants us to read... well, she can fuck off and die to be quite honest. I can't wait until I can drop this subject and escape this bitch -__-
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Mood: Pretty good

Reason: I'm not particularly sure why I feel good to be quite honest. It's another hot, sweaty day and I'm not doing anything really significant to day. But for some reason I Just feel happy today.
Mood; Hot

It's currently the hottest week in Australia/Victoria this week in 10 years. -__-
It's in the high 40's every day, luckily were in Thursday so it's nearly over D;.
But next week, is going to be in the high 30's.
And I am sensing another blackout so I guess me and my friends are going to the beach again. D;
Excited because i am now done with my exams, passed all my classes i think, so no more studying and more fun time. Also, i have till Monday off now, since i don't start next semester till then :). Tired, because its fairly late at night and i need sleep X_X
Mood: Tiiiiiired and still annoyed

Reason: I had enough sleep, so I can only asume I didnt seep well, or I was having mad dreams, fuckers make me restless and its annoying that I can't remember -__-

Also, Im still annoyed at FFXII, I WON'T be getting over it anytime soon, getting killed by Zodiark when the mofo had A MILIMETER of health left has put me in a right stonker of a mood....I'm thinking about having another crack at it. Only, I think I'l go in, raid the treasure chests go vback and save then go back again...but that seems liek a whole load of hard work....sooo maybe not

Fuck that shit

Anyway, on a non FF note, my new fish survived the night, and Im hoping I win the castle Ive bid on on ebay so they have a bit more than afew shitty plants in thetank. It still looks really bare, Im thinking that maybe I should of bought a smaller tank xD
Mood: Great!
Reason: It's Friday tomorrooooow! Then the day after we're going to someones house then down town for his birthday which is gonna be epic, plus I don't have any essays or homework to finish which means I can happily suffer a hangover on Sunday without any homework to worry about. :D
pissed off

Wont go into detail but work was a complete joke today. Power of authority is the phrase that comes to mind, fuck that. Took my bad mood home with me aswell which makes thing worse as im snapping at any little thing that annoys me....everything annoys me right now.
Thank fuck its friday imorn, gotta pay out most of my wages on holiday payments and other crap but im making sure to leave myself enough for a session at the pub...i need it.
Mood: Tired/Sad
Reason: Didn't get to bed till late last night, then got up fairly early for me, just so i could do some chores so sometime in the near future i can hold a poker party. I hardly ever do chores which is bad, but i'm starting to do more and more. Sad because somehow we got absoultly owned in OMHA playdowns (hockey) when i didn't think we had such a bad team. Now were out for sure which sucks..

My parents are harping on me to get a job. It isn't like I don't want to work, it's just that I'm too fucking shy and shit. Plus, I basically have my choice of the gas station or the supermarket. No electronics stores which sort of pertain to my major, no. Gas station. Supermarket. Ugh.

I also sort of want to install Arch Linux, but I'm afraid to leave the comfort of openSUSE. The Unix/Linux course I'm taking deals pretty much only with the command line, not in depth installation. The indecision is pissing me off.
Drunk and Sad/Confused

I've been down town had a bit (Way to much, nearly 18 pints)to much to drink and i met this lass and she was great, i got her number but i don't know what to do sould i try for a realtionship or just take it eay for now and see how things turn out.

Answers on a postcard/pm please.

God damn i was hammered. Shame on me!
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Reason: IT'S FRIDAY. Danny is back today, woo woo, we've not argueed ONCE thsi week, so that's a positive start and we have plan for the weekend, although I think he's going for a drink with Jay tonight, he cancelled his big night out because I told him off for being irresponsible with his money when he had a big night out LAST weekend, and he also wants to go out tomorrow aswel


Anyway, other than the fact that Im really tired AGAIN, Im in a good mood :)
Mood: Great!
Reason: It's Fridaaaaay! :D I'm going out for a meal tonight then down the pub with the family, night out tomorrow for someones birthday then my mum, stepdad, Kayleigh and I are going out for a meal on Sunday. Epic weekend! :D

I finally beat FFXII: Revenant Wings. Catharsis. Srsly. I can finally play another DS game without feeling guilty, and I'm thinking about picking up Chrono Trigger. The problem is I ordered a FFT War of the Lions strategy guide on ebay and I don't know when it's going to arrive. I want to go through the whole game with the guide, but I also don't want to not have anything to play during the weekend.

My last class ended at 12:50 today, and it seriously rules to get out early on Fridays. Plus I got a 9/10 on a Stats quiz I thought I blew, and the date on a C++ homework I forgot to do was extended, and I managed to finish most of my homework during school. I have like nothing to worry about all weekend.

I get to go see my Grandparents tomorrow who i don't see that often anymore with school and everything. There taking me to my hockey game and i'll probably be havin some of my favourite pizza too ^_^ Not to mention they have a super fast connection so I'll be able to do more things.
Relieved and Pissed:

I'm relieved it's Friday of course and this weekend could come no sooner. I've had a long week with work and classes, it just felt like it would never end.

Pissed because my girlfriend and I ate at McCallisters today and there were no parking spaces for her to park. So she parked in the motel's parking lot right next to us for 30 minutes (which was completely empty mind you). When we came out her car had been towed. When she went inside to talk to the hotel manager at the front desk, he lied to her and said that they randomly come by picking up cars. So we went over to pick up her car (in my car of course) and they said they were called to pick her car up. I begged to get her out of it, since it is her birthday next week, but to no avail. She didn't let me pay it... but she had to pay $120 dollars. FAWKING! crazy.. People f-ing suck sometimes, no freakin humility. So now she's crying of course and going to be depressed for the next week because that's half of her check..
Mood - Awesome =D

Reason - I've got no homework, and I had a fairly epicish day. It'll be nice to have a perfectly relaxing weekend. And, I'm really looking forward to next week! Going out with the family on Friday night, the day before my birthday, going out with my friends on the Saturday night, and then going driving on Sunday. Can't wait xD
Mood: Fantabulous!

Reason: It's finaaaally Friday! I can stay up late tonight and just sleep in late tomorrow if I feel like it XD Today was a pretty good day as well. We had a suprise pep rally for the soccer team, so I got to miss a good bit of my most boring class, American History. My best friend and I went out to eat a little while ago as well, so I'm feeling pretty good ^^
Mood: Pissed off

Reason: My internet has been capped, meaning it is running super slow. So there goes my primary distraction from the heat wave -__- Oh well at least it is going to be recharged in two days.
Mood: Down

Reason: I have to work basically 24 hours starting tomorrow. I get 2 hours to sleep between each shift but that isn't really that much time. I had to do it last weekend, and I have to do it this weekend and now next weekend.