What's Your Mood? V2.

Mood: Happy
Reason: I managed to solve personal issues out so I feel great because of that and I also have no homework to do tonight which amazing since I ALWAYS have homework to do! :O
hmmm im ok

Not bad not great just feel sorta blah really. Im trying to make a sig but its just nae working at all. Im putting it down to being Monday, im never the happiest of lads at the start of the week.

I'm 80% finished with a torrent, and for some random reason the port is no longer being forwarded. In order to fix it, I need to have access to my router, but of course someone decided to throw away the paper with the user name and password. And, though that someone was my father, it's apparently my fault because "that's crazy to expect me to just leave everything right where you put it, that's just crazy!"

I have class tomorrow at 2. I got up at 4 today. It's going to be all sucky and snowy out and I haven't driven in a month. Fuck.
Mood: Shit

Reason: It is fucking hot today, I have a headache and don't really feel like doing anything. I have to go out in the searing heat to get to my guitar lesson later, which is only a 15 minute walk, but when I have to carry a guitar on my back in this heat, the walk seems like hell on Earth.
Mood: Blah
Reason: I'm generally neither happy or sad, I have a bad cough at the moment which is annoying but other than that I have nothing planned for tonight or actually even plan to do anything so a nice cozy night in for me. :D

Yeah, it's a new mood. It's been freakin' negative degrees here in PA in the U.S. for the last 3 weeks or so and I'm really ready for some warm weather. I hear it's like 100 degrees Fahrenheit in Australia right now. Lucky bastards.
Mood: Agitated

Reason: Many things. FFXII is annoying, I think the new pill Im on is making me extra hormonal, Mothership can't babysit this weekend, and this OTHER fishtank I have a bid on ends tomorrow night and I just KNOW I'm gunna get outbid again. Fucking twats

My class was at 12:30, not 2:00. There was no parking, of course, and I ended up walking a good mile, which is the most physical activity I've had in a month. We had to do introductions, and I kind of made an ass of myself, but there's something so fleeting about college that I don't really care. It took the entire hour and fifteen minutes, which is fucking unheard of for the first day of any class there, especially a tuesday/thursday class.

I'm tired. I have to get up at 7 tomorrow, for a fuckin' Programming Logic class. I have no experience with programming at all, and I'm fricken' nervous about being a total noob. Agh.

Was a long day at work, i never stopped. Even though work is kinda quiet due to the oil rigs being quiet this time of year i was rushed off my feet...which i hate. I like working at my own slow pace, not having to run around working at a normal pace :wacky: But nah it was a long day but at least i got a fair bit done which means things will be easier tommorrow.
Mood: Good

Reason: Day got off to a bad start, but Im glad I went out - I managed to clear my head and also bought a new fishtank which I WON'T be breaking this time, and also a hood for it. I'm slowly getting there. Just need to pick said tank up at the weekend. I should FINALLY get my washing up bowl back in usem, seeing as its full to the brim with pink fucking stones >_>

Bar a little hoovering, I dont have much housework to do either, I started tidying up in an unprovoked rage last night - this pill im on has it's benefits xDD
Nae too good

Got in an argument with a mate at work, hes been pissing me off all day and when i told him he went off on one. Which led to loud arguments, ive known this guy for years way before he started working with me. All he seems to do now is fuck about and piss people off. I really wanna hit him but ive known him too long and id get sacked, so if he keeps pissing me off im just gonna tell the boss cuz ive had enough!
I'm feeling a bit worse for wear, today - I had a good ol' drinking session last night at the pub (with half of the teaching population, might I add!) and, instead of staying in school all day, I just popped off down the highstreet, went into the local theatre and watched Quantum of Solace with two of my pals for a grand total of £3.50. I'm quite happy with my day. :gmonster:

I couldn't sleep last night. It's cold and windy as a bitch out. It turns out I have two one hour breaks, which really sucks ass, and I'm at school from 8:30 until 3:15. I got home, only to find that all of my shit was rearranged, and I hate people touching and moving my stuff. It pissed me off, and now everybody is all pissed at me for being pissed off again. I want to play video games but I'm too fucking tired and I'll just space out.
Mood: Tired
Reason: I didn't go to bed 'til like 1am since we went to see 'My Bloody Valentine' which was rather good, not brilliant, but decent all the same. Then we went for something to eat and the train home. Thank god I had an easy day at college. :gasp:
Mood: Bored

Reason: I cba with FFXII becasue it's serverly pissing me off, and becasue I have the undercurrents of rage lingering in my system, I'm not doing anything that could remotely wind me up. I'm sick of the fucking SIGHT of cbeebies though, 15 more minutes and I can turn it off. I'm banning this shit from my tv -__-

I'k more likely stick Buffy on later if there's nowt on tv. Looking forward to going on the piss tomorrow night, it's long over due and Im sick of the sight of this house :gasp: Also get the fishtank on Saturday and providing I dont BREAK it, that should provide some fun for a while...... ao at least I have shit to look forward to
Mood - Gooood.

Today's been a good day, easy lessons at college, and barley any homework. Quite relaxing really. I'm just playing on the PSP while talking to some people on MSN, a really relaxing night ^^

I finally caught up on my sleep last night, and had an extremely flattering dream where this professor I had last semester was infatuated with me and gave me an engagement ring, which set the tone for the rest of my day. Only had one class today, and wasn't called on, which was nice. I get out early tomorrow, which is good, and I'm not feeling anxious or anything, which is a relief.
Mood: Bored. I am bored because My xbox 360 plug burnt and I have not played Xbox for like 2 weeks and I wanna play so badly. Hopefully my mom gets another extension tonight.
Mood: Good

Reason: I had a pretty good day today, the weather was great and probably the coolest day we've had in a while. I spent the day with some friends, we did some training in the park and had a good game of Tennis.