What's your mood?

Mood: Optimistic
Reason: I woke up early this morning, it seems like a good day, I don't have to work this weekend and I'm hosting a party. Woot!
Mood: annoyed

Reason: Stupid people annoying me bringing stupid things up that really aren't that big of a deal and should have gotten over by now, but nooooooo they have to blow it all out of proportion and play the 'woe is me card' well fuck off, I aint backing down :stare:
(Hah Hah Damon... now you know how it feels, but it generally produces the contrary effect...oh, you just entered one... XD I tell you in a while you'll have your perviness even higher than before, :O)

Bored, because there is no one interesting online in MSN, the foruns i frequent are pretty much dead... And its 2:AM here.
Mood: Excited!

Reason: I am getting my Red Cliff DVD sometime this week. I can't wait to watch it!
Mood: Tired
Reason: I didn't get much sleep last night, went to bed too late and got up too early
Mood: Refreshed
Reason: It's now the weekend :D. It's like the biggest thing you look forward to do when you have been at college all week, have no matches to go to on Saturday ad after 2, 5-a-side seshs. I felt well knackered yesterday. :gasp:
Mood: Iunno

reason: I can't decide whether Im in a good mood or not, it's too early and I'm tired...haha. I managed to get most of the basecoat done in that bedroom though which is gewd, and Im off out tonight, I just havent decided on the finer details, there's afew options and Little Miss Indecicive here can't decide what she wants to do
Mood: A little enebriated.

Reason: Drinks. I love the booze. Not too much, but enough to enjoy a good time and get a few lap dances from some bridesmaids who are lookin for a good time for a night or so.
Mood - Lazy

Reason - Today is Sunday.
I have to go somewhere with a friend and i have to meet with my family for eating out.
i don't want to leave my warm bed... >_<
Mood: Boreddd.. and slightly annoyed.

Bored because I have nothing to do.. It's a Sunday though and I feel icky as usual.. I so wish I could eat properly again too, I hate having braces. <_<