When are you going to finally say...

never !!!!!!!!

~Mod edit - please put some more effort into your posts next time, posts usch as this are considered spam. Aerith.~
I guess when i have no more free time to play it or the games are horrible to play.

But since i wanna be a teacher that gives me loads of free time to play games :monster:

so i'll probably quit FF when the games are barely playable and/or they stop being made.
Eh, probably if the games start to suck, but I don't see that happening any time soon (I hope), because FF is one of my favorite video game series ever.
But since i wanna be a teacher that gives me loads of free time to play games :monster:

You frigging kidding? If you're a teacher you will have NO free time whatsoever, you'll have to show up to school early and leave late every day, then when you get home you'll have lots of papers to grade because you cant just shove them all off on a poor assistant. But of course you'll have vacations and breaks whenever the kids are off school, so that oughtta make up for it.

Anyway...i'll never stop playing FF1 though 10 (dunno if i'll ever replay 12), but if SE keeps going in it's money-whoring ways and keeps coming up with gimmicky things like the license board and OMGZ N0 R4NDUM B4TTL3S then i'm gonna stop buying them. I'm really dreading the FF13 games, actually...
You frigging kidding? If you're a teacher you will have NO free time whatsoever, you'll have to show up to school early and leave late every day, then when you get home you'll have lots of papers to grade because you cant just shove them all off on a poor assistant.

I can stay up late ^_^ and i'll just do what my first history teacher did, never mark papers. XD i kid. theres always weekends.

But as long as i have enough time to game ill stay play FF - even if they make a really bad game i wont just quit the series because chances are - the next game will be better than the previous one.
I can stay up late ^_^ and i'll just do what my first history teacher did, never mark papers. XD i kid. theres always weekends.

But as long as i have enough time to game ill stay play FF - even if they make a really bad game i wont just quit the series because chances are - the next game will be better than the previous one.

lmao, my history teacher did the same thing, if we turned in papers he'd just look to see if we'd written a full page, then slap a 100% on them xD

The next will be better? I dunno about that....XII is a bit inferior to X....and the way SE loves to whore out sequals, i'm rapidly losing faith in them. Thank god for Sakaguchi's new company Mistwalker.
You can quit anytime you want. So whatever happens, happens. If I have time to keep up in the series and play them, then I'll continue. If I have the right system/console, the time and money to play them, then of course I'm always up for a good story and game. Bring it on.
Same here. I'll eventually come back to play the games again once I officially declare "I quit"; that's just who I am. As long as the games keep getting interesting, doesn't go into a general decline, or Enix pulls the series out forever, I'm gonna go play.
I know people far older than I, who are married, have kids jobs, etc...and still play FF and video games, so I figure I can probably pull it off :P

Final Fantasy is my main fandom. Meaning, it's the fandom that even after all these years, I still squee uncontrollably whenever I'm exposed to it, and waste all my money on eBay for FF collectibles, trinkets etc.....
I'll play until I no longer care for the series, which could actually be pretty soon. I'm actually debating whether I'm even going to bother with XIII since I wasn't too happy with the last few FF games.
I'll play until I no longer care for the series, which could actually be pretty soon. I'm actually debating whether I'm even going to bother with XIII since I wasn't too happy with the last few FF games.

Yeeeeah....looks like more futuristic, unoriginal anime crap. Yippie.

I've pretty much lost faith in the FF series...so...i'll probably stop playing any new ones within a couple years. Of course i'll always play the ones made by Square, and i might replay XII....maybe....
I'm sort of looking at Final Fantasy XIII as a last attempt to save the franchise for me. I haven't enjoyed any Final Fantasy game recently (Apart from Final Fantasy III which was a remake) and I am kind of getting fed up of getting my hopes up to be crashed and burned by another poor Final Fantasy game. Although knowing me, even if Final Fantasy XIII isn't as good as I hope it will be, I would probably still follow the series onto Final Fantasy XIV (If there is one) as I will find it hard to leave the franchise that I love so much.

Basically, I hope that I play the franchise for as long as they are around but Square Enix must get their heads out of their asses and make Final Fantasy XIII amazing.
I'm not planning on saying it, unless the series really falls down the shitter. Can't see it happening, as I've enjoyed most installations thusfar to a lesser extent... so I'll play anything. :monster:

It's not like you have to have entire days dedicated to playing them, and no-one's "too old" for a games console. It's a bit of entertainment, which many people can enjoy. An RPG is like a visual book, so... you might as well have a bash at any age.
Basically, I hope that I play the franchise for as long as they are around but Square Enix must get their heads out of their asses and make Final Fantasy XIII amazing.

Their heads aren't stuck up their asses, they're stuck in their wallets and bank vaults. They know there's plenty of shallow gamers out there who'll buy any gorgeous looking game even if it's shit, they had enough confirmation of that with the VII compilation.

And XIII being multiple games doesn't help me have any faith in them. It just seems like another ploy to split up what should have been one epic so they can make more money. I think SE is going to lose alot of the old fans but gain alot of new ones (i.e. the ones who started the series with X).

I really wish they'd put more effort into their games so they're timeless classics like FF6, instead of just making them as pretty and gimmicky as possible, then they'd be able to keep their older audience, but i don't see that happening....
I'll probably stop playing if the next few games disappointed me. Since FFIX, I've been losing my faith in Square. Honestly, I did not enjoy playing FFXII. If Crisis core and FFXIII turn out to be terrible, I'll probably stop there.
I'm trying my best to enjoy XII...it's hard alot of the time.

Didnt Nomura or someone else say they want to make XIII play like what you see in Advent Children, with lotsa flying about and aerial combat? Sounds like a Devil May Cry wannabe.
I'm trying my best to enjoy XII...it's hard alot of the time.

Didnt Nomura or someone else say they want to make XIII play like what you see in Advent Children, with lotsa flying about and aerial combat? Sounds like a Devil May Cry wannabe.

Yeah, I remember reading an interview with them saying that in Final Fantasy XIII, what they were really aiming for was to recreate the battles you see in FFVII: AC, which will probably turn the series into an Action RPG.

Also, I've stopped trying to enjoy FFXII as I don't think it is worth it at all, the game is poor in my opinion.
id love to just have new final fantasies come out for as long as i live so i can just keep buying them and playing them. i'll probably even tell my kids to play them but they most likely won't listen because im just a stupid "parent" and i dont know anything about anything.

but anyway, id love to play final fantasy for as long as i possibly can. until they stop making them or i go blind or something.