When did you became a FF fan?


Jun 6, 2006
So when did you became a Final Fantasy fan? I think I was at the age of 13 while I was introducted to FFVII by a friend of mine. It was heck of a game!
I was around either 8 or 9 when I decided to watch my brother play FFVII. Man, I was amazed at the gameplay. I played every once and awhile when he was gone for the weekend, and then he finally let me play the game for real. ^_^ It's weird that I have been gaming for a long time now.
I started playing while I was moving into my fourth house when I got a ps1 and FF7 so I wouldn't be bored to death.
I got into Final Fantasy about 14 years ago when I was 8 years old. It was Final Fantasy II for SNES that got me stuck into the series. =)
I think i was about 7ish, i dono. My sister was playing FFVII, and i tryed the next day and i couldn't get out of the first reactor. lmao.
I can't really remember. When I first got Final Fantasy VII I was a little too young to understand the plot and I couldn't really make heads or tails of it. I think I was about eleven when I actually got into the swing of it and started to really get the plot. The game had been sitting around for about two years and I thought 'heck, someone has to play it'. Little did I know that it would be one of the best games ever x_x

So ever since I was eleven.
I was 7 when FF7 came out so when my cousin made straight A's he saw it and thought he would give it a shot and then I got it for my birthday after that XD I loved it then I got FF8 and then I got FF9 and FF10-2 then I got FF10 lolz!:lol:
when i became

When i became a final fantasy fan was back in 1999...funny that my first game i ever played was ff 7........then i played ff 2 which was 4 here then i played 8....then i played 9....then 5 and 6.....all were great games i was surprised how good and fun 5 and 6 were.....finally i caught up to you all and played10 and x2 :P
ff VII

AndrewDay said:
When My dad got Final Fantasy 8 as soon as it came out. I tried it and I was hooked for life.
thats interesting that 8 would have been your first experience with that card triple triad game..was a good game and had mini games in side the game :)
FFVII for me when I was about 7 or 8 then the first one I owned was FFVII then the rest in order then I got all of the older ones 1-6
I think it was 1999. FFIX. Underrated game, and I still love to play it, when I do. After that, it was ten, then I moved back and got some of the older ones, firstly FFVII.

I doubt I'll ever regret playing this series at all. Ever.
I must've been 12 years old or younger. I went to my cousin's house and he introduced me to Final Fantasy VII. I loved it, so my dad bought me Final Fantasy VIII. I was so hooked to it and then I bought VII, IX, X and X-2. I've loved them ever since.
When FF7 came out. It was in every Ps1 mag and in the shops and everything so i thought it was a really good game and i got it.
Glad i did cause i still have the one i got ages ago.
lol i was 6 back then and i didn't have a clue of what to do then lol
I got myself hooked when FFVII was released, roughly. One of my friends got the game, and I saw him playing. I asked if I could and he tossed me the strategy guide. I didn't even need it. XD He went outside for a bit and I created my own file. I got farther than him in 25 minutes. :) Hooked for life.