When did you became a FF fan?

To be honest, I just became a FF fan last week. I played FFVII and I was hooked on it, then after I seen Advent Children. I knew FF was worth something getting into.
When I was a kid , I loved DUNEII
I loved all those type of games
then I saw FFII
Magics !!! Upgrades
I loved it , because of its kind .
I love all RPG and strategy games
I think that Its like 12 years or maybe 10
I don't remember its accurate date
I was first a fan when FF9 first came out coz i got given it for christmas off me brother, I was determined to play the rest of them after that came out and now im nuts about em all!:D:D:P
It first started for me in 2002. My brother and I went to E-B games to buy a game. Then he saw Final Fantasy IX. He read the back of the case and read some of the manuel. He bought it brought it home and beat it in 2 weeks. Two years later he gave it to me for Christmas.
40? Oh boy. Talk about a big series. I think I'll take my time with VII for now.

After that, I would strongly suggest moving onto Tactics if you enjoy strategy. Of course XIII or IX would be best if you want to play it safe.

I'm currently on hour 200 of Tactics, and I'm still not tired of it!
mine was kind of the same experience as Darkblade, think i was about 13 aswell. My mate always talked about final fantasy 7 back in primary and one day we were in electronic bootque (before game) and i saw it on the shelf and that was that, been hooked on ff ever since.

I kept hearing about this awesome game known as FF VII back when I was still at primary school (exact age unkown) so when I saw it just come out on Platinum I bought it with some birthday money or something. A few hours in I was HOOKED. Since then I must've completed the game about 20 times over. I moved onto VIII, VI, X, IV, V, I, II, X-2 and IX in that order I think with III recently on ROM.
I got a Playstation the Christmas after FFVII came out. I was trying to figure out what game I should get with it, so I looked around the Internet, checking out different games. It looked pretty cool (I used to spend half an hour or so watching movies of FFVII battles over dial-up), so I picked Final Fantasy VII. The rest is history.
Started at Final Fantasy I - probably the most challenging due to the fact you didn't have strategy guide to get you through. NES was a pain in the ass because sometimes NES would forget as in you would have to start over..

Lucky ya'll have emulators.
I was 14 or 15, when I saw my boyfriend playing FFVII. Hooked ever since!
Yay for SNES! Must have been about nine or so. I bought FFIII (US version) and FFII (along with a few other non-FF games) at a garage sale for $5 or so and have loved it ever since.
Yay for SNES! Must have been about nine or so. I bought FFIII (US version) and FFII (along with a few other non-FF games) at a garage sale for $5 or so and have loved it ever since.

Go SNES!!!

FFIV was my first FF game. I don't remember how old I was but probably around 12 or 13. After that I was hooked on FF and bought FFVI and the rest since then.

The game that really got me hooked on rpg's however was Lunar SS for Sega CD.