When did you became a FF fan?

If any of you know me, you'd know I've always credited my friend who helps me through some tough times on the game. They're the one who got me hooked on FF. Ah... it was years ago. Nearly ten, in fact. They played FFVII, which i wasn't that big of a fan of. FFVIII? Same deal. Then came FFIX and the boy with the monkey tail. That was the first FF I played. From then on, i was sold.
88-90 with FF2 and 3 on a Nintendo I bought in Japan. I'm a bit older then most of you ;)

Yeah I was thinking the same thing!

Man, no wonder FFVII is so popular! That was the newest one out by the time most (current) FF fans were old enough to start liking video games that had a story line! You guys just like it the most because it was the first one you played, not the best one!! And to think, I originally thought you were all idiots!! lol j/k Okay, don't kill me!! j/k j/k :lolz: :lolz: :lmao: :P
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I was around either 8 or 9 when I decided to watch my brother play FFVII. Man, I was amazed at the gameplay. I played every once and awhile when he was gone for the weekend, and then he finally let me play the game for real. ^_^ It's weird that I have been gaming for a long time now.

im like u vincentlucercia, i watched my bro play and i got into it so i started playin and boom, here i am now.
don't remember my age, but the first game I played was FFVIII. I remember getting it from my dad one day and noticed it had 4 different Cd's with it. I was amazed and started playing. That was when I started locking my door :P

the next game I played was FFX at a friends house. It was a awesome game, but I enjoyed FFVIII more.
My favorite is FFVIII, because of the story and the cool cinematics, but I like the FFVII characters more though.
Yeah I was thinking the same thing!

Man, no wonder FFVII is so popular! That was the newest one out by the time most (current) FF fans were old enough to start liking video games that had a story line! You guys just like it the most because it was the first one you played, not the best one!! And to think, I originally thought you were all idiots!! lol j/k Okay, don't kill me!! j/k j/k :lolz: :lolz: :lmao: :P

I've heard that before. None of the below matters.

Wikipedia said:
Released in 1997, it was the first game in the Final Fantasy series to be produced for the Sony PlayStation, the first to be ported to Windows-based computers, and the first to use 3D computer graphics featuring fully rendered characters on pre-rendered backgrounds.

To be honest, Tactics is my favorite. Talk about replay value!
My boyfriend actually started me on FF. It's funny because he kept pressuring me into playing it and just the fact the he wanted me to play so bad made me not want to. But he kept telling me how awesome it was and so one day when no one was around I just started playing FFIX and I couldn't stop. Then of course I had realized what my life had been missing for so long....
i frist fell in love with ffx was when i was 10 and a friend of mine
let me play his game! i could not figer out how to make them move!!;-}
Back when the original Final Fantasy came out for the NES. I used to watch my brothers play it. Then I tried to play it. I think I had A warrior, a monk, a red mage and a black mage. I didn't get to far with the game because all I did was walk around the world map. I was about four when I playing around with it and I didn't really understand it. Never beat in on the NES.

Then IV (called II) back then came out for the SNES. I was immediately hooked with that game. I had some trouble with it but my older brother helped me out with it. I remember crying when Leviathan took Rydia to the land of the summons because I thought he had eaten her.

Then I played VI, then VII, then VIII, then IX, then I bought V and VI for the PS and played V. Then X, then I loaded up X-2 but turned it off immediately after the opening video.
i became a fan on the first NES when it was FFII...i could never get past the part where you fought all the bosses together at once...i gave up and began playing suikoden and this other rpg called final fantasy mystic quest...beat it...fun...then of course picked up FFVII...im a big fan of FF but kept an open mind about other rpgs and realized there were some better stories out there...but still stuck with most of the ff games
It was after FF7 had came out.. I was coming over to a Friends house.. and he started playing FF7.. and I was really amazed at the Graphics and the controls.. At that time, I only played like 1st person shooters and that..

So after I went home, I called up my mom told her I wanted FF7 for my birthday, which by then FF7 was a bit cheaper.. and I got it for my birthday.. Since then i've been a Harcore FF Fan.. I started collecting games like FF7, FF8 then during one the colder snowier year when FF9 was released I got that.. and continued to let my FF collection grow

I was about 13 or 14,and we were poor so we rented not just games but the system as well.I was really into reading fantasy and was fascinated by magic and medievalism.In the video store I saw Final Fantasy Tactics,read the back,and was hooked just from the cover art!Needless to say,after playing for about 20 minutes,WOW.It took a little time to get used to the chess-like movement,but it came naturally.The music,the graphics,the subject matter.....I think I'll go pop it in now!=)
i first started when i used to live in Miami (around age 6 - 7), my cousin introduced me to the Final Fantasy series with FF II (IV in Japan) on the SNES. After that, I've been an avid fan of the series.