When did you became a FF fan?

End of my Sophomore year of High School. I had just bought a PS2 and my friend brought over his copy of Final Fantasy IX to show me the intro to it and even for PS1 graphics, I was sucked in. I loved that game and have loved the series ever since.
I was 7 when i got FFVII. I got it for my birthday but it was really hard and complicated for me as i was at a young age. I played it again when i was ten tho and got right into it!
I use to play Final Fantasy Mystical Quest back in the day on the Snes. Then after the Playstation came out I had bought FF7, hearing wonderful things about the game, and fell in love with game. I loved the characters, the storyline, and all around gameplay.

Love you FF7!

Summer of 2001: I had never heard of FF but one day my brother came home with a copy of FFIX second-hand which he'd bought. He'd become interested in FF from seeing our cousin play FFVII and FFVIII. My curiosity was piqued and I started playing FFIX. I swiftly got hooked playing it and most of my memories of that summer now are of playing FFIX. When I completed it in early autumn (and loved playing it), I went and got FFVII and FFVIII for my brother and I to play, and it went on from there.
oh boy, this'll age me... I was 5 when FF1 came out for the NES... I got it and loved the series ever since...
FF came out in America on the NES on July 12, 1990. You got my hopes up that I wasn't the only old one here, but I was 8.

EDIT: Err, my post below was ninja'D? Yeah you're a couple years older than me.
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My first FF game was FFVII and I was just around 5-7 years old when I got it :).
i first became a fan when my dad played FFX and i loved it. I read the guide to him and it was like bonding. I knew we had FF7 but i didn't know how many people liked it. I played it and fell in love with the series even more. I now have FF7,FFX, and FFX2 and i own the movie FF7.
I got into FF officially back in '97 when I was around 11. My dad was playing FFVII and I watched him play it for hours, and I fell completely in love with it. After he was done with it I played it myself and have been hooked ever since.

I had watched him play earlier FF's when I was a lot younger, but I was way to young at the time to really comprehend any of them fully.
my first final fantasy was FFX and it was a great game, good story line and all, i have the first five final fantasies, but stayed away since i wasn't a big fan of turned based rpg's, however, i have done a complete 180, i love the final fantasy series and have gone on a playing spree of every ff game i can get my hands on. lol. good times.
I became a FF fan around the time when FFIV came out for the Super Nintendo as FFII. My brother, who is 5 years older than I am, came to my house and started playing it, & I was hooked just watching it. Since he was bigger than I was he didn't let me play, so I never got a chance to play FFIV on the Super Nintendo. A couple of years later, I bought FF7, remembering FFIV, and when I started playing FF7 I was instantly taken in by the game's story. It made a FF fan outta me and I've never looked back.
When I was 11 years old I was a commercial from FFX-2 on tv, so I asked it for my birthday and since then, I wanted to have more games:P
I purchased FFIX not long after the release of FFX and I was hooked from the moment I started playing and couldn't wait to get my hands on FFX then I bought FFX (which is still my favourite of those I've played) FFX-2, DoC: FFVII and my latest purchase FFXII, I don't consider myself a Final Fantasy addict but I'm fanatical about the series and consider them the best RPG games ever made.
When i was real little, i watched my grandma play Final Fantasy I and II, then she taught me how to play that, then i beat them and hoped for the next. Years passed and finally my wish came true for the next Final Fantasy i new was going to be my favorite. it came out and III ( which is now VI for PS1) after that i grew very attached to the Final Fantasy series and started buying them after that. I have Tidus' ring and earring
along with Clouds Squalls Rinoas Necklaces and Rings
Back in the days of 1998 when I was watching a friend of mine play Final Fantasy 7. A short while after that I borrowed my cousins' PS1 copy and then a little later it became budget price so I could afford my own copy. Basically since then I've bought most of the ones available to me.
Can i get a "Hell Yeah!" for the findings of Final Fantasy for all!

Please keep the posts relevent to the topic question...
well, i don't kno.. the whole story becuzz i was a baby>_< but, when i was very Little my dad would hold me && i would watch him play....... && thats kinda how i got so addicted 2 FF!!!
I first became addicted to FF when i was around 11-13 and played FF VIII
-it was the first one i played, then FF VII

Please keep the posts relevent to the topic question...​
Whoops! my bad Busta!
I never did get into Final Fantasy IV, and V. in fact, i didnt even get a quarter of the way through them before i quit. Then VI came out (at the time i didnt realize it was a remake of III). So i bought it....And loved it. it brought back memories of me and my grandma! Then Final Fantasy VII just so happened to be everywhere. Everyone was talking about it, even the kids that didnt play Final Fantasy, or even Video games....I had to try it. I was amazed. not by the characters or by the storyline, but i knew right then this was the begining of a new era for Video Games. The graphics were unbelievable. Since i thought that this one was so called
the "Revolution of a new Era of Gaming," i knew theyd come out with another one. Finally VIII came out. IFFY. then IX. I absolutely loved it.
Then word came around of a new kind of system. PS2? no it was just rumor of Microsofts X-Box. Time passed and finally a coommercial.X-Box?
no. PS2! HEll YEAH! my friends called me, i called my friends... Big news.
Finally it was released, and each of us got a system, but....no Final Fantasy X. My friends and I were irate. the only reason we got the systems were to play the " newly made" Final Fantasy X. Nope.
A couple weeks later a commercial for FinalFantasy X. Headed straight for Wal-Mart Always low prices Always! XD Got it! it was mine.
That concludes my story
Final Fantasy Has changed the way of Gaming since my time back then.
VII has made graphics go beyond what people thought could happen, in movies too. Even though i dislike VII it changed gaming forever and im thankful