When did you became a FF fan?

My cousin got a PS1 in 1997 and Final Fantasy 7 came free with it. I watched her play it and I was more interested in it then her. I then bought a copy of Final Fantasy 8 and I was hooked since.
Around the beginning of tis year, I always wondered what they were like, so I bought FFXII and liked it and was bumbed out everytime i thought the game was gonna end. so far when i try a new game, it's always a turning point in the series. This and RE5.
*Is lame* I've always admired FF and was familiar with several characters (Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, Yuna, Rikku, Paine, Tidus, Rinoa and Squall), but I didn't actually become an all-out fan until LadyAerith and my now-ex corrupted me on FFVII and FFX xD That was...hrm...mid August of last year, I believe.
I didn't really get into it until my freshman year of high school. Final Fantasy was just starting to be a big thing then, and like all the gamers in my school all they would do is talk about Final Fantasy, so I broke down and bought FFVII
I became one, when Final fantasy X was out, I loved it, then I brought Final fantasy VIII, I throught that Final fantasy was all about one whole story like FF 1 is before FF2 and so on, But then I played a bit of FFVIII,
And then I brought FFX and FFVII at the same time.

And that's how I became a FF fan.
I spotted Final Fantasy VII in a shop one day, and I decided to try it out, and the minute I started playing, I was hooked, and from then onwards, I have been an FF-nut.
I first became an FF fan back in June of 1997 when FFVII was first released. I went over to my cousins house and he was playing it. He was in the Shinra offices and I thought it looked kind of dull at first. But, after a few hours of watching him I became enthralled. As soon as I left I went out and bought myself a copy. I didn't put it down for almost 100 and some odd straight hours. I barely slept, I barely ate. I was in love.

Ever since then, I've been a fan.
I was.... 8, i was watching my brother play 8 and he let me barrow 9, been hooked ever sense.
I was 9 when I first got my first final fantasy, and I got hooked because it was an awesome game (VII). It was my first RPG and I loved it. ^_^
Everything Started from my love to Japineese cartoons. I knew that their stories were out of this world... So I bought ffx-2 without knowing the story about X. But I still liked it ^ ^ then I bought X and I liked it even more! then I bought XII and I'm a bit dissapinted... Well that's my story
I think I was thirteen or fourteen, when I played my first FF game ever: Final Fantasy 8. ^^ I was hooked ever since...although I could only get to the second disc on FF8 ^^() Yeah, I'm awful, I know
when i was 7 and i played ff8 at a friends house
then i played 9 when i was living in fareham
and then i bought 10 one day and my collection expanded from there
I got FFVIII when I was 9-ish never understood it, played it again afew years later.. now im trying to get back into it to fully understand it.
definitely when my brother first got a playstation many years ago and he bought crash bandicoot and FFVII. i played FFVII for many hours and he was pissed cause it was his. but anyway i had to have every other final fantasy after that.
Sadly enough what got me hooked was the Final Fantasy 8 commercial. Actually I did like Final Fantasy 8 back then when I beat the game 5 times after. Yeah I was a loser back in Middle school. Also the fact that I loved anime before I ever knew about Final Fantasy.

I would have been playing Final Fantasy 6 or 7 if it wasn't for my parents being consumer whores. They were 'Old Fashion'. They thought video games ruin your life because the news station said so. *rolls eyes*