Where did you get your username from?


Too orsm for you.
Jul 5, 2006
As for me, it's because of my RP character, Faith Crest. And I always thought that Faith was a pretty nice name for a girl. So what about you?
Wolverine (from X-Men) + Galvatron (from Transformers) = Wolvatron.

yeeeaaaa, i'm special. ;)
strangely my usual username is Darkblade. but when I tryed to sign up obviously the name was taken so I added the munber of my Fav FF game to the end. :)
Mine is pretty obvious. It's the name of the summoner in Final Fantasy IV. She's my favorite Final Fantasy character of all time.
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My original name was Kura, I got a spell thats in all the ff and changed the c into a k. Unfortunately I find people are starting to steal it so thats why I am called Neko_kura now.
...The last name part of my Username I created. But the first part actually comes from an old legend from Japanese culture. That ties heavily to the norse myth of Fenrir.

In japanese culture, there was a warrior named Galoko. Everytime he used his weapon the world shook. The gods tricked him and bound him next to Fenrir, who was imprisoned there until the Norse day of Ragnarok. Ultimately, when Fenrir is released, his first meal will be the swordsman that was bound next to him.
The heart comes from my original name, Daggerheart54410. The 54 came from the fact that 54 is my favorite number. Tidus is obvious.
i always pictured temper as a demon i had to get out of me but ......................so yeah u can put 2 and 2 together
Albel Nox:From Star Ocean 3, Also known as: Star Ocean, Till The End Of Time. He's my fave over everything. Albel kills all.

Zane Blander: I made him up. He's my imaginary friend.^_^

Squall_The_End: I was feeling dominant, so I made myself STE at FFR. Awhile ago.^_^

Roxas, The Key Of Destiny: I got this one at FFR because at a time I really loved Roxas. Some dipsh*t that registered a while ago had Roxas and had also never even posted; But Kio wouldn't delete that account and let me have the name. So, I searched wikipedia so I could remember what the panels in the world that never existed said, and then BOOM!
my name was inspied from arith....she held the peace untill her death.but was strong all the way though 2nd part is its the last part of my fav flower the tiger lilly!
Someone made it up for me. Well, I think I actually did. Can't remember why I did it. :/ The name sucks though.