Original Where do I find an item thread

Brave Blade
-Shop: Trade with Icebrand x1, Goddess's Magicite x5,
Red Gem x1 & 29570 Gil.

Ice Brand
-Shop: Trade with Iron Sword x1, Lithe Shard x1,
Transmogridust x8 & 6050 Gil.

Goddess's Magicite
-Duel Colosseum: Invincible Course (Lvl 61-90)
-Shop: Trade with Hi-Elixer x3 & 2000 Gil.

Red Gem
-Battlegen it when facing a friend or friend card with a Red Friend Card
-Obtain it as a component when facing CPU

Good luck!

thank you .SkyE you are realy helpful ^^


"This isn't over yet. There's no tomorrow for me...unless I beat you today!"

I know I am.
I won't be here too often starting next month. Hopefully someone will be able to take my place in helpfulness xD I'll come on when I can, and answer as much as I can, but there's no guarantee on that.

Keep the item requests coming~ I'm here for a while longer xD
Purple Gem, like most other gems, can be obtained through fighting the right coloured Friend Card. That is the most common way to finding them. The other way is to obtain it through chance while fighting the CPU. Every battle has a chance of dropping the opponent's Equipment, or components of the equipment. If your opponent has something that requires the Purple Gem to make, you have a chance of obtaining a Purple Gem from them. Good luck with that.

Flame Rod
-Shop: Trade with Rod x1, Recovery Shard x1,
Transmogridust x4 & 3700 Gil.
-Story: 5DP Remaining in Onion Knight's Story (Destiny Odyssey III)

Transmogridust can be obtained through all courses in the Duel Colosseum. It's worth 3 Medals, I think xD
Recovery Shard can be obtained by Battlegen'ing Onion Knight. (Battlegen with a successful HP attack)
Rod can be bought from the shop for 1000 Gil.

Good luck, Ciana ^-^ Hope this helps.
Hey thanks! sorry for the late reply...trying to fight Inward Chaos >.<" I can get him down to hit last stage (final fight) but he seems to be pulling moves out-his-ass every time I do a brav-break...so lame gahhh...I use mainly Firon but have either shanotto or golbez as secondaries.
Where do I obtain a Purple Gem & Flame Rod for the Crown Specter?
Hehe...what I find funny is that while trying to farm for a purple gem...a Holy Rod dropped and then I checked the shop to see about its upgrades and what do you know...I have the items to make it into a stardust-rod which is level 100+ with supreme stats then the Crown Specter...I felt kinda like a retard for a moment...but that is the joys of Dissidia...finding something newer/better then what you originally wanted! :yay:
I'm trying to get a super ribbon from the Siegfried friend card. About ready to give up, till I heard you can make one. Then I found out you need a ribbon to make a super ribbon. Anyone know how to get a ribbon?
-Shop: Trade with Cat-ear Hood x1, Wyvern Wing x3,
Transmogridust x16 & 12430 Gil.

Cat-ear Hood
-Shop: Trade with Lamia's Tiara x1, Topaz x3,
Bless Powder x4 & 11260 Gil.

The other two items can be won in Duel Colosseum.

Good luck.
Im looking for Bless crystals, Bless orb, and Unshelled bullets to make Squals last two weapons, anone know?
ok skye i just want make sure i've understood it right

the colored gems i just can get by fighting against a friend card, right?

i just need these gems to create some things...

is there btw a way i could get clouds first exclusiv weapon back? i've sold it...
Sorry for not updating. Now that I'm back from computer troubles, I'll be glad to update the initial post, and help people with finding items :)

@Zairan: No, haha you're out of luck. Why would you want that weak weapon back anyways?
becouse that weapon you need to get clouds lvl 100 special weapon.

thats the reason why i need that weapon and i think i've sold tidus's weapon too...:banghead:
Im looking for Bless crystals, Bless orb, and Unshelled bullets to make Squals last two weapons, anone know?

you can battlegen bless crystal and bless orb from squall..
bless crystal-condition:ex burst hit
bless orb-condition:inflict break

for the unshelled bullet.. you can get it in the collosseum.. lunar whale course or trade 4 megalixir in the shop
Wow... those items are so-- advanced. :P
I need help!
What's the easiest and/or the fastest way to get Rosetta Stones? I used all mine and I'm in dire need of more accessory slots. I want to be prepared before I fight Chaos. ;))
easiest way to obtain rosseta stones?. if you want to obtain the trade components, you can have time attack arcade mode and finish it.. maybe.. below 15 mins?.
or go to the blackjack course in the colosseum.. but the chance of a rosseta stone card appearing there is very low..
the last one is to finish some chapters in story mode with the required dp to obtain the rosseta stone as a reward.. oh yah and some rare treasure chest in story mode contains a rosseta stone.
the best way is to farm in the colluseum. there you will find wind- water- and lifestonecards. maybe it will take you a while to find some (about 30 fights) but then they will appear more often.
btw in every colluseum are these stones. so you can choose where you want to farm them.
or you can collect them while you are leveling your chaos fighters in the colluseum.
i dint think that there would be any faster way to get them.
i think arcade mode time attack is easier because once you finish the challenge under 15 mins.. you will get 10 water stones, wind stones and life stones plus an additional 10 megalixir..
hm i've never managed to finish the time course under 10 mins. so i dont know.

how do i get in the sp-shop 100%?
ive got 99% and ive bought everything up till now
Hard mode also has the ingredients for the rosetta stones. Do you mean PP store Zairan? I've heard that you need to level up golbez and exdeath to lvl 100 to get secret voice: golbez and exdeath.
Where can you get multiple adamantite? I'm trying to get the adamant chains series. On the FF wikia, it says it can be gotten in the shop. I can't find it and I've got one adamantite from IC.
my adamant set just came from drops.. ahahahaha.. to buy the adamantite recipe item, you need 1 pink tail and i think i got 1 from the lunar whale course in the colosseum..