Where would you choose to live?

dream world

mine would have to ivalice from FFXII as its so big and such strong culture and awesome terrain
Well, i would choose the world of Spira in FFX... It looks like a really nice and relaxing place to live in, especially after my Yuna got rid of the pesky Sin!

Or for a more specific location in Spira, i'll look at the beach resort island of Besaid... With its swinging coconut trees and sandy beach, the place reminds me of some of my favorite holiday destinations, particularly Langkawi, Penang, and Phuket!

And i can also forsee resorts being built for increased tourism activity in Besaid, after the destruction of Sin, including luxury gems like Ritz-Carlton, Four Seasons, and Banyan Tree! :D
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i would want to live in pre-sin spira as there its lots of technology and the blitzball stadiums look wicked. Also the ff13 universe looks quite interesting but there seems to be a bit to much government control for me.
Hmm, probably FFVIII for me. I like pretty much everything about it, especially the GF and magic systems.
Definatley Spira, such a beautiful place. besaid and Calm lands are just gorgeous, as is Mt gagazet. Places like luca and zanarkand are cool too- but its the bikanels, besaids, and kilikas that i want to see.
*well id choose to live in final fantasy 1 and not the remakes but the original world where there are no saves and no guarantees of your life,that way itd be a real grand adventure :) this realm of final fantasy is more genuine and has the feel of mystery to it,maybe its because of no rules and no nothing from the start,the game just warps you infront of the castle and your on your own, without guidance or even game control tips :D

*Id like to be a Fighter in this world, a wanderer looking for worthy challenges with my sword. honing my skills by killing whatever monster that gets in my path.
weeeeeeee gettin all serious now eh :D
FFVII- Never a boring moment, someone's always trying to destroy it adn plus i can stare at hot guys (fangirlishness)
I would live in any town in FFIV because they all seem very peaceful and and quite with not a whole lot of people there. I for one is an introvert so that is my bread and butter.
"Earth" of VII. Want a beach for the summer? There is Costa del Sol, want to play on the snow on the winter, climb a mountain or ski? There is the Gaea's Cliff. Want to go to a park and have fun? Gold Saucer. Want to be a Chocobo Farmer? Sure, just talk to Chocobilly! Want to watch space from an observatory? Cosmo Canyon. It has quite a lot of things for you to do.

Spira is cool too.
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Certainly in Spira´s Besaid Island... with a beach like that i wouldn´t want nothing more to my life
All of them. I'd just want to be able to make a portal and teleport to the different worlds at will. Lol. Maybe bring a few monsters from one world to another. Maybe kidnap Cecil from FFIV and throw him into FFVI or something. Lol
I sure as hell wouldn't want to live in Spira! At least not while Sin was still around. What FF world would I like to live in? It'd probably be the world of IX - I still have fond memories, of that game; and it just seemed so magical to me. I'd probably live in Alexandria - next to Hippaul, the hippo or maybe that perverted Fishman. [:
FFX Zanarkand When it was in a godo Condition.

Mod Edit: Please put more effort into your post. Say why you would live there. Thank you.
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FFX before dress spheres but after sins demise. I want to play blitz ball and sunbath!!!! Ofcourse I'd avoid the lightening planes but I'd have to visit all the funky places!