where would you like to live in ff9

Mm. Personally, I liked Daguerro. There weren't too many annoying people around to annoy you. But if I needed some company, Treno and Lindbulum are some nice places to visit.
well, thanx all for posting and for giving great ideas for living in a diferent locations and why... like i said i would love to live in lindblum cause its so urban and beautiful and u have everything u need there, but like zealot said black mage village had the best music in the game and its quiet just like madain sari. So exept lindblum black mage village and madain sari would be next place where i would live... oh and treno for a good party of kard game....
my first choice would be burmecia, bc i love the rain.... but only if it was inhabitted. with no people and the music that played during that part of the game..... like that its just depressing.

i like the quaintness of dali and conde petie, but lindblum would probably be the best bc you'd have access to a whole bunch of stuff. that, and i like cobblestone roads :P
If I were to live anywhere in Final Fantasy IX, it would be the Hermit's Library, Daguerro. I loved the music and the feeling in that 'city'. It was so calm and homey feeling to me. I spent a lot of time in and around that place when I played the game.
Treno would be fun, and I do like Linblum too, but then there's always the Black Mage Village ... FFIX had so many good places! :P
Lindblum: the people all seem quite laid-back and there are some eccentric people amongst them. There's a theater as well and plenty of travellers.

Seems like a fun place.
Okay, im only just started Disc 3 and so far I think I'd want to live in Cleyra...you know, before it was blown to smitherines...it seems (or seemed) like a beautiful place. I liked it better w/out the big twister thing surrounding it though. You can look into the endless horizon...beautiful...
I'd live in the Black Mage village and rent a hotel room at Alexandria to watch I Want To Be Your Canary when the Tantalus are playing it. :P That'd be great.
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I'd want to live in Alexandria, i Just love the design of the city, the architecture ect...

Either that or Lindblum as it seems fairly relaxed, and I like the whole 'big city' feel as well.
Either Treno or Cleyra. Treno is just so lively and sophisticated, and Cleyra has that warm and natural beauty. Or even Conde Petie, because those dwarves are just so silly. 8D
I'd wanna live in treno. But not the wealthy part, oh no i want to live in the slums so i have easy access to Tetra Master and play all day :D
Nowhere. I would be traveling all the time, and learning new things, finding secrets, and making myself powerful. Maybe I would try and join Zidane and the others if it were during the same time.

But fi I had to choose a base it would be in Lindblum.
I would like to live in treno where you could find beautiful girlz and the nobles.....
It is wounderfull
Lindblum for me :D I like the separate parts; Business, Theatre and Market, I think. and i like the way you could get the air bus around the city.
Either Lindblum or Alexandria. I don't usually like places like that, but overall the game makes them look like nice pleasant places to live...