where would you like to live in ff9

The theater district at Lindblum, or Alexandria... Especially if that music is playing in Alexandria all the time. It's lovely.
Treno because its just cool really ! always night , auction , cards and that funny little scientist ! lol ! then lindblum cos of the size and diversity .
Not taking into account that the place got trashed by an Eidolen in the game, I'd go for big cities, so probably Lindblum, Alexandria, and maybe Treno.
Look at my location. That explains much huh? I'd prefer Dali. Life there is slow-moving and peaceful.
In the Black Mage village :P

EDIT: Because... it's full of Black Mages, and I love Black Mages :D
And... I dunno, I just like the atmosphere over there...
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I would like to live in daguerro, with all those books, yeah that would be great. As long as I would have an airship though I'd love to travel around there!
it's been a while since I've played 9, but I always liked Treno I think. thats where its always night, right? I'm a night person (I hate fact that I'm awake right now...) so it's the perfect place for me! Plus Prof. Twit (Garnet: It's Tot!) is there! Prof. Torque (Garnet: It's Tot!) has that huge telescope that I'd use constantly. Prof. Tallywacker (Garnet:...f*** it...) and I would be good friends.

All this info is right, right? I don't want to embarras myself by being wrong.
i would love to live in black mage village because it is hidden so hardly anyone could find you there and its really cool
I'd probably like to live in Alexandria and Lindblum. Probably Lindblum more, seeing as how it's much larger and you'd have plenty to do? Not to mention who doesn't want to be under the rule of an oglop? Seriously! Ha ha, well, I enjoy the architecture and the bustling atmosphere of Lindblum, so that would probably be my main home. I'd go to Alexandria for a retreat/ vacation type deal. :neomon:
It wud hav 2 b treno for me

There its always night so u can party non stop, its got the auction 2 get cool items and the card tournament, downside would be u ned alot of money or steal it from all the rich guys :P
Where would I live, the place which is the most secluded.


Silent, and peaceful.

it's the place where you can find calm, how many people go in there.

And if your talking about actual cities, I would pick...

Deli. for the ame reasons, I like relaxing places, I like places where I wouldn't need to care