Where would you like to live?

Luca City!
Mainly because I'd love to play blitzball! It looks so much more fun than all sports these days... sorry, changing the subject, but that probably would be the best place to live. I can think of many other better places from other Final Fantasys but that's not for here!
I'd want to live in besaid it looks so peacfull there or luca cause of the blitzball id love to play that^_^
I'd live on Besaid Island and set up a chocobo ranch and weapons store.

(Set up a better chocobo knights army, that would train along the beach and near the waterfall, keeping Besaid and all of Spira safe!)
Besaid Island. Nice sandy beaches, tiny community. It's good for the slow witted person such as myself. Plus I'm a pretty big fan of hot places. Maybe Kilika too. >_>
I'd actually choose Macalania Forest or maybe Besaid just because of how peaceful it seems. Nice place to settle down in.
besaid. it would be so nice and relaxing there. you could just sit on the beach all day
I would live in either Kilika or Bikanel Desert. Something about Bikanel makes me want to live there. As for Kilika, its a beautiful place, and I could just swim around all day and play Blitzball.
Live in Mt. Gagazet and slap Kimahri silly until he spoke gooder english :P.

Actually I'd probably live in Besaid and live a simple life and hang with Wakka. And my vacations would consist of me going on a "pilgrimage" to explore Spira in it's beauty while hoping Sin was already killed.
i wouldnt. i would travel round like they do, seeing everything. Then when i got bored, i would probably have to settle in Luca. Im a town girl.
Tidus' Zanrakand just looked amazing in the FMVs. I'd go there anytime. I'm more of a crowded city person sometimes. Other than that, Luca is fine. I don't remember much of Luca though, XD
Macalania is sooooo pretty! So probably there!

But Kilika would also be really cool... but Besaid has the beach...

Just as long as I'd live in Bikanel. The heat would kill me. X.X (dead Leki)
Luca or most probably the zanarkand before auron the moron summoned sin, or was he just drinking some homemade hooch?