Where would you like to live?

I like Besaid Island because of it's laid back atmosphere. But I also like, I think it's Kilika? The place where everything is made out of wood?
I'd just chill around Besaid Asle. Play some Blitzball with the Besaid Aurochs.

Or be a Rikku and pitch a tent in the thunder plaines. :wacky:
I really liked Kilika the first time I Saw it. And out of all the places in Spira, that is where I would like to live. A nice, calm life, with beutiful surroundings.
I would like to live in Moonflow.

It just looks so magical!

And Feenjoy!:// was right. You gotta love the shoopufs. :monster:
I liked the areas around Mt. Gagazet. But then I love the cold.

I wouldn't mind a vacation home in Kilika though.
Its Been Like 2 Years Since I Played Ff10 With Any Intensity, But I Still Remember Where I Would Like To Live In Spira... This Story Takes Place During The Hight Of Spiras Technological Powers And Imagine That You Are Living In Zanarkand With Every Convenience Able Learn About Your Chosen Subjects Or Play Your Favourite Sport (of Course For Ecthelion That Would Be Blitzball) And Then One Day Those Naive Bevelle Mothers Show Up And Star T Blowib The Crap Out Of My City I Mean Cummon..... Although Advanced Technologicaly The People Of Zanarkand Were Not A Military Power But Relied Heavily On The Summoner Arts To Protect There City And Eventualy Would Fall To Superior Miltary Power In Bevelle And You Spend The Next 1000 Years Summoning The City U Used To Live In.nice. Rarther Do That Send An Army To Attack Bevelle And Kick There Arses For A Change
Couldn't live in by the moonflow, tobli would do my nut. Old school Zanarkand would be good, but I think Bevelle is pretty cool, just looks overwhelming and the shrine is cool, not to mention all the underground stuff you see in X-2! Think I'd like it there. Think I'd get bored of the beach eventually!:neomon:
Hmm.. I could've sworn that I'd already posted in this thread :confused:

Anyway, I'd like to live in Besaid. It seems like it'd be paradise to live there, surrounded by all of the nice beaches it has. Plus, I could get the Besaid Aurochs to teach me how to play Blitzball :neomon:
I would like to live in the calm lands.

The wide open space the clam easy going life style and the warm sun. A holiday in the plains.
well .. I would choose midgar
but I think there is no alot of jobs there :unsure:
so , i would like to live in zanarkand :cool:
cuz i liked the theme song :)
nah, it just looks like a nice peacefull place to live ^^
Hey .. I should be there too
You know .. I'm her guardian :cool:

I think I have changed my mind ..
I would live in Calm lands ..
In fact … I will make this place for golf players
good idea ha ?:huh:
I'd say I'd like to live in Luca. It's the biggest city, in Spira, and you know you'd have alot to do once Blitzball season came around. Also, it was protected alot more, then the other places, because Blitzball was held there. If Sin, did come, I suppose I'd want to be having fun, cheering on my favorite blitzball team or playing blitzball, then just sitting around waiting for the inevitable! So for me, it's Luca.