Where would you like to live?

Don't mean to be rude, but Bevelle was the largest city in Spira, Luca was the 2nd.

Bevelle would be a nice place to live, a bit noisy maybe, though, So I'd prefer to live in Remiem temple. It's got some great architecture, and It's close enough to Bevelle that I can get all my shopping done.

And yes, I do have something against company. ;)
At the moment I think that I would like to live on Gagazet- I love the snow and there would only be Summoners and Ronso to bother you- I would like to live near that save sphere near the top (just before the fight) so that I could let the Summoners &c rest at my place before the summit!
I'd want to live in Macalania. It's centrally located being on the border of Lake Macalania, the Thunder Plains, Bevelle and the Calm Lands. The 'fayth' surrounding the forest is really nice. You can go to lake where Tidus and Yuna kissed for a romantic place. The only drawback is the possibility of spheres coming to give you a hydraulic press, yeah that would be pretty annoying, be prepared!
I would love to live as a hermit in Macalania forest. The scenery there is nothing short of breathtaking, and like blakstang98 said, its conveniently close to many places.
I can imagine living a peaceful, quiet life there. :3 (aside from the fiends, perhaps? xD)
I would have to live in Luca, because I love Blitzball and thats where the stadium is. But for scenery and a party environment definetly Besaid or Kilika(pre Sin attack).
I'm a city person. Luca is the place for me. It seems like everyone just has so much fun there. There's always new events, Blitzball, and all kinds of things to do.
I would say Besaid . A small island with not that many people and a white beach and nice water !
I would live in either Besaid or Kilika becouse of the weather and the people there. I wouldnt live in a big city like Bevelle or Luca and i would certainly not like to live in the thunderplains and the calm land becouse of the fiends. i wouldnt live in Zanarkind either.

Lulu the black mage
I would love to live in a place like Besaid. The beach looks really beautiful there. Of course I would want to live in something bigger than a hut but I guess you could build a house somewhere on Besaid.
Bevelle...because there is such a magic about that place. So many mysteries concealed that it would take more than a single lifetime to unfold them all. Of course, Bevelle is among the most beautiful of edifices ever constructed on Spira, and was the very center of a very powerful political and religious force.
Put abit more effort in please gaiz, tell us why you would like to live in these places

I've totally changed my mind about wher eI want to live, I well want to live in Guadosalam, I can visit the Moonflow with ease and explore the Farplane all the time, that place is just amazing, it's so pretty