Where would you live?

i too like the man with no nose :P i like their muzak but its not as good as dir en grey and never will be :P

anyway i want to live in nibelheim, just so i can go and see the mako fountain whenever i want and so i aint too far from rocket town and cosmo canyon. two beautiful places with beautiful scenery

:O I never really liked Dir en Grey, just some of their songs. Nothing beats X Japan though :D

Also, Nibelheim would be great for the mountains and such. The only problem is that the monsters would probably eat me XD
Costa del Sol, would love to live there because of the sun and beach, also close to gold saucer if I need some gaming time.
I'd live with that old man in the glacier cabin that you get sent to after you passout.. I love the snow and it looks really cozy..
I would live at the gold saucer. I could play the games all day long, ride the roller-coaster, test my skills at the battle square, ride a chocobo for a race or have a role in a mediocre play.
See, Im a city boy...as in I live in the centre of town. So im going to go with Midgar. not the slums....but yeah, as long as i have access to all the neccessary amenities im happy.
Costa Del Sol

I'd spend my days out on the beach in the sun...relaxing with some drink involving coconut :awesome:

My second choice would be Nibelheim because it has that quaint, cozy feel.
I have three places: Costa Del Sol, Junon or Wutai. They just seem like livable places.
Nibelheim. It's a quaint town with a dark past, and I could overlook the fact that Shin-RA employees were transferred there to act as townsfolk. As long as I kept to myself (which I usually do) everything would go fine.
Hmm i'd either live in Nibelhiem (I'd take the mansion), Costa De Sol (perving rights) or Mideel (Nice place to retire and mellow out :) ).
hmm thats a tough one probably gongaga pre zacks death any way would have been cool to train with him before he went to shinra
You know, now that I look at the map, there's surprisingly few places where people actually live. A lot of the areas in 7 aren't cities, and overall, there aren't that many places at all... Weird. Never really occurred to me before.

Regardless of the sparse setting, hands down, Midgar. The thriving center of the entire world, thanks to the success of Shin-Ra. Everyone knows about Midgar, and I get the feeling it's a similar situation to Seattle, WA (half the population lives in the city, and the rest is spread out all over...). Midgar was the most memorable section of the game for me, and contains such an incredible variety of people. Very interesting place. Slums or upper plate, it would be the FF7 place for me.
Cosmo Canyon because it looks like good and relaxing place to live and there is no Shinra's mako reactor draining mako energy from the planet :D

City of the Ancients
It's so peaceful and beautiful, I love how all of the buildings are made of huge shells!
Probably the nicest place to live would be in Costa del Sol, but most probably I'd live in Midgar, after all I live in one of the biggest cities of the world, so I'd feel at home in the metropolitan chaos of Midgar.

Though, I'd rather live in an abstract place: with Aerith. Wherever she is, there is my promised land.
Cosmo Canyon is the most interesting "city" in my eyes. I like to study in 2012 so, for studdents it is the perfect place^^.
After studying, I would teach little children in Midgar, but the upper(top?) part!

The last years of my life I would live in Costa del Sol, the perfect place to relaxe=)
I would love to live and working in the Shinra main headquaters in Midgar(as a resource or inteligence personal) before Nibelheim incident, just so I could meet and work with all the first class soldiers expecially Sephiroth! eheheh!:PI'll probably move to Cosmo Canyon after that since I love astronomy and it's a very peaceful place.
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