Which Enemies Give You Fits?


Jan 9, 2007
For me it's those dead-bones ( coincidentally also in the ND ). I went on the hunt for that golem ( that someone's son created ) in the nabreus, and I had to cut through FORTY SIX of those things - with 4 KO'ed, 1 sleeping/immobilized/diseased/sapped and Balthier twice beating a hasty retreat with something like 119 hp left.

Who's YOUR FFXII nightmare?
the jellies that multiply when you kill them. they're in some mine, can't remember which. at the level i was in there, the ONLY way to kill them was to drop them with a massive quickening, and even then i had to be lucky to get them dead before they spawned more.
Forget what they are called. The goblin type creature that usually come in packs of 3 in the Nechrol of Nabudis. Doesn't matter how powerful you are, they never let you hit them. Constantly dodging attacks. Argh!
I hated those green flying enemies near the end of the game. I would get them down to about half hp and they would do kamikaze on me and almost kill one of my guys...Such a piece of crap enemy.
I was on my way to fight Gilgamesh and an undead enemy attacked me, so I put the controller down while went to get a drink and let my gambits take care of him. When I got back it had the screen that asks you to switch to your reserve (I barely leveled them up). Needless to say, I was slaughtered. I hate Disma.
ChaosVincent45, I totally agree with you. I HATE Disma. I have everyone all at the same level (I put the game down for a few weeks), each person is around 60, and I cannot for the life of me figure out why this creature can use his fist to rip my heart out and dance on my corpse, laughing. -_-
The Elder wyrm. That thing got on my nerves because it casted multiple status ailments on you and casted fire spells after you had oil on. How in gods name a hippieflower wyrm can cast fire is beyond me. But the elementals and the huge F_cking things of doom get on my nerves.
Etems annoyed the living hell out of me. End of Story.

If you know what they are, chances are you will hate them too.

They are located in the Henne Mines if you didn't know. Go find out.
i hate the 4 boss fights u have to fight at Raithwall's Tomb. I still cant get by that! lol! im such a newb.:cool: Any hints?
TWO THINGS! the first, and the one I hate overall, are those godd*mn necrofiends! in the pharos' sublevels, they appear outta dead enemy corpses and surprise the sh*t outta me! I can kill them, but somehow, they ALWAYS get to cast curse on my people! GRARGH!

and, the second, is the disma. I went into the mines to try to attack gilgamesh/level up and I ran into that thing, I thought I could kill it, even though I was underlevelled for that area with my team's skillz, but I was wrong. DEAD wrong. I revived all of my ppl on my main team about four times each with arise, and they STILL went down, barely taking the disma down to a quater health.
I find the Ghost mobs that teleport annoying, they always teleport at the right moment when all of your attacks won't do any damage ; ; Also they like to cast doom and death orz.

Also the Annul move from Reaper mobs /sigh...

Someone already mentioned the Charybetrix in Cerobe Steppe that do the annoying kamikaze move >.< i had to put them to sleep and kill with magic to get Split Armor.
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the charybetrix just die for me now. I have telekinesis, and I get up close to them and the never use kamikaze anymore. and I never really even cared if they did, you still get the kill in the bestiary, and I'm pretty sure you still get liscence points and everything. but, even if you don't, there were still way to many other monsters there to phase me, especially ring wyrms, they were VERY fun to kill, especially since I had deathbringer and some were asleep when I got there and that just made it awesomely fun.

oh, and the ghost things are necrofiend-type enemies....they're pure evil. but, I did think of another monster I bloody hated! it was the durn Vyraal, I know it was a mark, but it still pissed me off...ALOT! It just kept running away and healing its sorry butt, while it TRIED to leave me immobilized, at one point I had used reflect on my characters and IT got immobilized MWAHAHAHAHA.....but, in general, I hate the monsters that start to run away when you're about to win, they REALLY ticked me off.
In the deep parts of the mines,there are bats,but with different,almost mechanical looking wings.Not only are they tough with high HP,but they Leech you for 2-3000 HP,which heals them!!!There is one place on the way to Zodiark,when you can open a set of gates,and when you flip the switch,10 or 15 of these things swoop down on you,obliterating your party and reserves.

I dont like the momic queen. I cant get passed her! I get really close to winning and then she uses that shock thingamabobber and I die. it sucks....
the magic pot gives me a lot of problems. I have not killed it yet And I'm at Lv 90.

k. the next time you see one, give it an elixer right away. then the stupid thing will just bounce around and not do anything to you. just attack it and it'll die.

the jellies deep in the henne mines are the worst for me. they suck when you get 3 or more on you.