Which female would win in a fight?

Rinoa hands down - not only is she a sorceress She has a cooler weapon and has a magical invincible doggie that can attack quistis. Therefore rinoa wins by default. lol
Sorceress or not, Rinoa would win. She has a pinwheel and a dog called Angelo that can do stunts. It would be a close call, but Rinoa might just be able to evaid Quistis's whip.
Nah I think Quistis Will win coz she's Squall Instructor and Squall is pretty much powerful...so...Quistis for me.
Rinoa without a doubt not only is she a sorceress but she has the pinwheel so she can attack from a distance were as Quistis has to be in whipping range plus Rinoa is just so much cooler :P
I think that Quistis will have the upper-hand. Quistis has been properly trained to fight and even, if it calls for, to kill another person. Quistis is a SeeD afterall. Plus, she is a blue mage and very intelligent.

Rinoa may be the most powerful Sorceress but she doesn't have what it takes to finish off someone.
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I think it would be a close call between Rinoa & Quistis. Quistis is a well trained fighter, but in the end I think Rinoa would win being a Sorceress.
You guys always miss the technical stuff :) Though I love Rinoa and can't stand Quistis, she would win immediately. Anyone ever faught on Hell or Heaven Island using the Quistas is L337 strat? She has a blue mage attack known as Degenerator. Instant kill, any enemy. Thus on the islands you can kill a dino immediately, great way to level up. Sorry Rinoa, but Invincible Moon just doesn't come often enough :)
As I say...but think about it Rinoa is not a Sorceress anymore that mean she's nothin *plz forgive me Rinoa* but Quistis she's strong and thats the truth indeed.
Quistis. Rinoa's magic is very ineffective until she goes angel wing. With Quistis' limits, look at me!!! Shockwave Pulsar!! Plus I like Quistis a lot. She's my kind of woman. If you think like me, you'll get an answer that makes much more sense.
although Quistis is a SeeD i just never use her so i'm going with Rinoa seems she helped me beat the game and all, rinoa ftw
Ok i agree with Farroshus on the point everyone is missing the techs on the characters but yea i think in the end rinoa would pull it off because of the dog and her ability to do guriella tactics stay back and fire the pinwheel lol but quistis would get some really nice shots in with the laser eye and other limit breaks but in the end rinoa would use angel wing and boom goes quistis lol now if it was a Cat fight no wepons or magic rinoa would be bleeding bad lmao
I have to say quistis, she is much faster stronger and better than rinoa, shes a trained fighter and ready to kill!
Hmm, tough one. Rinoa's pretty weak in the game, but since I <3 Rinoa...I'd say she'll probably win. =P Erm, although Quistis CAN do some serious damage, such as learn spells from enemies...Rinoa would probably have a hard time beating her.