Which female would win in a fight?

Rinoa hands down, although I wouldnt say Quistis is useless .... she can get quite strong and has a good range of techniques if you utilise them properly
I think Quistis has the highest HP, right?
That can be taken care of with some magic juctions. ^_^
>_< Rinoa's limit break sucks.
And then when she DOES get an alright limit break you have to change ALL of her magic before battle.
if you have only meteor in rinoas magic inventory she only uses meteor but thats the most powerful magic cause it hit multiple times ^_^
Quistis would kick Rinoa's ass in a fight. Rinoa is whimpy and relies too much on other people's attacks to get her by... Quistis fight for herself, and beside, like Quistis can't beat a Dog with a whip? that dog wouldn't stand a chance, add in Quistis's Limits, Rinoa would be crying for Squall to come save her in under a minute.
I would have to say Quistis, she is trained in combat, besides quistis has some of the best magic in the game like Mighty Guard, Shockwave Pulsar, Ray-Bomb, and my personal favorite Degenerator. All Rhinoa has is a pinwheel and a dog.
But Rinoa's dog can kick some major ass. ^_^ So I'll have to give it to the dog, lol.

No, but I really personally think Quistis would win. Her whip can deal some great damage. Rinoa's pinwheel is kinda weak compared to her. And of course, not to mention Quistis' magics. Some are quite powerful.
My vote would go to Quistis. Rinoa just seems too soft and I don't think she would be able to handle a fight against Quistis which is fighting is what she's trained to do.
In all honesty, as a Sorceress, Rinoa could overtake Quistis easily in my opinion. Sorceress powers are incredibly strong and Quistis by herself couldn't stop them, at least in my opinion. However, I think before Rinoa turning into a Sorceress, Quistis could have beat her. Although if I remember right, I saw somewhere that Rinoa has higher stats than Squall when she starts out (I'm not claiming it as fact, just what I remember seeing). But it's very evident in the beginning Rinoa hasn't done a lot of fighting and that's what would undo her since Quistis is an incredibly experienced fighter. I don't know, sorry for the rambling xD