Which FF character can you RELATE to the most?


Jan 2, 2011
Idaho, USA
Advanced apologies if endless threads like this have already been created, but I really have to know....

I'll share mine if you share yours. ;) And please tell us why you can relate to this character.

I'm looking forward to this thread.
Well I guess I wil go first :hmmm:

I think the one I can relate to the most is Zidane, mainly because he is a big terrible flirt, and he makes it so obvious. Yet he has his very caring side where he cares for all his friends and tries everything he can to help them out.
Squall actually. We both care about what people think of us so try and distance people from getting close to us. We both don't like being the centre of attention or being a leader. Also i have the same hair as Squall XP
Aeris/ Aerith. Alot of people and mates, think that I'm innocent, cute, naive and pure and I'm actually quite erm... flirty :ahmed:
Either Cloud or Noctis. I don't like working in groups and I always inspire myself to be the best and use my power to keep others safe.
Hope because I get jealous easily and when I lose my temper, I take it out on others and don't think rationally. I'm also pretty shy and aren't experienced with the ways of the world since I'm a teenager too.
Kefka. We both have a sociopathic hatred of virtually everything in existence, as well as a sense of humour that others would consider "twisted" or dark, and don't really care for anything other than our own amusement. I share something of his nihilistic attitude towards life as well. I'm a little less maniacal and outright destructive than he is though, and considerably more colour co-ordinated in my dress style. I'm setting things on fire and booting people off of cliffs in my mind, not in reality...at the moment, anyway.

Like Locke I'm a tiny bit misunderstood. People call me a 'thief' but I'm really a 'treasure hunter'. Yes, indeed. I have a unique and somewhat strange lifestyle, a lot of curiosity and am inquisitive. I like to explore if only in an abstract sense and thrive off the unknown. My romances tend to be somewhat tragic within a Locke x Rachel vein. And, I harbor some guilt and emotional baggage as a result. :ohshit:
Squall actually. We both care about what people think of us so try and distance people from getting close to us. We both don't like being the centre of attention or being a leader. Also i have the same hair as Squall XP

This minus the hair.

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Definitely Squall. Doesn't like the attention, basically not a typical social person :|
Hope, Lightning, and Yuna.

Hope: He's quick to anger and blames others---he's shy and can be ambitious(?) if around certain people. Is also motherless.

Yuna: She is reserved, intelligent , serious and soft-spoken. Can usually manage to conceal any feelings of sadness from others.

Lightning: She is harsh and aloof but warms up to her allies, quite serious, resolute, and introspective.

I might be one other character as well but I'm only going by what I've been told.
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I think it would have to be Yuna.

I appreciate the way she cares for her friends and admire her desire to do right by others. I can relate to her determination and her desire to be strong in the face of adversity.

I can also relate to her self-consciousness. For those who don't think she is self conscious... I detect it in the way she carries herself. She's uncertain about what she's doing and how best to do it. She's never entirely confident in her ability to complete the pilgrimage, yet she's determined to try.
Ifrit, I am huge and really powerful but I can only use my power when summon too.
I would say Locke is the one I would relate with the most. I am always on an endless treasure hunt while looking forward and avoiding the awkward things in my past. Also being a treasure hunter rules and life is an endless quest.
I would probably be Squall or Cecil Harvey.

Cecil: He's shy and has difficulty showing his emotions to others.

Squall: As much as he resents assuming leadership, he is the first to ensure that what is necessary gets done.

There's probably some other things I could list, but I can't really remember them at the moment. Oh yeah, people tell me I look like a mixture between Squall and Tidus, if that counts.
Bahamut, Cloud AND Zidane. Mainly Zidane though.
Bahamut: While i'm not as strong as he is, I am courageous when needed and will defend my friends no matter the cost, also I believe in honour and that they need to do something that is worthy of me to respect them.
Cloud: I'm relatively quiet and sometimes prefer working alone or left alone. I get angry sometimes especially when others are hurt, and I'm blonde and spiky.
Zidane: Most often I'm in this mood compared to Cloud's, when I'm happy and cheerful i'm flirty, cheeky, fast, sarcastic but alwasy respect my friends and very caring towards them.
Maybe Cloud, when he was younger. All of the kids seemed to think he was weird because he was angry all the time and he'd tell himself he didn't care, but he kind of did. Not to be corny or anything!

Either him or Quistis, because like her, I'm just... there. :lew:
Has to be zidane for me. Hard to put down, open and friendly. Fairly sociable, quick to defend others regardless of their closeness to me, and open minded. Maybe a little bit of the perv to :perv:
Surprised at all the Zidane responses but no Tidus' yet!

Personally I see a lot of Tidus, Wakka and Snow im myself. The most important thing to me is the people around me, and I want to show them that I care for them through compassion, courage, and strength, although it may not always be there. While I care a lot for my loved ones, I realize that I have a lot of short comings and battles myself that I have to take care of that get pushed aside too easily. I let the problems of my friends fall on my shoulders too often. Luckily enough for me, however, I have some great friends to fall back on.