Which FF do you replay the most?

Which FF do you replay the most?

  • Final Fantasy I

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Final Fantasy II

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Final Fantasy III

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Final Fantasy IV

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Final Fantasy V

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Final Fantasy VI

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Final Fantasy VII

    Votes: 12 30.0%
  • Final Fantasy VIII

    Votes: 5 12.5%
  • Final Fantasy IX

    Votes: 8 20.0%
  • Final Fantasy X

    Votes: 9 22.5%
  • Final Fantasy X2

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Final Fantasy XII

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 7.5%

  • Total voters


♥ FFF's Matt Bellamy Pervert ♥
Jun 16, 2006
Manchester, UK
Easy question, which Final Fantasy game do you replay and why?

Me, I replay FFVIII the most. Mainly because its my fav Final Fantasy, but I also love the characters, story, draw, junction and the music.
FFVII. Mostly because at the time it was my favourite FF game.

EDIT: I should expand on this post a bit.

As I said, it was my favourite game for awhile. I love the characters, Limit Breaks, Story, locations, bosses, materia. It was a really great game and apart from FFIX, I don't think I have enjoyed a game like that at all.
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The FF I've replayed the most is VII, it's just too intriguing to resist. ='D
I just love the storyline, the characters, the setting, the theme, everything about it.
Ive replayed FFVII a fair few times but ive replayed FFX more. thats simply because I had FFX for a year before i got any other FF game and because its more pretty on my eyes ^_^ and ive lent FFVII out a fair few times.....

FFVII is still my favorite though :)
well i played through IX 3 times, VIII twice, VII once (would have done it more but my brother lost my first disc) and X twice i think. the rest are either 1 or none. so IX is the winner ^_^
Final fantasy X i love this game soo feckin much, even if i just complete it i could go back and replay it again and again
Myself, I've replay Final Fantasy VIII the most out of all. I love pretty much everything about this one.

The second one's I've replayed the most, would be Final Fantasy X and IX. Both of which I love equally.
IX - three times, only completed once :P (well, I've completed it lots of times, but I saved the game outside where you fight Kuja. I just love fighting Kuja for the battle music <3)
X - not completed, but replayed twice
X-2 - not completed, but replayed twice

IX is the winner :)

I just love the characters, the setting, trying to complete all the bits I missed (such as getting Odin's Sword), the plot and sidequests. Most of all I love the characters <3
Well lets put it this way, when I bought FFX for sixty bucks it was the best sixty dollars I have ever spent. I play through again every chance I get, but how couldn't I? The characters are so in-depth, great story, best FF relationships, and it's just an all around great game. IMO the best FF to date.
Okay....I replayed FFVII and FFVIII like...over 5 times? I think the most I've replayed was FFVII. The last time I played it was a last year.... Lets see...i've replayed FFVI 3 times as well. Oh and I replayed FFIX a few times... Yeah, shut up, I didn't have much of a life back then. T_T I also replayed FFVI - FFIX because they my favorite games out of the series.
I replay Final Fantasy 4 the most because of the characters and the nostalgia factor.
VIII for me. it's always been my favorite. my only problem is that the disks don't work anymore T_T
Easy one...

Here's my breakdown:
FF1-3 times but that was back on the NES
FF2-once, painful
FF4-3 times
FFX-4 times and going for 5 now...
FFX2-Once and want to do it, but keep going back to FFX
Don't hate me because I like FFX better, I had really good memeries playing FFX:D