Which FF Game Have You Not Played?


Best I Never Had...
May 15, 2007
Macalania Forest
As the title asks. Which FF game have you, as of yet , not played? Why? Do you want to play it?

Tell it here. =D!!!
I have VI, but only played a couple hours into it. I'll finish it eventually...one of these days.

I still don't have I - V, and XI. I doubt I'd play them anytime soon. Maybe later when I'm old and feeble. xD
I haven't played....XI out of the numbered series XD don't intend to play it either.

DoC and FFT are the other two games i haven't yet played that i want to.

I've played the rest of the numbered series though ^_^
I haven't played XI, and I never plan on it %D

I've played the rest of the numbered series. I haven't finished them all, but I've at least dabbled (I've dabbled in II, V & VI, the rest I've finished).

I haven't played Tactics Advance or Crystal Chronicles and don't plan on playing them or the future releases for these series.
While I own every Final Fantasy the only one I haven't played is XI because the comp I currently have does not have a video card. I might be able to play it some in a couple of years when I get a decent computer.
I must admit that I haven't played most of the numbered series (I know, shame on me :P).

I haven't played: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, IX, and XI.

I have played all the others but I have only fully beaten X and VII. I'm currently working on VIII. However, the moment I'm on vacations at the end of November, I plan on going on a FF marathon and I'm gonna play IX, I & II (I'm gonna order Final Fantasy Origins), IV (Final Fantasy Chronicles and I'm gonna play Chrono Trigger as well), V & VI (Final Fantasy Anthology).
I have not played:

I kind of want to play FFIV. I really like the character designs in that game. ^.^

I've played a bit of and will finish:

FFVI ( waiting to see if they're remaking it for DS )

You can already play FFVI on the DS. ^.^
GBA games fit into the back of your DS. ^.^
I have not played FFI and FFXI
I've played the rest, I just haven't completed all of them
Well...I'll tell you what've played so far: FFVIII and FFX.
From the others....well....I wanna play FFVII, FFIX and FFX-2. And maybe FFXII but I dunno.
FF DOC - Haven’t played it yet, but I will eventually.

FFXI - Never played, never plan on playing it…

FFTA - Never played, someday though.
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haven't played X-2 and XI. I've never seen XI being played in actual, just videos in the net. but I'd try 'em if I get a chance.
I haven't played:


And I refuse to acknowledge X-2 and the VII compilation as Final Fantasy games.
FF1 to FF5. I always find if after you have played the games that come out afterwards the previous installments dont seem as good.
I haven't played:

FFXI (don't want to play an MMORPG)
Tactics Advance (didn't like the original, so why bother)

And, that's about it. No cell phone stuff either.
i haven't played a lot of them but at the moment i fancy buying and playing Dirge of cerberus
I've never played FF's I through IV. I plan on doing so once I get the appropriate consoles. >.>

And I still haven't finished XII. :monster: