Which FF Game Have You Not Played?

Wow so many spammed posts... but anyways, i don't think i have played FF Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time, Crisis Core, XI, and Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions
I have not played any of the final fantasy crystal chronicle games and chocobo games. I think I only played chocobo racing in the chocobo games. I also have not played FF XII RW cause I am beating XII first.
Haven't played Crisis Core - FF XII RW or any of the Tactics Games..

And missed out on playing Chocobo Racing on the PS way back then..
[ Which sucked heaps ]

Don't know whether to count FF3 because have only played the opening and first boss
But is probably never going to be able to play FF3 DS though..

[It sucks not having one..]
I just started to play FF games three years ago, so there's alot of FF ames I haven't played being FF1 and 2, FF4, FF5, FF6, FF7, FF8 and FF9. Goodness,that's ALOT...XD
Haven't played the following FF games yet:

FFVII: Before Crisis
FF XII: Revenant Wings
FF Crystal Chronicles
FF Tactics (PSX)

but hopefully i will get to play them soon, i orderd FFXI and FFXII: RW so hope ill get anytime soon.
All but FF3

FF3 is the only one I haven't played that much. My friend had a friend who had a DS but I only played on it for an hour or so. It makes me mad when someone asks what all Final Fantasy games have you played and I reply, "all but FF3". Someday I'll get a DS and the game but until then, phh. Also I haven't played some spin offs.
Well...I haven't played FFXI, simply because it's an online game and I refuse to pay monthly installments for it.

Haven't played any PSP titles simply because I don't own a PSP, and FFIVDS because I'm a bit wary about it.

Add FFTactics to the list too.
XI - idk if I really want to or not. I'd want to just to have played it, but I don't really care for MMOs much I don't think.
XII - I just need to buy it sometime. I'm always hearing mixed things so I need to try it for myself...>_>
VII: BC~DoC - I didn't like VII, but enjoyed AC and CC & DoC don't seem all that good (though I'll reserve judgement until I play). So idk how I feel about these...Did they ever release BC on something else?
Chronicles (various) - idk...I've played the first DS one...I might try the new one when it comes out...I'm in no rush...
Fables - Whatever Square.
Let's see...

Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (all of them)
Final Fantasy VII: Before Crisis & Derge of Ceribus
Final Fantasy Dissidia
Final Fantasy XI
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings
Final Fantasy I
Final Fantasy II

That's not too bad. I haven't beaten Final Fantasy IV or Final Fantasy IX though. D;
ok. the only games that I played are, ffviii,ix,x,x-2,xii,

tactics advanced, RW are the only games that i haven't finished playing and the rest, i haven't played them all
I've never played FF3, FF11, Dirge of Cerberus and the FFs on Wii.
I have never finished FF1, FF2, FF4, FF7, FFTactics, FFXII : RW and Crisis Core.
Everything else has been finished at least once.
I have not been able to play my PS for the last few months, so I put the game on hold (I'm already in the Northern Crater, I'm THIS close to beating the game)
ff1 and 2 on the (nes i think?) never really had a desire to play them 6 I have played but not extensively. the rest I have at least gotten to the final boss. (7 and 8... just lost interest in the last dungeon >.>)

I have not played the crystal games, never got a gamecube. dirge of cerberus I have, but not the other ff7 off shoot.
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i havnt played crystal of chronicles and i plan not too

I regret not playing IX looks amazing
Well, I've played all of them, but I haven't beaten II, II, V, or XII. And I played, like, 10 minutes of XI. :P