Which FF Game Have You Not Played?

i haven't played any ff game besides ff7 &ff8 those were the only ones and i never even beat either!! well i played dirge of cerberus and crisis core too but that's still ff7 related.....
I've played them al but did not finish them all.
I to VI I never finished, nor did I get very far. I blame the graphics, because story wise they're pretty good.
Then VII I've played many times, but never finished. Playing it now and I will finish it this time. VIII and IX I played many times as well and finished them too. X and X-2 and XII I've played just once and finished them once.
Before XIII gets here, I plan on finishing not only VII but also one of the legacy games (I-VI) Don't know which one yet. Time enough, maybe I'll finish more than that.

And as for any spin-off. I've played but not finished Crystal Chronicles and Crisis Core.
But to be fair, I don't own Crisis Core, making finishing it a little harder. After beating VII and buying a PSP I'll finish that one too.

So thats it.

Probably never going to play XI though. Takes too long and costs too much.
I've never play FF Tactics since I don't own a PSP and seeing as the PS1 version was never released in Europe.

I also have no intention of playing FFXI, it just ain't my thing.

Though I've played all the others in the main series.
I have yet to play III, IV, V, VI, or XI. I don't have any of the consoles these games are available for, so I doubt I ever will get to play them; unless they remake them all for psp like they did I and II, but I doubt that'll happen. As for XI, I think I saw the computer version of it not too long ago...Since it doesn't really have a storyline though, I don't think I'm going to be getting it.
I haven't played...

...and XI

I'm honestly not going to bother with XI, I, and II. From what I've heard, these are all horrible. I'm probably not going to play the spin offs, either. Crisis Core, maybe, but no DoC and X-2 for me. *shivers*
I haven't played 1-6 and 11. The older ones are so hard to find anymore and they're so expensive to buy! As for 11, I don't plan on EVER touching that game AGAIN. I wasted so much time on that...:sad:
FFXI, not going to bother.

Also, FFVII's spin-offs other than DoC. DoC taught me to just say no to FFVII as a rule of thumb. No need for me to support crap.
XI is the only one for me.
Currently I am playing all of the main series.
Including the spinoffs then FF7 spinoffs cept DoC.
I have not played I II III VI or XI and i am currently playing V. Wont be playing any of the VII spinoffs and wont play Xi since i dont want to get sucked into another MMO.
i havnt played XI online

or tactics , chocobo races, ive played all the main ones just the little ones i aint played
I own and played every single FF game except:
-Before Crisis
-Revenant Wings
-Tactics A2
-and the entire Crystal Chronicles sereis
I, II, IV and XI.
The Crystal Chronicle games, Dirge of Cerberus, Revenant Wings and Crisis Core

I own I, II and IV, and Dirge of Cerberus but never got around to them!
I never completed most of the games actually, only VII and X, but I got fairly far into the rest of them....I just have the bad habit of playing too many titles at once! >_<
I, II, IV and XI.
The Crystal Chronicle games, Dirge of Cerberus, Revenant Wings and Crisis Core

I own I, II and IV, and Dirge of Cerberus but never got around to them!
I never completed most of the games actually, only VII and X, but I got fairly far into the rest of them....I just have the bad habit of playing too many titles at once! >_<

lol me to XD

I've only beaten 1 and 5...

I'm getting really close in X, but right now I'm workin on II
I'm doing pretty well in III DS and XII right now....I'm also deep into Sword of Mana :P

I've decided that since I beat 1 and I'm playing II I'm just going to go through them all in order (since I have em all)