Which FF games do YOU own

Which FF games do you own?

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I own 1 - 12 (even a copy of 11 that I never really played) two copies of 8 because I found an original copy in good condition with the manual and even the small mini walk through and couldn't pass picking it up for the collection.

Having a favorite FF game is an extremely hard things because there is things in each one I like over things in others.

Fav battle system, VII
Fav Story, VIII
Fav Cast of Characters, VI
Fav cinematics X
IV V VI VII IX X and X-2 of the main series, Tactics and Dissidia of the Spin-offs, my fave is definatley VI because of its great story and characters, I dont own VIII simply because I didnt like it, have not felt interested in XI or XII and trying to get hold of I, II & III in good condition with an in tact box for the nes is quite difficult it seems.
I had them all, but most got lost in the times that i have moved from place to place. So now i only have FF3, FF4, FF7, Dissidia, FFTA2, Crisis Core, and thats it. I plan on buying them all again, though i don't think i'll be able to complete them fully like i did before. Seeing as how i won't have alot of time to put in them as i further my plans.
I own IV, VIII, IX, X and X-2. I own two copies of VIII, since I scratched one copy of disc 1 and it was unplayable >_<

I don't really have a favourite, I like to play them all of them regularly, but I still have to finish IV sometime.

I'd like to expand my collection, but with only a PS1 and a PS2 the options are limited.
I havee, IV, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X & XII.
I tried XI once and I thought it was poo so I didn't bother buying it.
I can't decide which is my favourite, it depends on the ones I play but if I had to choose it'd probably be VIII 'cause it's the one I play most and it's the first I ever played.
Good stuff.
Might get XIII when it's out.
Grah, lemme think...

FF7 (PS1 and Computer versions)
FF Dissidia
FF7 Dirge of Cerberus
FF Before Crisis

...I think I may have some more, however I forget them at the moment.

I also own FF7AC and FF7ACC though.
Effort my dears, is appreciated. Posting a list of what FFs you have is technically spam. Give us what you order you got them or what you like about certain ones or just something.

I have... 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10-2, 12, Crisis Core, Dirge of Cerberus, and Dissidia. I think that's it... wait no. Tactics for the PS1 too.

I liked... most of them. Kinda. 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10-2, Crisis Core, 12, and Dissidia were all quite enjoyable, 8 and 10 more so. I'm not a major fan of 7... some of hte characters just didn't do it for me. I HATED 2 with a passion at first, but it's growing on me, especially after
Josef's death.

I don't dislike 5 and 6, really, I just never got into them because my copies were stolen :sad3: By my older brother >.>

Dirge of Cerberus.. was.. uhm... >.> Not good. I liked seeing more Yuffie and shiz, but... It was very unnecessary =/

Oh, and I have Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates :3 I love me some CC, it's different and interesting :ryan:
From that list, I own the following games:

Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy XII

Yes, I do love me some Final Fantasy. XD Big fan of the Final Fantasy series, can't wait to get a hold of XIII. :)

Other FF games I own are Final Fantasy Tactics (both for PS1 and PSP), Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, and Dissidia: Final Fantasy.

Oh, I guess I have some FF game for the Wii too, but it isn't very good... D: I'll be getting Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII for Christmas probably (I know, really late, but after playing Dissidia, I want it. Lol).
hmmm let's see I own 1,2,4,5,6,8 and 10

and my fav. is definetly 8 because it was the first final fantasy game that I played
Have to update my list again!

Though I think this thread should either be re-made or have FFXIII added into it. XD

I've decided to buy all the FF games (save for FFXI) and play them from the start.

I only need FFIII, FFIV, FFV and FFVI to complete my collection. I've got 3, 4 and 6 on watch on Ebay but 5 always seems so hard to find for some reason.

FFI - Bought for PSP today
FFII - Bought for PSP today

FFVII: Crisis Core
FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus


FF: Dissidia

My favourites are FFVIII and FFX.

They were the first FF games I ever owned and I'm sure they'll remain that way even if I do play the others. I've known them longer and feel closer to them...in a really weird way.
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My favourites are VII, X, and XI.

Mainly because those are the only one's I've finished, despite owning ALL of the ones that can be played on PS2.

I should just go ahead and finish FFI, because it's apparently only 15ish hours long. And maybe... V or VI or something...
I own I, II (both origins - sealed), IV, V (anthology), VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII
Also FF7 Crisis Core, FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus, Dissidia, FFI & II on the PSP

I did own FFXIII but after playing it for 12 minutes put it straight on ebay.

My favourite 3 would have to be VII, IX, X.
VII is my favourite ever game - the storyline, weapon/armour slots, materia, characters... everything. Yes I am a VII fanboy hah
I own the following:

Final Fantasy I + II: Dawn of Souls (GBA)
Final Fantasy III (DS)
Final Fantasy IV (DS)
Final Fantasy IV Advance
Final Fantasy V Advance
Final Fantasy VI Advance
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII (PSP)
Final Fantasy VIII (PSP + PS1)
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy XII
Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)
Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance A2
Dissidia: Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time

My favourites are VIII and XII - VIII for being the first one I played properly, XII for the brilliant setting, incredible soundtrack and very political and well-spoken characters. Although I am extremely fond of the Tactics series, because I adore chessboard strategy games like them.

Mother has Ring of Fates and Revenant Wings on the DS as well, but since the topic title emphasises the "YOU" I suppose I can't count those. XD
This are the Final Fantasy games that I currently own for now. I will update my collection once I buy new Final Fantasy games in the future.

Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Dissidia Final Fantasy
I own:
Final Fantasy I
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy Tactics (Original)
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Final Fantasy Tactics A2
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Dissidia: Final Fantasy

I've built up a collection over the years :P
My favorites are probably VI, IX, and X.
I've rented X, XII, and DoC.
I think a picture might say more about my collection of the games. I love the portable remakes the most. Cant wait for PSN to make FFIX a down load and see that on the PSP. Top shelf there is 1 to 5 in the Japanese boxes just like the day they where first sold.
I've got final fantasy 13, Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy 9, Final Fantasy 8, Final Fantasy 6, Final Fantasy Dissidia and Crisis Core.

My Favorite game of them all is 8. I love the story and especially the Love story of the game hehe. Rinoa is my favorite ff character of all time next to Yuffie hehe.
I forget when I posted in this... anywho!

FF Tactics
FFTA2: Grimoire of the Rift
FF Dissidia
FF Crystal Chronicles

Yes, I am addicted to FF. Sue me.

My favorites are VI (which was the best out of the classics in my opinion), VIII (because I didn't have to powerlevel in it, THANK GOD) FFTA2 (because that was the first game of FF I ever beat) and XIII (because it is an amazing game unto itself.)
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