Which FF games do YOU own

Which FF games do you own?

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I own (in order of buying...but not playing. My first was 8 all those years ago. I only rented it though, same as ten. Took me ages to find those two XD)

FFXII- Revenant Wings
FF Tactics A2
and finally FFIV

Hopefully versus will soon be added to my collection :D
I've started to build a decent collection, still on the hunt for IV, V and IX on the PSX as well as the original Tactics

FFI - unplayed
FFII - unplayed
I own: FF VII, VIII, IX, X, and XII. My favorite is FF XIII, because it's the first one I ever played, and although it may not be the best, it was my first experience into a final fantasy adventure and I'll never forget it! =D
I own...

Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VII (though Disc 2 is MIA and Disc 3 is not working properly)
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy XII
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced
I own FFI, II, IV, VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII and FFVII: Crisis Core. I'd really love to get III, V and VI though! My favorite game is in between FFVIII and FFX. FFX was the first FF game I ever beat.
I own:

Tactics (PSX)
VII (PSX) & IX (PSX) - First two I ever got, and definitely my 2 favorites thus far.

Oh, and I also had a lot of the earlier ones on my computer as SNES or GBA roms.
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I own Final fantasy X,X-2,XII.I beat all of them but final fantasy X was the first one I beat.I can't choose a favourite its a close tie between Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy XII
I loved the final fantasy series ever since I first played FFIX. Since then I amased a huge collection of the series. After 5 years of hard work and alot of computer surfing, and along with some much hard earned money spent, I have all the games for the console I - XII (all original) and the spin offs as well. I do not own any for the hand held systems.

FFIX and X are my favorite because of the great stories and the characters are great too.
I own:

Final Fantasy I(PSP)
Final Fantasy VIII(Black Label)
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy XII
Crisis Core-Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales
Final Fantasy Adventure

And I'm currently looking for:

FFIV(DS Version)
FFVI(GBA Version)
I own:
Final Fantasy IV Advance
Final Fantasy IV DS
Final Fantasy VI Advance
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX

I used to own:
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy XII

You can thank my brother for selling them
I own FF 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, (all those are on ps1)
VIIDC, 10, 10-2, and 12.

So far 9 is my favorite, and the thing that's strange about that is i normally lean toward tragedies so it should be 10. haha
Do to emulation (0.O) FF1-X9, I just lost my ffX, havn't had ffX-2 in 3 years, never had 11, and my *******cousin just deathscratched my f12
righ tnow i only own FF XII
I used to have X and x-2 but i dont anymore but i want to get them again :gonk:
I own:
Final Fantasy III(DS)
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy XII
Final Fantasy XII:Revenant Wings(If spin-offs count.)

FFX-2 and FFXII are my favorites so far.
I own this:

(And all game boy FF titles :>)
(Crystal Chronicles and the DS CC games as well)
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I have all the final Fantasy games on that list except for XI cause I sold it. Worthless game tbh. As for some like the crystal chronicles series I am probably missing them and a few others. I like the main series best tbh.
Ahaha, I forgot about FF:CC games lol
You must have a large collection than.

(Is the girl in your sig from Bleach?)
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