Which FFVIII Character Are You?


You are Rinoa. Innocent and dependent, you can get annoying at times. Still, you have a very good heart, so your friends keep you around.

^ How predictable. ;)
instead of that, just go to ff-fan.com and go to - which ff character are you - im vincent valentine-stern and mysterious
me i was and always will be squall i have been rinoa once or twice when im in a good mood

I hope u dosaen't mind but i'm Squall , k-_-
and my prove is my ID nom.
anyway nice to meet someone who really like Squall:lol:
yeah i did the quiz and got laguna, thank god for that because he is one of the best charcters in the whole ff series, he rox :lol:
"You're Seifer. Mean and obsessed with your own fantasies, you are in need of counselling."
at first i was

but i am a guy i so tried it again and i became

I'm Irvine. Misunderstood? No. I want to get laid
Everybody at my school always say that I act like Squall, so I guess that this quiz was right.


You're Squall. Quiet, somber,and lonely, people around you may wonder if you've lost a loved one.
I did that quizz five different times with different answers and it always gives me the same answer...."You are Squall, you are cold and anti social....."
I guess it's true because my friends at my neighborhood and at school tell me that have the same actitud as Squall and that I always say "whatever" to everything just like him.