Which FFVIII Character Are You?

Got Squall. But the code is being fucky.

Yeah, I could definetely pass for a Squall when I'm feeling grumpy and non-social...
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Whip it good.

Quistis <3 BDSM

You are Rinoa. Innocent and dependent, you can get annoying at times. Still, you have a very good heart, so your friends keep you around.

how in the world did i get her and im a dude?! o well.......
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I took the test again and it seems that I get the same character as always.
I think I'm really contradicting my self and my sig.....

You're Squall. Quiet, somber, and lonely, people around you may wonder if you've just lost a loved one.

You are Rinoa. Innocent and dependent, you can get annoying at times. Still, you have a very good heart, so your friends keep you around.

how in the world did i get her and im a dude?! o well.......


You're Squall. Quiet, somber, and lonely, people around you may wonder if you've just lost a loved one.
took it agin now im squall.....well i gess.......
lol i got to many charcters i have done the quiz three times and i have got squall, laguna and quistis lol :lol:
i got squall i can understand that but i do have a split personality so it could've went either way

You are Quistis. Although mature and intelligent, you still manage to make the mistake of crushing on your students. *Tsk* shame on you.

I wasn't expecting this. <_< :p