Which Final Fantasy Would Most Want To See As A Film?

Which Final Fantasy Would Most Want To See As A Film?

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It's odd since the game hasn't even come out yet, but I went with FFXIII. Don't have a clue why, but I get this feeling that it would actually make a great movie.......if it focused more on story than action. Advent Children was nice, but the plot was pretty shallow since it seemed to focus more on the fight scenes. The movie seemed more like fanservice to be honest.
i too am going to vote for none of them, in general games to films do not work.
a direct game to film would not work at all.
leave the games be.
For me, its a tie between FFX and FFXIII. I think FFX would make a great movie because not only is it a love sotry but it has some good battle scenes that I would love to see animated. I think FFXIII would make a good movie because what I've seen from it so far and the storyline of the game I would watch it a million times over.
it would definitely be 8 ,.... although 8 is nto my fav , i think itd make the best movie
None of them. I would start comparing the game and the film...and see how the slaughtered it. :( I couldn't handle that...there's no way they can put the character's individuality in there.....it would just be too disappointing.
it would definitely be 8 ,.... although 8 is nto my fav , i think itd make the best movie

Put a bit more effort into your posts please? Explain why you would think it would be a good movie.

I'd have to choose IX to be quite honest xD Hearing Zidane try to flirt with girls to no avail would be quite epic xD And actually seeing him squeeze Daggers bum when they're getting on the Cargo Ship would be quite hilarious IMO
8 seems short enough to not leave out any detail, and that is a big factor... i did always like the charecters...and plus the gfs wld be cool to see in film action
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I voted for IV, VIII, IX and X.

To be quite honest, yes I don't believe a film will do the game it's justice but there's no harm of trying, I mean I kinda don't like VIII because of a few characters but still I think it's interesting and can be made into a movie.

As for who voted that they want XIII to be a film, isn't the game already looks like one? o_O I prefer playing the game then watching the film, also I'm quite positive that Nomura said once that they are gonna do for FFXIII spin-offs, books and movies, so a movie for FFXIII ain't really far fetched.
I think I would like to see FF10 or maybe even 8 as a movie, but other than that, I say they should leave the rest be. I just can't see the other FF games as films, but that's my opinion.
I voted for "none of them" because even though I think the stories to most Final Fantasy are great, I just don't think they would do well as movies. I mean, it's great that you have interesting and emotional stories along the adventure to motivate you to keep playing, but it'll be just bland if they turn it into a movie.

Besides, I don't think great stories can be translated as great films, there are many things that could make the movie suck, and I don't want them to take that chance and ruin the video games I love most.
I think FF 10 because Tidus is always talking about what happened that day and I actually found the ending really sad and it has some good characters.
I'd have to say VIII realism really i guess. i think it would be the easiest transaction into a film x
I would have to choose Final Fantasy I. Why you might ask.

Unless Square-Enix is going to do some kind of Advent Children Complete movie for this Final Fantasy movie there is a good a really really good chance that this movie will turn out really bad.

That why I choose Final Fantasy I because I think it would be the hardest to screw up on.
Well let's see... (only judging the ones I've played, obviously)

FFVII... Well we've all seen that one happen.

FFVIII... I think it could be decent. It already feels like somewhat of a movie as you play it. The FFVIII characters are the most realistic ones out of any FF, for me. Seems like movie material, I'd say. Maybe CG. I just hope that I wouldn't end up hating any of the characters after they'd be portrayed by the wrong or plainly awful actors. >_<

FFIX... Haha, I so see this as a Disney cartoon, though with more adult themes than appropriate for one. A movie? No way. It's just too damn cutesy, fairytaily and cartoonishy.

FFX... Perhaps. But man would it end up being expensive... How would they do blitzball? It would look ridiculous and slow in real life, not to mention aqualungs would be required. And Zanarkand. And Guadosalam with the Farplane. And the aeons, and good god, HOW do you seriously portray a ball as a weapon..? FFX just wouldn't work... Maybe as a CG.

To be honest, I'd much rather read official books that go more in depth into the stories, the characters' pasts, what happened after the end of the games, and so on. But hell, that's why I like reading fanfics. Maybe if there were official (and I repeat, official) FF books it would kill the fanfics to an extent. So really, I'm happy with what exists of FF atm. (though some sequels would be sweet, but that's a whole 'nother discussion)
I would like to see VI as a movie, because the pacing is so perfect. Story splits at points, not too difficult to follow, and a great plot twist. If you can call it that.

A great villain and it already contains a great script to work from. A lot of characters to delve in, there is someone for everyone to like.

I would like to see how they would handle the ghost train or the party fighting monsters all the while descending a waterfall.

There are scenes begging to come to life, like the opera scene, the transition to the World of Ruin and the struggles that come along with that fate of the world.

This movie would have to be two parts at the least. A lot of back story, three secret characters, and a lot of engaging moments where you want to see what happens next. Not to mention the plethora of Espers.

A ridiculous amount of options with this game. Would love to see it in movie form.
I'd actually quite like to see another Final Fantasy VII movie, however I don't think that's possible and even if it was they'd have to make it fit in properly with the storyline and perhaps another bad guy, Seph get's old after a while.

Well I would like to see another FF7 movie but I think complete has completed my thurst for it. Personally the next game I'd like to see as a movie or CG would be FF8 because it would be perfect to show another aspect of a story in this case love.It would have many plot twists and will be more emotional grabbing then FF7 so thats what i would believe anyways.
FFXII! The voice acting in the game is awesome! so an animation movie of Final Fantasy XII would be great (i think) voted ALL OF THEM accidentally... but it would be interesting to see anyways other Final Fantasy movies, to get the chance to make a small ''review'' :)