Which Final Fantasy Would Most Want To See As A Film?

Which Final Fantasy Would Most Want To See As A Film?

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No Final Fantasy game should be made into a movie. I would prefer that Square Enix concentrate on their current schedules of games and fish their global reputation back. As much as I would love to see HD CGI renditions of excellent characters like Terra or Locke, the idea of a movie based on an existing game seems too unrealistic. Think about it. How long is the storyline of FFVI for example? Now think- how would the whole story be compressed into say, 2 and 1/2 hours? Baring in mind that character development is required?

Now think about the money required to make a movie of that magnitude again. I don't know how much Spirits Within and Advent Children cost, but I wager that it was an intimidating figure in the millions. And the time it would take? All in CGI? A 10 minute footage could take about a month or more. A whole movie would take years. I'll say it again, SE would be already busy. Then let's think about how well it would do- but this depends on the game. FFVII would be most popular, but Advent Children has already been done.
Personally id love to see another ff movie but only if Square enix kept to the original storyline and didnt change anything , and only animated also , i think a real life ff would suck big time , it just wouldnt feel right, also as long as they do them on the very best of SQUARESOFTS games as enix stuff is pretty bad IMO , 7 cant be done as we have advent children. So id truely love to see a FF8 film!!!.
VII shouldn't really count considering that there's already Advent Children (unless you mean an original story movie). ;)

I'd vote for none of them actually, but if I had to, I'd say VI and X.
Although, X is already as good as a movie, better than many other movies, it has one of the best stories ever. =) But I think the fantasy is just a little bit over the edge for a movie. It could be turned into a book, but I can't see it as a movie.

VI would be great as an animated movie in my opinion. There's sadness, there's humor, and the story is fantastic. I can really picture this one as an animated movie, especially all the Ultros moments. :awesome: Now that I think about it, VI is perfect! The story is great for an actual movie. xD

I want FFV as a film because I want to see the parts where Bartz and Galuf strip Fari........I mean I want to see Lenna as a berserker, where shes half nake........... err never mind
Do I even need to ask?

No, in the history of video games, there has never been a video game that translated well into a movie. Trust me, it will never happen. -__-

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Final Fantasy X.

Most endearing storyline upside VII and VIII, but I think it'd make the best fit for a film, to be honest. Mainly the story of Yuna, i suppose.
Even though I would like to see FFVII as a movie, I am not sure a movie could do any of the games justice. As Mark said earlier, they would need to cut a lot out of the games to make the movie, which would destroy it altogether. Movies just would not do the games justice.

Maybe they could make the Sequels as animated movies, but that's about it, really.
As a movie lover, I appreciate the art of making a beautiful film.
But Final Fantasy games are better than movies. It's almost like you're asking a backwards question in that these kinds of games are more than just a movie already, they hold all the elements of a movie plus more.
I think it would be cool if they had movie versions of the games (I voted for FFVIII), but they are all just too big a story to try to contain into something as small as a 2 hour episode.
If any Final Fantasy game were to be made into a movie (all plausibilities aside), it would be just like when they turn books into movies-hugely disappointing- because they have to leave so much out to allow themselves to tell the story properly.
So with all that said, I think I'd really rather have none of these games turned into movies, but would settle instead for breathtaking cinematics within the next games that they make.
As tantalizing as the movie idea is, it would really just be better for them to remake all the older FFs with PS3 or better graphics. :D
I would like to see the first final fantasy as a movie cuz it wasnt deeply explored like final fantasy 7,and plus the characters,not much is known about them,making them mysterious,its good to know more about characters.
i voted FFVI just for the sheer reason that i would love to see the characters brought to life in CGI or whatever. would be awesome! :)
as has been pointed out before though, it would be inconceivable for them to really make a great movie to go with the game, timewise, as there are just too many hours gameplay to be smushed dwn into a small film. i just think it would be awesome to watch the characters and story unfold in front of my eyes, like on a big screen or whatever.. before i got bored that i personally couldnt affect anything that was happening. ahh
None tbh. Sometimes I think to myself "hey that'd be a cool movie" But I think games are meant to be games not made into movies. It just isn't/wouldn't be the same. Grant there's that one FFVII movie and it wasn't bad but that other movie that I can't think of... was an epic fail IMO and that's my reasoning. :mokken:
I would love to see VI as a film, Maybe a two or three part trilogy. However, I can't see anyone pulling it off properly. I could see all the attention being put into the special effects, Terra starting out as super tough woman instead of growing into that role. The major focus would be on Locke and Celes, Kefka would be played by Johnny Depp (lol he'd probably be good at that role too)... and characters like Cyan, Realm, Stratego, Setzer, mog, and Gau would be put into the back ground. However, if it were done properly and the focus was put on the characters and story with SFX coming second, then it could be awesome.
My vote truly goes out for FFIX if they were going to make it the same way they made advent children, i think it is most suited to the 3D technology used today in the movie industry. At the same time if they were to use live actors a movie of FFX would be much more suited.
I would have to say 8 and 9. 8 has very interesting story progression as well as 9. They would both make great movies in my opinion