Which is better Final Fantasy X or XII?

FF X|| is better that X| because X| is a little boring but X|| You can know the other characters well, like Paine,Rikku,Brother,Shenra and more!
But you have to play X| so you can understand X||
Also 10 has Auron.....Who does 12 have?

FF12 has Basch and he is stronger than other characters in FF12.

I prefer FF12 cause with new battle system the leveling up is easier. You can equip any character with any weapon and armor (of course you need license for them). The gambit system helps you a lot (for example, one character has less than 60% of health the other character will automatically cast healing spell, but of course you need to set that kind a thing). There are a lot hidden espers that you can find, and a lot of sidequests in which you can get better stuff.
Final Fantasy X is better because it's got better storyline, characters and sphere grid.

I agree with you on 2 of them points put i found the Sphere Grid Horrid!,it took so long to get around the whole thing and when you get 9999 HP and want to continue you fel hesitant due to the HP limit break.nothign beats the Classic levels.

but any way FFX did have a better story then FFXII,FFXII's was rarely presented through out the game unlike the previous FF games which i really didnt like and the characters had no background to them,apart from balthier.......

************SPOILERS HEAD************************
Balthier ........ who is cids son and previously a Judge.

but the rest were so dull. while on FFX you had many characters with a history like Auron for example.im one of them people who cant enjoy a game if the characters are poor so in my oppinion Final Fantasy X is the better of the two.
i dont really understand what people see in final fantasy XII. i mean sure its a great game it is a final fantasy after all, but the characters hardly develope and the battle system is repetetive. X has a much more developed story and the characters are better. also for a turn based battle, its not that bad. in conclusion, id say X is the way to go.
The characters had background, Balthier being the only one with background? You fail to notice Fran, Basch and Ashe. Characters are better in X? Examples please. A little bit of explanation would be nice. Battle system repetitive? So are the other systems then. You don't understand what people see in XII? Shame. You wan't to know what I see in XII? Great characters, great gameplay, a game I can actually play instead of something which contains a god awful grid, too many FMV's and cutscenes, good storyline, voice acting, exploration, sidequests.
I only watched them being played and I must say XII is far more interesting. X...really didn't do much for me.
The characters had background, Balthier being the only one with background? You fail to notice Fran, Basch and Ashe.

What i ment by that is that Balthier was the only character i found intereting ( i probly should have explained a bit better i spose.),but i found the others boring,fran just had home problems.basch was framed, which to be fair was a fairly alight backstory, but the character is just so boring when ever he talked i was just think "yeah thats lovely Basch:dry: ". as for Ashe she ws alright but like Basch just boring as a person.The characters just werent related to the story as much as other FF games.

like with FFX you have Yuna the one who has to save the world from Sin with the help of her body gaurds who all had interesting events happening,like auron and Tidus relationships with Sin. or on FFVIII the love story and Rinoas involvement with the Sorceress.if you dont get my point so far to put it simply FFXII's characters didnt have much attachment to the story it was just the worlds in trouble lets stop the villian.
I do get what you are saying, I just don't agree with what you said 8). There's plenty of interesting things for me in XII so..yeah.

To the guy below me..XII > X ;)
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Go for 12 man! trust me, if the awesome storyline, amazing graphics, fun sidequests, and intense battles don't make you like it...Fran will!
im definitely the type that would rather play a game with a better story, and 12's story just didnt grab me like 10's did. thats just my opinion