Which is better Final Fantasy X or XII?

love story-ff10
level up system-ff12
ability gaining system-ff10
FFX was a far better game! I liked how real the characters seemed. FFXII character personalities were so annoying, some were to happy, others just had no emotion. And it all comes down to whether i can relate to it or not and i can sorta relate to a guy who wants to go home than another who seems to be caught in a war that he doesn' tcare aobut.
FFX is a interesting, introspective game with horribly constricted gameplay. FFXII is an incredibly expansive game with little actual substance.

Take your pick.
XII needs to die. Don't play it. -.-

Lol, weak arguement hm? :rolleyes:

@Laharl, the characters had emotion. It's unfair to say they didn't. Every character in any game has some form of emotion. These characters were just like any of the others.
well if i were you i'd get X first, it's kind've the last FF with the Classic FF Battle system and the 2nd last FF with the original summon monsters, which you get to control as characters once summoned into battle, but the only downside for me was too many random battles, every five steps, which can be irritating, but it's a great game, if you're willing to wait a bit longer for FFXII and it doesn't have that many sidequests.

FFXII in my opinion is one of the best games i've played for a while, although i'm not really halfway through it yet, the battle system rocks and there's far more side-quests, the only thing I don't like is that every character can do the same thing, the only real difference is the Quickenings, you can avoid monsters if you want, which is actually funny, because in previous FF's you hated the random battles sometimes, but in this, when you see a monster, you actually want to fight it. :lol:

Whatever your decision is, you'll get a great game either way, but keep in mind FFX, won't be around forever, and don't forget its sequel FFX-2, which is where the story really ends. ^_^
FFXII has a better battle system but FFX has a better story line. The characters in XII were alittle more developed and not cliche. I liked the level system in X rather than XII.

Overall, I think that X was a better game. Yes, the characters were cliche but they interacted with one another and it was a really well published game.
How much better are the graphics for XII compared to X, because theyre still on the same console. I would get XII if it were cheaper for sure. I saw pics of both games, but you cant really tell how good they are until you actually play it, but so does X run smoothly and not look pixelated at all? Oh and also which has more cg cutscenes? thanks

I wouldn't say much better although the cutscenes (not FMV's) have improved from FFX.
Mmmmmmmmmm right now I like X better.
But I'm still waiting for FFXII to grow on me. It's very online-gaming like...
Just the battle system has similar online features, but someone I know who has played both said yes there are similar features, but XII is still very different battle system wise.
FFX - Story, Characters
FFXII - Gameplay, far more addictive to play.

Sphere grid is the worst thing ever created. License grid is so much easier to use even if it is pointless.