Which is the best girl?

which girls looks the best

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Yuna because she has such a strong character and personality. She had to overcome a lot over the two games she was in and she managed to do just fine. So yeah, she gets my vote.
Id have to say its a tie between Yuna And Lulu. They both had amazing personalitys and they were both always in my party - i loved how unique lulus weapon and relationship with wakka was and i loved how Yuna was like Aeris in the end i voted for the one with the better outfit and the lowest votes : Lulu <3
I would have to say Rikku. Because I like her personality, and i like the way she dresses.
rikku cause she reminded me of rose dincht. both were really hyper and always had to do somethin. she had a great personality 2
It's a tie between Yun and Lulu for me. I've always like Lulu a whole lot better; however, I've sort grown fond of Yuna lately. So it's a tie or me. I do like Rikku's happy attitude, as well though.
Yuna. Although she doesn't appear to be at first, she is infact a strong character. Maybe not physically but magic wise and when it comes to doing what needs to be done.
Hmm... I like Yuna in FFX the most... but her face looks different in X-2 somehow... she's just not as attractive. So I guess Rikku