Crisis Core Which is your favorite turk?


1st Class SOLDIER
Jul 21, 2008
I dont know about you
But I think turks are awesome
Me personally
I like Reno
Hes kinda like a "get out of my face kinda guy":smartass:
I love Reno, although I haven't played Crisis Core yet, he is amazing in Advent Children, him and Rude together though are hilarious.
You don't really get to see much of any of them in Crisis Core other than Tseng, oh wait I forgot about Cissnei.....anyway whatever. I still prefer Tseng anyway, I liked his uptightness :wacky:

And also at the end when he is telling the others to bring Zack alive I was like awww
I like Reno because he's cocky,fun,and upbeat.Plus he isnt like all serious like Tseng is.And he is so funny. xD Cissnei would be my second favorite
I like Cissnei the most in Crisis Core. She risks her job to help Zack escape, so she's ok in my book! Plus, she totally knows how to make a suit look good :wacky:

I like Reno and Rude as well, but we only get to see them like twice in the game :/ They didn't really get to do a whole lot..
It's between Reno and Cissnei. Reno because he's quite the entertaining guy and I was really disappointed that they didn't really show much of him in Crisis Core...and Cissnei because of her mysterious character in a way. We don't really know much about her, but then again, we don't really know much about the members of the Turks anyway, save Reno and Rude since they appeared more on the FFVII series, including Advent Children. Cissnei was a new character (although she did appear on Before Crisis) and I was really intrigued by her, so I would say that yeah, she probably is my most favorite Turk at the moment.
I'm going for Cissnei mainly because it was either between her and Tseng and I didn't like him all that much, therefore, Cissnei. =]
Plus Cissnei has a lot more to her than what Tseng did and was emotionally attached to Zack, especially towards the end of the game...and Zack's mother made her family. =D
Well...I think I'll go for Cissnei. Her risking her job just to save Zack earns her my respect. If they do make a PS3 version of FF7, (Unlikely, but still) then I hope they show us what happened to her.
They should have went deeper in the story line with the turks.
The game just exploits them as people in suits. I think they should have had a bigger role or atleast a story or cutscene. I want to know about the turks! lol

Who doesnt like the turks?

My favorite Turk has always been and will forever be, Reno the first time I played FFVII I liked him still do to this day. Though I have more respect for Tseng now after playing Crisis Core.

I would say that rude would come in 2nd place and then Tseng and Cissnei I know there is another girl but I dislike her so much I'm not even going to mention her name.
it was really great to find out more about cissnei and tseng. it was so touching how they were both willing to help zack. but my favourite turks are still reno and rude. they're hilarious as a pair.
Reno for me.

He's somewhat hot. And his cockiness just adds to his charm. :gasp:

Although, like Helix, I wish he used a more...fierce weapon.
I liked Reno and Cissnei.

Reno because him and Rude are so funny.

Cissnei because she reminds me of a female Axel.
Between Reno and Tseng.

Reno because he is just so amusing to watch. i love his cocky additude. really liked him in the movie though. didnt appear in the game at all. which makes me maddd.

Tseng - he's serious. like he doesnt care. but thats why i like him. :)