Crisis Core Which is your favorite turk?

hmm can i say Vincent seeing as he was a Turk like 30 years prior to FFVII then after would have to be Reno
Cissnei was my favourite Turk in Crisis Core. She had a role to fill, and she filled it well, and I loved her interactions with Zack. She had a really nice personality, but then at the end she just became an enigma.
My Favorite Turk is either Reno or Cissnei, I lean more towards Cissnei. Cissnei is just so mysterious at times that you can't help but wonder about her past and what she is thinking. Reno I like simply because he just seems like a kick-ass character.
I was always a big Reno fan myself. I enjoyed alot of his quotes and his character design, etc. It was nice to see him in Crisis Core. Maybe it's that bad boy, reckless vibe he has going on. Yeah, he's totally my favorite. Tseng is probably number two. ;)
Reno and Rude were only there for a bit of eye candy and nothing more, so I'm not going to vote for them - though I managed to confirm that Rude appears to be the one who would take care of the murders. :wacky:

Cissnei wasn't bad, I quite liked the scenes with her. She seemed to know what she was doing and I was kind of on the edge of my seat, waiting for Zack to go cheating on Aerith. That would've been a scandal and a half. :gasp:

It's Tseng that did it for me, in this game. It might just be because he was essentially your partner but he came off as the leader of the Turks in this game, was really calm and collected. He was just genuinely deserving of a small fanbase, as a result of this game.
i am forced to say that Cissnei and Tseng are my favorite turks, mainly because of their roll in Crisis core, as i didn't pay much attention to them during FFVII, as they were kind of like a fly in my ointment but in CC Cissnei and Tseng showed what they were like as people and i also loved the Lucky stars limit thing that Cissnei gave you
Rude and Reno. You can't realy seperate them. They work as a duo and compliment each others styles.

If not them, then Turk Vincent or Tseng.
Generally I would say Reno is my favorite turk, but if we are talking about Crisis Core alone, I would have to say Tseng is My favorite, Reno's part in Crisis Core was pretty pointless.

Reno definitely because he reminds me so much of my old friend Nick who was crazy and had red hair. Second to Reno is Vincent, like back during Dirge of Cerberus.
Reno he was always my fav. although Tseng was pretty cool I never thought he was actually a good mate back then, you know his attitude in FF7.
My favourite turk has to be reno because he loves his job and is always positive in the way he does things
Cissnei ftw!

Mod Edit: Please add a bit more effort to your post as this is considered spam. (State why she's your favorite Turk, etc.) Thanks! =]
Elena, tseng, or cissnei.
Just a quick reminder...let's try to add a bit more effort to the posts please, rather than stating the names and not stating why they're your favorite Turk(s). Thanks. ;)
Well there's really not many to choose from, though I guess I'd have to say Tseng. He knows what he's doing, and he puts his job first, not letting anyone get in his way. Gotta love that dedication.
I'm lovin' me some Reno. :3 He's just my kinda guy; unconventional yet gets the job done when he needs to. I like his style, like his attitude and he even reminds me of me in some ways. Go Reno!