Crisis Core Which is your favorite turk?

Definitely Rude and Reno. Best combo of Turks in the game. Got Rude always being serious and acting cool and plus I so want his sun glasses and Reno is just plain funny how he does things. Especially in AC when he charges Cloud and gets locked out the room lol. Good comedic relief duo in the series.
Lets try to but abit more effort in our posts guys - a little bit of thought would be appreciated - WHY you like them in CRISIS CORE please
Reno fo sho! hes hella funny! you should almost count Reno & Rude as one Turk, they're always together, it makes you wonder...;) lol but seriously they were great in AC, and whoever said they didn't like his "cow-prod" I dissagree, I think it adds to his character and kinda shows the kind of person he is, it's somewhat sarcastic and funny, like "Hey! I just beat your ass with a cow-prod! Hows it feel?" :P
Rude. Unlike Reno he didn't go through a personality change to turn him into a fangirl magnet (am I the only one who remembers he dropped the plate on Sector 7 and killed God knows how many?) Rude was smooth, yet kept his amusing brevity. I never liked Tseng, he was creepy and I wish he'd died. It would have worked better that way and it's not like he had any manner of role in AC. Elena was also pointless, but she was so dumb that she served as comic relief!
FF7 rules

I liked reno and Cissnei. Probally Cissnei more. I remember my favrite time of the turks was in the original FF7 game. It was on the return to Midgar when you had the choice of fighting. It made me think that in the end Cloud and the turks could be kind. Although I always fought them but yeah they for once gave you the option. Unlike other times the were out for blood.
I have to say my favorite turk is Cissnei, I kinda liked her she was really pretty, strong and actually cared for Zack, and her limit was really useful (Lucky Stars) it helped me level up a lot. ^^
I like reno and rude they are the best cissnei is kinda a snob in my opinion but i give her points for the suit who says girls look bad in a suit. but i like reno cuz he wears his suit in a way no one in the turks could pull off.
Cissnei is definitely my favorite turk since she really cares for zack even though she's not supposed to. (can't think of a word to describe her =) )
Reno and Rude both are love, though I liked Reno just a tad bit more. I just can't help but remember them in the original game... Like how when you heard that catchy tune, you knew you were going up against them again. =P And that bit in Wutai... <3 Besides, the two of them are hilarious together.
It's a shame that the two of them weren't in Crisis Core all that much. I was kinda hoping they would have more appearances. D:
Reno is the best!I love when he said: " This is Turks territory!" Also like Cissnei because she is only in Crisis core -- what happened to her- you say, i think SQUARE-ENIX reveled this secret when they made another FFVII title :)
We already know what happened to her - she died fighting the Jade Weapon. Either that, or she's in hiding, recovering from any wounds she substained.

And she's not only in Cisis Core - she made her first appeance in Before Crisis, which is where the above information came from.
Rude and Reno gets my vote. They had a small part (AN UNFORGIVABLY SMALL PART!!!!!!) in Crisis Core, but they're both still comic relief.

Cissnei was nice. She liked Zack (infatuated), has a good voice actress, caring too (why else would she try to save Zack?)- BUT, I couldn't help but feel that she was just inserted just to put more girl elements in the game and repeat the AerithxCloudxTifa love triangle that failed.

If she had more to do in the game and an explanation of her fate (please say you didn't die!) Cissnei would have surpassed Reno and Rude.
Reno is my favorite...he's just Reno. Cocky but kind of laid back goofy at the same he's pretty :)

I really liked Cissnei in CC too but she wasn't around enough to be my favorite, I really hope she didn't die! I hate not knowing what happened.

I actually liked Tseng in CC too but he is still a bit too Rude, I find that Rude needs to talk just a bit more.
I'd have to go for Reno (like everyone else). I really like his demeanor and he's a very entertaining character. Also helps that he is a cute red head. :awesome:

But I also do like Rude. I think they make good partners. x3
reno all da way

A little more effort in your posts please? Perhaps elaborate and explain WHY you think Reno is the best turk. We really don't except one-liner/4-worded posts in the post count section. Please don't spam. If you haven't yet, please read the Site Rules which you can find in my signature and at the top of the forum on the left-hand side.
my favorite turk would have to be Cissnei. she is just cool and nice. i liked her character from crisis core. my favorite was reno but after playing crisis core, cissnei just beat out reno as best turk